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a hero of our time-第20章

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eth white?  That is most important!  It is a pity that she did not smile at that high…sounding phrase of yours。〃

〃You are speaking of a pretty woman just as you might of an English horse;〃 said Grushnitski indignantly。

〃Mon cher;〃 I answered; trying to mimic his tone; 〃je meprise les femmes; pour ne pas les aimer; car autrement la vie serait un melodrame trop ridicule。〃

I turned and left him。  For half an hour or so I walked about the avenues of the vines; the limestone cliffs and the bushes hanging between them。  The day grew hot; and I hurried home… wards。  Passing the sulphur spring; I stopped at the covered gallery in order to regain my breath under its shade; and by so doing I was afforded the opportunity of witnessing a rather interesting scene。  This is the position in which the dramatis personae were disposed: Princess Ligovski and the Moscow dandy were sitting on a bench in the covered gallery  apparently engaged in serious conversation。  Princess Mary; who had doubtless by this time finished her last tumbler; was walking pensively to and fro by the well。 Grushnitski was standing by the well itself; there was nobody else on the square。

I went up closer and concealed myself behind a corner of the gallery。  At that moment Grush… nitski let his tumbler fall on the sand and made strenuous efforts to stoop in order to pick it up; but his injured foot prevented him。  Poor fellow!  How he tried all kinds of artifices; as he leaned on his crutch; and all in vain!  His expressive countenance was; in fact; a picture of suffering。

Princess Mary saw the whole scene better than I。

Lighter than a bird she sprang towards him; stooped; picked up the tumbler; and handed it to him with a gesture full of ineffable charm。  Then she blushed furiously; glanced round at the gallery; and; having assured herself that her mother apparently had not seen anything; im… mediately regained her composure。  By the time Grushnitski had opened his mouth to thank her she was a long way off。  A moment after; she came out of the gallery with her mother and the dandy; but; in passing by Grushnitski; she assumed a most decorous and serious air。  She did not even turn round; she did not even observe the passionate gaze which he kept fixed upon her for a long time until she had descended the mountain and was hidden behind the lime trees of the boulevard。 。 。 Presently I caught glimpses of her hat as she walked along the street。  She hurried through the gate of one of the best houses in Pyatigorsk; her mother walked behind her and bowed adieu to Raevich at the gate。

It was only then that the poor; passionate cadet noticed my presence。

〃Did you see?〃 he said; pressing my hand vigorously。  〃She is an angel; simply an angel!〃

〃Why?〃 I inquired; with an air of the purest simplicity。

〃Did you not see; then?〃

〃No。  I saw her picking up your tumbler。  If there had been an attendant there he would have done the same thing  and quicker too; in the hope of receiving a tip。  It is quite easy; however; to understand that she pitied you; you made such a terrible grimace when you walked on the wounded foot。〃

〃And can it be that seeing her; as you did; at that moment when her soul was shining in her eyes; you were not in the least affected?〃


I was lying; but I wanted to exasperate him。  I have an innate passion for contradiction  my whole life has been nothing but a series of melan… choly and vain contradictions of heart or reason。 The presence of an enthusiast chills me with a twelfth…night cold; and I believe that constant association with a person of a flaccid and phleg… matic temperament would have turned me into an impassioned visionary。  I confess; too; that an unpleasant but familiar sensation was coursing lightly through my heart at that moment。  It was  envy。  I say 〃envy〃 boldly; because I am accustomed to acknowledge everything to myself。 It would be hard to find a young man who; if his idle fancy had been attracted by a pretty woman and he had suddenly found her openly singling out before his eyes another man equally unknown to her  it would be hard; I say; to find such a young man (living; of course; in the great world and accustomed to indulge his self…love) who would not have been unpleasantly taken aback in such a case。

