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dona perecta-第23章

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Every one looked toward the door; at which appeared the imposing figure of the Centaur; serious…looking and frowning; embarrassed by his anxiety to salute the company politely; savagely handsome; but disfigured by the violence which he did himself in smiling civilly and treading softly and holding his herculean arms in a correct posture。

〃Come in; Senor Ramos;〃 said Pepe Rey。

〃No; no!〃 objected Dona Perfecta。 〃What he has to say to you is an absurdity。〃

〃Let him say it。〃

〃I ought not to allow such ridiculous questions to be discussed in my house。〃

〃What is Senor Ramos' business with me?〃

Caballuco uttered a few words。

〃Enough; enough!〃 exclaimed Dona Perfecta。 〃Don't trouble my nephew any more。 Pepe; don't mind this simpleton。 Do you wish me to tell you the cause of the great Caballuco's anger?〃 she said; turning to the others。

〃Anger? I think I can imagine;〃 said the Penitentiary; leaning back in his chair and laughing with boisterous hilarity。

〃I wanted to say to Senor Don Jose〃 growled the formidable horseman。

〃Hold your tongue; man; for Heaven's sake! And don't tire us any more with that nonsense。〃

〃Senor Caballuco;〃 said the canon; 〃it is not to be wondered at that gentlemen from the capital should cut out the rough riders of this savage country。〃

〃In two words; Pepe; the question is this: Caballuco is〃

She could not go on for laughing。

〃IsI don't know just what;〃 said Don Inocencio; 〃of one of the Troya girls; of Mariquita Juana; if I am not mistaken。〃

〃And he is jealous! After his horse; the first thing in creation for him is Mariquilla Troya。〃

〃A pretty insinuation that!〃 exclaimed Dona Perfecta。 〃Poor Cristobal! Did you suppose that a person like my nephewlet us hear; what were you going to say to him? Speak。〃

〃Senor Don Jose and I will talk together presently;〃 responded the bravo of the town brusquely。

And without another word he left the room。

Shortly afterward Pepe Rey left the dining…room to retire to his own room。 In the hall he found himself face to face with his Trojan antagonist; and he could not repress a smile at the sight of the fierce and gloomy countenance of the offended lover。

〃A word with you;〃 said the latter; planting himself insolently in front of the engineer。 〃Do you know who I am?〃

As he spoke he laid his heavy hand on the young man's shoulder with such insolent familiarity that the latter; incensed; flung him off with violence; saying:

〃It is not necessary to crush one to say that。〃

The bravo; somewhat disconcerted; recovered himself in a moment; and looking at Rey with provoking boldness; repeated his refrain:

〃Do you know who I am?〃

〃Yes; I know now that you are a brute。〃

He pushed the bully roughly aside and went into his room。 As traced on the excited brain of our unfortunate friend at this moment; his plan of action might be summed up briefly and definitely as follows: To break Caballuco's head without loss of time; then to take leave of his aunt in severe but polite words which should reach her soul; to bid a cold adieu to the canon and give an embrace to the inoffensive Don Cayetano; to administer a thrashing to Uncle Licurgo; by way of winding up the entertainment; and leave Orbajosa that very night; shaking the dust from his shoes at the city gates。

But in the midst of all these mortifications and persecutions the unfortunate young man had not ceased to think of another unhappy being; whom he believed to be in a situation even more painful and distressing than his own。 One of the maid…servants followed the engineer into his room。

〃Did you give her my message?〃 he asked。

〃Yes; senor; and she gave me this。〃

Rey took from the girl's hand a fragment of a newspaper; on the margin of which he read these words:

  〃They say you are going away。 I shall die if you do。〃

When he returned to the dining…room Uncle Licurgo looked in at the door and asked:

〃At what hour do you want the horse?〃

〃At no hour;〃 answered Rey quickly。

〃Then you are not going to…night?〃 said Dona Perfecta。 〃Well; it is better to wait until to…morrow。〃

〃I am not going to…morrow; either。〃

〃When are you going; then?〃

〃We will see presently;〃 said the young man coldly; looking at his aunt with imperturbable calmness。 〃For the present I do not intend to go away。〃

