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we two-第66章

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er once was the restfulness of perfect harmony broken Nature and circumstances had; as it were turned them to each other。  He could understand; as no one else could understand; the reversal of thought and feeling which she had passed through during the last few months。

He could understand the perplexities of her present position; suddenly confronted with the world of wealth and fashion and conventional religion; and fresh from a circle where; whatever the errors held and promulgated; the life was so desperately earnest; often so nobly self…denying。  He knew that Mr。 Fane…Smith; good man as he was; must have been about the severest of trials to a new…born faith。  He understood how Mr。 Cuthbert's malice would tend to reawaken the harsh class judgment against which; as a Christian; Erica was bound to struggle。  He could fully realize the irritated; ruffled state she was in she was overdone; and wanted perfect rest and quiet; perfect love and sympathy。  He and his wife gave her all these; took her not only to their house; but right into their home; and how to do this no one knew so well as Donovan; perhaps because he had once been in much the same position himself。  It was his most leisure month; the time he always devoted to home and wife and children; so that Erica saw a great deal of him。  He seemed to her the ideal head of an ideal yet real home。  It was one of those homes and thank God there are such! where belief in the Unseen reacts upon the life in the seen; making it so beautiful; so lovable; that; when you go out once more into the ordinary world you go with a widened heart; and the realization that the kingdom of Heaven of which Christ spoke does indeed begin upon earth。

It is strange; in tracing the growth of spontaneous love; to notice how independent it is of time。  Love annihilates time with love; as with God; time is not。  Like the miracles; it brings into use the aeonial measurement in which 〃one day is a thousand years; and a thousand years is one day。〃  A week; even a few hours; may give us love and knowledge and mutual sympathy with one which the intercourse of many years fails to give with another。

The week at Oakdene was one which all her life long Erica looked back to with the loving remembrance which can gild and beautify the most sorrowful of lives。  It is surely a mistake to think that the memory of past delights makes present pain sharper。  If not; why do we all so universally strive to make the lives of children happy?  Is it not because we know that happiness in the present will give a sort of reflected happiness even in the saddest future?  Is it not because we know how in life's bitterest moments; its most barren and desolate paths; we feel a warmth about our heart; a smile upon our lips; when we remember the old home days with their eager childish interests and hopes; their vividly recollected pleasures; their sheltered luxuriance of fatherly and motherly love?  For how many thousands did the poet speak when he wrote  

〃The thought of our past years in me doth breed Perpetual benediction。〃

A benediction which outlives the cares and troubles of later life which we may carry with us to our dying day; and find perfected indeed in that Unseen; where

〃All we have willed; or hoped; or dreamed of good shall exist; Not its semblance; but itself。〃

There was only one bit of annoyance during the whole time; it was on the Sunday; the day before Erica was to go back to Greyshot。  Gladys was not very well and stayed at home; but Donovan and Erica went to church with the children; starting rather early that they might enjoy the lovely autumn morning; and also that they might put the weekly wreaths on two graves in the little church yard。  Donovan himself put the flowers upon the first; Ralph and Dolly talking softly together about 〃little Auntie Dot;〃 then running off hand in hand to make the 〃captain's glave plitty;〃 as Dolly expressed it。  Erica; following them; glanced at the plain white headstone and read the name: 〃John Frewin; sometimes captain of the 'Metora。'〃

Then they went together into the little country church; and all at once a shadow fell on her heart; for; as they entered at the west end; the clergy and the choristers entered the chancel; and she saw that Mr。 Cuthbert was to take the service。  The rector was taking his holiday; and had enlisted help from Greyshot。

Happily no man has it in his power to mar the Church of England service; but by and by came the sermon。  Now Mr。 Cuthbert cordially detested Donovan; he made no secret of it。  He opposed and thwarted him on every possible occasion; and it is to be feared that personal malice had something to do with his choice of a subject for that morning's sermon。

He had brought over to Oakdene a discourse on the eternity of punishment。  Perhaps he honestly believed that people could be frightened to heaven; at any rate he preached a most ghastly sermon; and; what was worse; preached it with vindictive energy。  The poor; mangled; much…distorted text about the tree lying as it falls was brought to the fore once again; and; instead of bearing reference to universal charity and almsgiving as it was intended to do; was ruthlessly torn from its context and turned into a parable about the state of the soul at death。  The words 〃damned〃 and 〃damnation;〃 with all their falsely theologized significance; rang through the little church and made people shudder; though all the time the speaker knew well enough that there were no such words in the New Testament。  Had he been there himself to see he could not have described his material hell more graphically。  Presently; leaning right over the pulpit; his eyes fixed on the manor pew just beneath him; he asked in thundering tones 〃My brethren; have you ever realized what the word LOST means?〃  Then came a long catalogue of those who in Mr。 Cuthbert's opinion would undoubtedly be 〃lost;〃 in which of course all Erica's friends and relatives were unhesitatingly placed。

Now to hear what we sincerely believe to be error crammed down the throats of a congregation is at all times a great trial; but; when our nearest and dearest are remorselessly thrust down to the nethermost hell; impatience is apt to turn to wrath。  Erica thought of her gentle; loving; unselfish mother; and though nothing could alter her conviction that long ere now she had learned the truths hidden from her in life; yet she could not listen to Mr。 Cuthbert's horrible words without indignant emotion。  A movement from Donovan recalled her。  Little Dorothy was on his knees fast asleep; he quietly reached out his hand; took up Erica's prayer book which was nearest to him; and wrote a few words on the fly leaf; handling the book to her。  She read them。  〃Definition of LOST: not found yet。〃  Then the anger and grief and pain died away; and; though the preacher still thundered overhead; God's truth stole into Erica's heart once more by means of one of his earliest consecrated preachers a little child。  Once more Dolly and her father were to her a parable; and presently; glancing away through the sunny south window; her eye fell upon a small marble tablet just below it that she had not before noticed; and this furnished her with thoughts which outlasted the sermon。

At the top was a medallion; the profile of the same fine; soldierly looking man whose portrait hung in Donovan's study; and which was so wonderfully like both himself and little Ralph。  Beneath was the following inscription:

In loving Memory of RALPH  FARRANT; Who died at Porthkerran; Cornwall; May 3; 18; Aged 45

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above; and cometh down from the Father of lights; with whom is no variableness; neither shadow of turning。〃

The date was sixteen years back; but the tablet was comparatively new; and could not have been up more than six years at the outside。  Erica was able partly to understand why Donovan had chosen for it that particular text; and nothing could more effectually have counteracted Mr。 Cuthbert's sermon than the thoughts which it awoke in her。

Nevertheless; she did not quite get over the ruffled feeling; which was now in a great measure physical; and it was with a sense of relief that she found herself again in the open air; in the warmth; and sunshine; and gladness of the September day。  Donovan did not say a word。  They passed through the little church yard; and walked slowly up the winding lane; the children; who had stopped to gather a fine cluster of blackberries; were close behind them。  In the silence; every word of their talk could be distinctly heard。

〃I don't like God!〃 exclaimed Ralph; abruptly。

〃Oh; you naughty!〃 exclaimed Dolly; much shocked。

〃No; it isn't naughty。  I don't think He's good。  Why; do you think father would let us be shut up  in a horrid place for always and always?  Course he wouldn't。  I 'spects if we'd got to go; he'd come; too。〃

Donovan and Erica looked at each other。  Donovan turned round; and held out his hand; at which both children rushed。

〃Ralph;〃 he said; 〃if any one told you that I might some day leave off loving you; leave off being your father what would you do?〃

〃I'd knock them down!〃 said Ralph; clinching his small fist。

Donovan laughed a little; but di
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