In silence Grushnitski and I descended the mountain and walked along the boulevard; past the windows of the house where our beauty had hidden herself。  She was sitting by the window。 Grushnitski; plucking me by the arm; cast upon her one of those gloomily tender glances which have so little effect upon women。  I directed my lorgnette at her; and observed that she smiled at his glance and that my insolent lorgnette made her downright angry。  And how; indeed; should a Caucasian military man presume to direct his eyeglass at a princess from Moscow? 。 。 。


13th May。

THIS morning the doctor came to see me。 His name is Werner; but he is a Russian。 What is there surprising in that?  I have known a man named Ivanov; who was a German。

Werner is a remarkable man; and that for many reasons。  Like almost all medical men he is a sceptic and a materialist; but; at the same time; he is a genuine poet  a poet always in deeds and often in words; although he has never written two verses in his life。  He has mastered all the living chords of the human heart; just as one learns the veins of a corpse; but he has never known how to avail himself of his knowledge。  In like manner; it sometimes happens that an excellent anatomist does not know how to cure a fever。  Werner usually made fun of his patients in private; but once I saw him weeping over a dying soldier。 。 。  He was poor; and dreamed of millions; but he would not take a single step out of his way for the sake of money。  He once told me that he would rather do a favour to an enemy than to a friend; because; in the latter case; it would mean selling his beneficence; whilst hatred only increases proportionately to the magnanimity of the adversary。  He had a malicious tongue; and more than one good; simple soul has acquired the reputation of a vulgar fool through being labelled with one of his epigrams。  His rivals; envious medical men of the watering…place; spread the report that he was in the habit of drawing caricatures of his patients。 The patients were incensed; and almost all of them discarded him。  His friends; that is to say all the genuinely well…bred people who were serving in the Caucasus; vainly endeavoured to restore his fallen credit。

His outward appearance was of the type which; at the first glance; creates an unpleasant impres… sion; but which you get to like in course of time; when the eye learns to read in the ir… regular features the stamp of a tried and lofty soul。  Instances have been known of women falling madly in love with men of that sort; and having no desire to exchange their ugliness for the beauty of the freshest and rosiest of Endymions。 We must give women their due: they possess an instinct for spiritual beauty; for which reason; possibly; men such as Werner love women so passionately。

Werner was small and lean and as weak as a baby。  One of his legs was shorter than the other; as was the case with Byron。  In comparison with his body; his head seemed enormous。  His hair was cropped close; and the unevennesses of his cranium; thus laid bare; would have struck a phrenologist by reason of the strange intertexture of con… tradictory propensities。  His little; ever restless; black eyes seemed as if they were endeavouring to fathom your thoughts。  Taste and neatness were to be observed in his dress。  His small; lean; sinewy hands flaunted themselves in bright…yellow gloves。  His frock…coat; cravat and waistcoat were invariably of black。  The young men dubbed him Mephistopheles; he pretended to be angry at the nickname; but in reality it flattered his vanity。 Werner and I soon understood each other and became friends; because I; for my part; am ill… adapted for friendship。  Of two friends; one is always the slave of the other; although frequently neither acknowledges the fact to himself。  Now; the slave I could not be; and to be the master would be a wearisome trouble; because; at the same time; deception would be required。  Besides; I have servants and money!

Our friendship originated in the following circumstances。  I met Werner at S; in the midst of a numerous and noisy circle of young people。  Towards the end of the evening the conversation took a philosophico…metaphysical turn。  We discussed the subject of convictions; and each of us had some different conviction to declare。

〃So far as I am concerned;〃 said the doctor; 〃I am convinced of one thing only〃 。 。 。

〃And that is ?〃 I asked; desirous of learning the opinion of a man who had been silent till then。

〃Of the fact;〃 he answered; 〃that sooner or later; one fine morning; I shall die。〃

〃I am better off than you;〃 I said。  〃In addi… tion to that; I have a further conviction; namely; that; one very nasty evening; I had the misfor… tune to be born。〃

All the others considered that we were talking nonsense; but indeed not one of them said any… thing more sensible。  From that moment we singled each other out amongst the crowd。  We used frequently to 
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