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nada the lily(百合娜达)-第13章

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moocha; he made ropes of them; and with the ropes he bound Nada on his
back and started for the king's kraal。 He could never have reached it;
for the way was long; yet at evening some messengers running through
the forest came upon a naked lad with a girl bound to his back and a
staff in his hand; who staggered along slowly with starting eyes and
foam upon his lips。 He could not speak; he was so weary; and the ropes
had cut through the skin of his shoulders; yet one of the messengers
knew him for Umslopogaas; the son of Mopo; and they bore him to the
kraal。 They would have left the girl Nada; thinking her dead; but he
pointed to her breast; and; feeling it; they found that her heart
still beat; so they brought her also; and the end of it was that both
recovered and loved each other more than ever before。

Now after this; I; Mopo; bade Umslopogaas stay at home within the
kraal; and not lead his sister to the wilds。 But the boy loved roaming
like a fox; and where he went there Nada followed。 So it came about
that one day they slipped from the kraal when the gates were open; and
sought out a certain deep glen which had an evil name; for it was said
that spirits haunted it and put those to death who entered there。
Whether this was true I do not know; but I know that in the glen dwelt
a certain woman of the woods; who had her habitation in a cave and
lived upon what she could kill or steal or dig up with her hands。 Now
this woman was mad。 For it had chanced that her husband had been
〃smelt out〃 by the witch…doctors as a worker of magic against the
king; and slain。 Then Chaka; according to custom; despatched the
slayers to eat up his kraal; and they came to the kraal and killed his
people。 Last of all they killed his children; three young girls; and
would have assegaied their mother; when suddenly a spirit entered into
her at the sight; and she went mad; so that they let her go; being
afraid to touch her afterwards。 So she fled and took up her abode in
the haunted glen; and this was the nature of her madness; that
whenever she saw children; and more especially girl children; a
longing came upon her to kill them as her own had been killed。 This;
indeed; she did often; for when the moon was full and her madness at
its highest; she would travel far to find children; snatching them
away from the kraals like a hyena。 Still; none would touch her because
of the spirit in her; not even those whose children she had murdered。

So Umslopogaas and Nada came to the glen where the child…slayer lived;
and sat down by a pool of water not far from the mouth of her cave;
weaving flowers into a garland。 Presently Umslopogaas left Nada; to
search for rock lilies which she loved。 As he went he called back to
her; and his voice awoke the woman who was sleeping in her cave; for
she came out by night only; like a jackal。 Then the woman stepped
forth; smelling blood and having a spear in her hand。 Presently she
saw Nada seated upon the grass weaving flowers; and crept towards her
to kill her。 Now as she cameso the child told mesuddenly a cold
wind seemed to breathe upon Nada; and fear took hold of her; though
she did not see the woman who would murder her。 She let fall the
flowers; and looked before her into the pool; and there; mirrored in
the pool; she saw the greedy face of the child…slayer; who crept down
upon her from above; her hair hanging about her brow and her eyes
shining like the eyes of a lion。

Then with a cry Nada sprang up and fled along the path which
Umslopogaas had taken; and after her leapt and ran the mad woman。
Umslopogaas heard her cry。 He turned and rushed back over the brow of
the hill; and; lo! there before him was the murderess。 Already she had
grasped Nada by the hair; already her spear was lifted to pierce her。
Umslopogaas had no spear; he had nothing but a little stick without a
knob; yet with it he rushed at the mad woman and struck her so smartly
on the arm that she let go of the girl and turned on him with a yell。
Then; lifting her spear; she struck at him; but he leapt aside。 Again
she struck; but he sprang into the air; and the spear passed beneath
him。 A third time the woman struck; and; though he fell to earth to
avoid the blow; yet the assegai pierced his shoulder。 But the weight
of his body as he fell twisted it from her hand; and before she could
grasp him he was up; and beyond her reach; the spear still fast in his

