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a journey to-第18章

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carried away in its mineral state; here being no fewel for the
smelting…house or forge。  Perhaps by diligent search in this world
of stone; some valuable species of marble might be discovered。  But
neither philosophical curiosity; nor commercial industry; have yet
fixed their abode here; where the importunity of immediate want
supplied but for the day; and craving on the morrow; has left
little room for excursive knowledge or the pleasing fancies of
distant profit。

They have lately found a manufacture considerably lucrative。  Their
rocks abound with kelp; a sea…plant; of which the ashes are melted
into glass。  They burn kelp in great quantities; and then send it
away in ships; which come regularly to purchase them。  This new
source of riches has raised the rents of many maritime farms; but
the tenants pay; like all other tenants; the additional rent with
great unwillingness; because they consider the profits of the kelp
as the mere product of personal labour; to which the landlord
contributes nothing。  However; as any man may be said to give; what
he gives the power of gaining; he has certainly as much right to
profit from the price of kelp as of any thing else found or raised
upon his ground。

This new trade has excited a long and eager litigation between
Macdonald and Macleod; for a ledge of rocks; which; till the value
of kelp was known; neither of them desired the reputation of

The cattle of Sky are not so small as is commonly believed。  Since
they have sent their beeves in great numbers to southern marts;
they have probably taken more care of their breed。  At stated times
the annual growth of cattle is driven to a fair; by a general
drover; and with the money; which he returns to the farmer; the
rents are paid。

The price regularly expected; is from two to three pounds a head:
there was once one sold for five pounds。  They go from the Islands
very lean; and are not offered to the butcher; till they have been
long fatted in English pastures。

Of their black cattle; some are without horns; called by the Scots
humble cows; as we call a bee an humble bee; that wants a sting。
Whether this difference be specifick; or accidental; though we
inquired with great diligence; we could not be informed。  We are
not very sure that the bull is ever without horns; though we have
been told; that such bulls there are。  What is produced by putting
a horned and unhorned male and female together; no man has ever
tried; that thought the result worthy of observation。

Their horses are; like their cows; of a moderate size。  I had no
difficulty to mount myself commodiously by the favour of the
gentlemen。  I heard of very little cows in Barra; and very little
horses in Rum; where perhaps no care is taken to prevent that
diminution of size; which must always happen; where the greater and
the less copulate promiscuously; and the young animal is restrained
from growth by penury of sustenance。

The goat is the general inhabitant of the earth; complying with
every difference of climate; and of soil。  The goats of the
Hebrides are like others:  nor did I hear any thing of their sheep;
to be particularly remarked。

In the penury of these malignant regions; nothing is left that can
be converted to food。  The goats and the sheep are milked like the
cows。  A single meal of a goat is a quart; and of a sheep a pint。
Such at least was the account; which I could extract from those of
whom I am not sure that they ever had inquired。

The milk of goats is much thinner than that of cows; and that of
sheep is much thicker。  Sheeps milk is never eaten before it is
boiled:  as it is thick; it must be very liberal of curd; and the
people of St。 Kilda form it into small cheeses。

The stags of the mountains are less than those of our parks; or
forests; perhaps not bigger than our fallow deer。  Their flesh has
no rankness; nor is inferiour in flavour to our common venison。
The roebuck I neither saw nor tasted。  These are not countries for
a regular chase。  The deer are not driven with horns and hounds。  A
sportsman; with his gun in his hand; watches the animal; and when
he has wounded him; traces him by the blood。

They have a race of brinded greyhounds; larger and stronger than
those with which we course hares; and those are the only dogs used
by them for the chase。

Man is by the use of fire…arms made so much an overmatch for other
animals; that in all countries; where they are in use; the wild
part of the creation sensibly diminishes。  There will probably not
be long; either stags or roebucks in the Islands。  All the beasts
of chase would have been lost long ago in countries well inhabited;
had they not been preserved by laws for the pleasure of the rich。

There are in Sky neither rats nor mice; but the weasel is so
frequent; that he is heard in houses rattling behind chests or
beds; as rats in England。  They probably owe to his predominance
that they have no other vermin; for since the great rat took
possession of this part of the world; scarce a ship can touch at
any port; but some of his race are left behind。  They have within
these few years began to infest the isle of Col; where being left
by some trading vessel; they have increased for want of weasels to
oppose them。

The inhabitants of Sky; and of the other Islands; which I have
seen; are commonly of the middle stature; with fewer among them
very tall or very short; than are seen in England; or perhaps; as
their numbers are small; the chances of any deviation from the
common measure are necessarily few。  The tallest men that I saw are
among those of higher rank。  In regions of barrenness and scarcity;
the human race is hindered in its growth by the same causes as
other animals。

The ladies have as much beauty here as in other places; but bloom
and softness are not to be expected among the lower classes; whose
faces are exposed to the rudeness of the climate; and whose
features are sometimes contracted by want; and sometimes hardened
by the blasts。  Supreme beauty is seldom found in cottages or work…
shops; even where no real hardships are suffered。  To expand the
human face to its full perfection; it seems necessary that the mind
should co…operate by placidness of content; or consciousness of

Their strength is proportionate to their size; but they are
accustomed to run upon rough ground; and therefore can with great
agility skip over the bog; or clamber the mountain。  For a campaign
in the wastes of America; soldiers better qualified could not have
been found。  Having little work to do; they are not willing; nor
perhaps able to endure a long continuance of manual labour; and are
therefore considered as habitually idle。

Having never been supplied with those accommodations; which life
extensively diversified with trades affords; they supply their
wants by very insufficient shifts; and endure many inconveniences;
which a little attention would easily relieve。  I have seen a horse
carrying home the harvest on a crate。  Under his tail was a stick
for a crupper; held at the two ends by twists of straw。  Hemp will
grow in their islands; and therefore ropes may be had。  If they
wanted hemp; they might make better cordage of rushes; or perhaps
of nettles; than of straw。

Their method of life neither secures them perpetual health; nor
exposes them to any particular diseases。  There are physicians in
the Islands; who; I believe; all practise chirurgery; and all
compound their own medicines。

It is generally supposed; that life is longer in places where there
are few opportunities of luxury; but I found no instance here of
extraordinary longevity。  A cottager grows old over his oaten
cakes; like a citizen at a turtle feast。  He is indeed seldom
incommoded by corpulence。  Poverty preserves him from sinking under
the burden of himself; but he escapes no other injury of time。
Instances of long life are often related; which those who hear them
are more willing to credit than examine。  To be told that any man
has attained a hundred years; gives hope and comfort to him who
stands trembling on the brink of his own climacterick。

Length of life is distributed impartially to very different modes
of life in very different climates; and the mountains have no
greater examples of age and health than the low lands; where I was
introduced to two ladies of high quality; one of whom; in her
ninety…fourth year; presided at her table with the full exercise of
all her powers; and the other has attained her eighty…fourth;
without any diminution of her vivacity; and with little reason to
accuse time of depredations on her beauty。

In the Islands; as in most other places; the inhabitants are of
different rank; and one does not encroach here upon another。  Where
there is no commerce nor manufacture; he that is born poor can
scarcely become rich; and if none are able to buy estates; he that
is born to land cannot annihilate his family by selling it。  This
was once the state of these countries。  Perhaps there is no
example; till within a century and half; of any family whose estate
was alienated otherwise than by violence or forfeiture。  Since
money has been brought 
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