His eyes flashed forth a fierce challenge。

Dona Perfecta turned first red; then pale。 She looked at the canon; who had taken off his gold spectacles to wipe them; and then fixed her eyes successively on each of the other persons in the room; including Caballuco; who; entering shortly before; had seated himself on the edge of a chair。 Dona Perfecta looked at them as a general looks at his trusty body…guard。 Then she studied the thoughtful and serene countenance of her nephewof that enemy; who; by a strategic movement; suddenly reappeared before her when she believed him to be in shameful flight。

Alas! Bloodshed; ruin; and desolation! A great battle was about to be fought。



Orbajosa slept。 The melancholy street…lamps were shedding their last gleams at street…corners and in by…ways; like tired eyes struggling in vain against sleep。 By their dim light; wrapped in their cloaks; glided past like shadows; vagabonds; watchmen; and gamblers。 Only the hoarse shout of the drunkard or the song of the serenader broke the peaceful silence of the historic city。 Suddenly the 〃Ave Maria Purisima〃 of some drunken watchman would be heard; like a moan uttered in its sleep by the town。

In Dona Perfecta's house also silence reigned; unbroken but for a conversation which was taking place between Don Cayetano and Pepe Rey; in the library of the former。 The savant was seated comfortably in the arm…chair beside his study table; which was covered with papers of various kinds containing notes; annotations; and references; all arranged in the most perfect order。 Rey's eyes were fixed on the heap of papers; but his thoughts were doubtless far away from this accumulated learning。

〃Perfecta;〃 said the antiquary; 〃although she is an excellent woman; has the defect of allowing herself to be shocked by any little act of folly。 In these provincial towns; my dear friend; the slightest slip is dearly paid for。 I see nothing particular in your having gone to the Troyas' house。 I fancy that Don Inocencio; under his cloak of piety; is something of a mischief…maker。 What has he to do with the matter?〃

〃We have reached a point; Senor Don Cayetano; in which it is necessary to take a decisive resolution。 I must see Rosario and speak with her。〃

〃See her; then!〃

〃But they will not let me;〃 answered the engineer; striking the table with his clenched hand。 〃Rosario is kept a prisoner。〃

〃A prisoner!〃 repeated the savant incredulously。 〃The truth is that I do not like her looks or her hair; and still less the vacant expression in her beautiful eyes。 She is melancholy; she talks little; she weeps friend Don Jose; I greatly fear that the girl may be attacked by the terrible malady to which so many of the members of my family have fallen victims。〃

〃A terrible malady! What is it?〃

〃Madnessor rather mania。 Not a single member of my family has been free from it。 I alone have escaped it。〃

〃You! But leaving aside the question of madness;〃 said Rey; with impatience; 〃I wish to see Rosario。〃

〃Nothing more natural。 But the isolation in which her mother keeps her is a hygienic measure; dear Pepe; and the only one that has been successfully employed with the various members of my family。 Consider that the person whose presence and voice would make the strongest impression on Rosarillo's delicate nervous system is the chosen of her heart。〃

〃In spite of all that;〃 insisted Pepe; 〃I wish to see her。〃

〃Perhaps Perfecta will not oppose your doing so;〃 said the savant; giving his attention to his notes and papers。 〃I don't want to take any responsibility in the matter。〃

The engineer; seeing that he could obtain nothing from the good Polentinos; rose to retire。

〃You are going to work;〃 he said; 〃and I will not trouble you any longer。〃

〃No; there is time enough。 See the amount of precious information that I collected to…day。 Listen: 'In 1537 a native of Orbajosa; called Bartolome del Hoyo; went to Civita…Vecchia in one of the galleys of the Marquis of Castel Rodrigo。' Another: 'In the same year two brothers named Juan and Rodrigo Gonzalez del Arco embarked in one of the six ships which sailed from Maestricht on the 20th of February; and which encountered in the latitude of Calais an English vessel and the Flemish fleet commanded by Van Owen。' That was truly an important exploit of our navy。 I have discovered that it was an Orbajosan; one Mateo Diaz Coronel; an ensign in the guards; who; in 1709; wrote and published in Valencia the 'Metrical Encomium; Funeral Chant; Lyrical Eulogy; Numerical Description; Glorious Sufferings; and Sorrowful Glories of the Queen of the Angels。' I possess a most precious copy of this work; which is worth the mines of Peru。 Another Orbajosan was the author of that famous 'Treatise on the Various Styles of Horsemanship' which I showed you yesterday; and; in short; there is not a step I take in the labyrinth of unpublished history 
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