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we two-第98章

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〃'Tis hard to see at the time;〃 he replied。  〃But I am convinced that it is so。  The sin is never good; never right; but when men will sin; then the result of the sin; however frightful; brings about more good that the perseverance in sin with no catastrophe would have done。  A longer…deferred good; of course; than the good which would have resulted by adhering from the first to the right; and so far inferior。〃

〃Of course;〃 said Erica; 〃I can see that a certain amount of immediate good may result from this disaster。  It will make the owners of other mines more careful。〃

〃And what of the hundred unseen workings that will result from it?〃 said Donovan; smiling。  〃In the first shock of horror one can not even glimpse the larger view; but later on〃

He paused for a minute; they were down in the valley close to the little church; he opened the gate and led the way to a bench under the great yew tree。  Sitting here; they could see the recumbent white cross with its ever…fresh crown of white flowers。  Erica knew something of the story it told。

〃Shall I tell you what turned me from an anti…theist to an atheist?〃 said Donovan。  〃It was the horror of knowing that a little child's life had been ruined by carelessness。  I had been taught to believe in a terrific phantom who was severely just; but when it seemed that the one quality of justice was gone; then I took refuge in the conviction that there could be no God at all。  That WAS a refuge for the time; for it is better to believe in no God than to believe in an immoral God and it was long years before a better refuge found me。  Yet; looking back now over these seven… and…twenty years; I see how that one little child's suffering has influenced countless lives!  How it was just the most beautiful thing that could have happened to her!〃

Erica did not speak for a moment; she read half dreamily the words engraved on the tombstone。  Nearly sixteen years since that short; uneventful life had passed into the unseen; and yet little Dot was at this moment influencing the world's history。

She was quite cheerful again as they walked home; and; indeed; her relief about her father's recovery was so great that she could not be unhappy for long about anything。  They found Raeburn on the terrace with Ralph and Dolly at his heels; and the two…year…old baby; who went by the name of Pickle; on his shoulder。

〃I shall quite miss these bairnies;〃 he said as Donovan joined them。〃

〃Gee up; horsey!  Gee up!〃 shouted Pickle from his lofty perch。

〃And oh; daddy; may we go into Gleyshot wiv you?〃 said Dolly; coaxingly。  〃Elica's father's going to give me a playcat。〃

〃And me a whip;〃 interposed Ralph。  〃We may come with you; father; mayn't we?〃

〃Oh! Yes;〃 said Donovan; smiling; 〃if Mr。 Raeburn doesn't mind a crowded carriage。〃

Erica had gone into the house。

〃I don't know how to let you go;〃 said Gladys; 〃We have so much enjoyed having you。  I think you had much better stay here will Monday and leave those two to take care of themselves at Ashborough。〃

〃Oh; no;〃 said Erica; smiling; 〃that would never do!  You don't realize what an event this is to me。  It is the first time father has spoken since his illness。  Besides; I have not yet quite learned to think him well enough to look after himself though; of course; he is getting quite strong again。〃

〃Well; since you will go; come and choose a book for your journey;〃 said Gladys。

〃Oh; I should like that;〃 said Erica; 〃a nice homish sort of book; please; where the people lived in Arcadia and never heard of law courts!〃

Early in the afternoon they drove to Greyshot; stopping first of all at the toy shop。  Raeburn; who was in excellent spirits; fully entered into the difficulties of Dolly's choice。  At length a huge toy cat was produced。

〃Oh; I should like that one!〃 said Dolly; clapping her hands。  〃What a 'normous; gleat big cat it is!〃

〃I shouldn't have known what it was meant for;〃 said Raeburn; scrutinizing the rather shapeless furry quadruped。  〃How is it that you can't make them more like cats than this?〃

〃I don't know; sir; how it is;〃 said the shopwoman; 〃we get very good dogs and rabbits; and donkeys; but they don't seem to have attained to the making of cats。〃

This view of the matter so tickled Raeburn that he left Ralph and Dolly to see the 〃'normous gleat big cat〃 wrapped up; and went out of the shop laughing。

But just outside; a haggard; wild…looking man came up to him and began to address him in excited tones。