Then the woman turned; screaming with rage and madness; and ran at
Nada to kill her with her hands。 But Umslopogaas set his teeth; and;
drawing the spear from his wound; charged her; shouting。 She lifted a
great stone and hurled it at himso hard that it flew into fragments
against another stone which it struck; yet he charged on; and smote at
her so truly that he drove the spear through her; and she fell down
dead。 After that Nada bound up his wound; which was deep; and with
much pain he reached the king's kraal and told me this story。

Now there were some who cried that the boy must be put to death;
because he had killed one possessed with a spirit。 But I said no; he
should not be touched。 He had killed the woman in defence of his own
life and the life of his sister; and every one had a right to slay in
self…defence; except as against the king or those who did the king's
bidding。 Moreover; I said; if the woman had a spirit; it was an evil
one; for no good spirit would ask the lives of children; but rather
those of cattle; for it is against our custom to sacrifice human
beings to the Amatonga even in war; though the Basuta dogs do so。
Still; the tumult grew; for the witch…doctors were set upon the boy's
death; saying that evil would come of it if he was allowed to live;
having killed one inspired; and at last the matter came to the ears of
the king。 Then Chaka summoned me and the boy before him; and he also
summoned the witch…doctors。

First; the witch…doctors set out their case; demanding the death of
Umslopogaas。 Chaka asked them what would happen if the boy was not
killed。 They answered that the spirit of the dead woman would lead him
to bring evil on the royal house。 Chaka asked if he would bring evil
on him; the king。 They in turn asked the spirits; and answered no; not
on him; but on one of the royal house who should be after him。 Chaka
said that he cared nothing what happened to those who came after him;
or whether good or evil befell them。 Then he spoke to Umslopogaas; who
looked him boldly in the face; as an equal looks at an equal。

〃Boy;〃 he said; 〃what hast thou to say as to why thou shouldst not be
killed as these men demand?〃

〃This; Black One;〃 answered Umslopogaas; 〃that I stabbed the woman in
defence of my own life。〃

〃That is nothing;〃 said Chaka。 〃If I; the king; wished to kill thee;
mightest thou therefore kill me or those whom I sent? The Itongo in
the woman was a Spirit King and ordered her to kill thee; thou
shouldst then have let thyself be killed。 Hast thou no other reason?〃

〃This; Elephant;〃 answered Umslopogaas; 〃the woman would have murdered
my sister; whom I love better than my life。〃

〃That is nothing;〃 said Chaka。 〃If I ordered thee to be killed for any
cause; should I not also order all within thy gates to be killed with
thee? May not; then; a Spirit King do likewise? If thou hast nothing
more to say thou must die。〃

Now I grew afraid; for I feared lest Chaka should slay him who was
called my son because of the word of the doctors。 But the boy
Umslopogaas looked up and answered boldly; not as one who pleads for
his life; but as one who demands a right:

〃I have this to say; Eater…up of Enemies; and if it is not enough; let
us stop talking; and let me be killed。 Thou; O king; didst command
that this woman should be slain。 Those whom thou didst send to destroy
her spared her; because they thought her mad。 I have carried out the
commandment of the king; I have slain her; mad or sane; whom the king
commanded should be killed; and I have earned not death; but a

〃Well said; Umslopogaas!〃 answered Chaka。 〃Let ten head of cattle be
given to this boy with the heart of a man; his father shall guard them
for him。 Art thou satisfied now; Umslopogaas?〃

〃I take that which is due to me; and I thank the king because he need
not pay unless he will;〃 Umslopogaas answered。

Chaka stared awhile; began to grow angry; then burst out laughing。

〃Why; this calf is such another one as was dropped long ago in the
kraal of Senzangacona!〃 he said。 〃As I was; so is this boy。 Go on;
lad; in that path; and thou mayst find those who shall cry the royal
salute of Bayete to thee at the end of it。 Only keep out of my way;
for two of a kind might not agree。 Now begone!〃

So we went out; but as we passed them I saw the doctors muttering
together; for they were ill…pleased and foreboded evil。 Also they were
jealous of me; and wished to smite me through the heart of him who was
called my son。



After this there was quiet until the Feast of the First…fruits was
ended。 But few people were killed at these feast; though there was a
great Ingomboco; or witch…hunt; and many were smelt out by the witch…
doctors a
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