〃You are the vile atheist; Luke Raeburn!〃 he cried; 〃Oh; I know you well enough。  I tell you; you have lost my son's soul; do you hear; wretched infidel; you destroyed my son's soul!  His guilt is upon you!  And I will have vengeance!  Vengeance!〃

〃My friend;〃 said Raeburn quietly; 〃supposing your son had what you call a soul; do you think that I; a man; should be able to destroy it?〃

〃You have made him what you are yourself;〃 cried the man; 〃an accursed infidel; an incarnate devil!  But I tell you I will have vengeance; vengeance!〃

〃Have the goodness not to come so near my daughter;〃 said Raeburn for the man was pushing up roughly against Erica; who had just come out of the shop。  The words were spoken in such an authoritative manner that the man shrunk back awed; and in another minute the children had rejoined them; and they drove off to the station。

〃What was that man saying?〃 asked Erica。

〃Apparently his son has become a secularist; and he means to revenge himself on me;〃 said Raeburn。  〃If it wouldn't have lost me this train; I would have given him in charge for using threatening language。  But no doubt the poor fellow was half…witted。〃

Donovan had walked on to the station and so had missed this incident; and though for the time it saddened Erica; yet she speedily forgot it in talking to the children。  The arrival at Ashborough; too; was exciting; and she was so delighted to see her father once more in the enjoyment of full health and strength that she could not long be disquieted about anything else。  It was a great happiness to her to hear him speak upon any subject on which they were agreed; and his reception that evening at the Ashborough Town Hall was certainly a most magnificent one。  The ringing cheers made the tears start to her eyes。  The people had been roused by his late illness and; though many of them disliked his theological views; they felt that in political matters he was a man whom they could very ill spare。  His speech was a remarkably powerful one; and calculated to do great good。  Erica's spirits rose to their very highest pitch and; as they went back together to their hotel; she kept both Raeburn and Donovan in fits of laughter。  It was long months since her father had seen her so brilliant and witty。

〃You are 'fey;' little one;〃 he said。  〃I prophesy a headache for you tomorrow。〃

And the prophecy came true for Erica awoke the next morning with a sense of miserable oppression。  The day; too; was gray and dreary…looking; it seemed like a different world altogether。  Raeburn was none the worse for his exertions; he took a quiet day; however; went for a walk with Donovan in the afternoon; and set off in good time for his evening lecture。  It was Sunday evening; Erica was going to church with Donovan; and had her walking things on when her father looked into the room to say goodbye。

〃What; going out?〃 he said。  〃You don't look fit for it; Eric。〃

〃Oh!〃 she said; 〃it is no use to give way to this sort of headache; it's only one's wretched nerves。〃

〃Well; take carte of yourself;〃 he said; kissing her。  〃I believe you are worn out with all these weeks of attendance on a cantankerous old father。〃

She laughed and brightened up; going out with him to the head of the stairs; and returning to watch him from the window。  Just as he left the door of the hotel; a small child fell face downward on the pavement on the opposite side of the road and began to cry bitterly。  Raeburn crossed over and picked up the small elf; they could hear him saying: 〃There; there; more frightened than hurt; I think;〃 as he brushed the dust from the little thing's clothes。

〃How exactly like father!〃 said Erica; smiling; he never would let us think ourselves hurt。  I believe it is thanks to him that Tom has grown up such a Stoic; and that I'm not a very lachrymose sort of being。〃

A little later they started for church; but toward the end of the Psalms Donovan felt a touch on his arm。  He turned to Erica; she was a white as death; and with a strange; glassy look in her eyes。

〃Come;〃 she said in a hoarse whisper; 〃come out with me。〃

He thought she felt faint; but she walked steadily down the aisle。  When they were outside she grasped his arm and seemed to make a great effort to speak naturally。

〃Forgive me for disturbing you;〃 she said; 〃but I have such a dreadful feeling that something is going to happen。  I feel that I must go to my father。〃

Donovan thought that she was probably laboring under a delusion。  He knew that she was always very anxious about her father and that Ashborough; owing to various memories; was exactly the place where this anxiety would be likely to weigh upon her。  He thought; too; that Raeburn was very likely right and that she was r
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