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nada the lily(百合娜达)-第49章

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could gather; and twice he checked the Halakazi rush; throwing them
into confusion; till at length company was mixed with company and
regiment with regiment。 But it might not endure; for now more than
half the young men were down; and the rest were being pushed back up
the hill; fighting madly。

But all this while Umslopogaas and the veterans sat in their ranks
upon the brow of the slope and watched。 〃Those Swazi dogs have a fool
for their general;〃 quoth Umslopogaas。 〃He has no men left to fall
back on; and Galazi has broken his array and mixed his regiments as
milk and cream are mixed in a bowl。 They are no longer an impi; they
are a mob。〃

Now the veterans moved restlessly on their haunches; pushing their
legs out and drawing them in again。 They glanced at the fray; they
looked into each other's eyes and spoke a word here; a word there;
〃Well smitten; Galazi! Wow! that one is down! A brave lad! Ho! a good
club is the Watcher! The fight draws near; my brother!〃 And ever as
they spoke their faces grew fiercer and their fingers played with
their spears。

At length a captain called aloud to Umslopogaas:

〃Say; Slaughterer; is it not time to be up and doing? The grass is wet
to sit on; and our limbs grow cramped。〃

〃Wait awhile;〃 answered Umslopogaas。 〃Let them weary of their play。
Let them weary; I tell you。〃

As he spoke the Halakazi huddled themselves together; and with a rush
drove back Galazi and those who were left of the young men。 Yes; at
last they were forced to flee; and after them came the Swazis; and in
the forefront of the pursuit was their chief; ringed round with a
circle of his bravest。

Umslopogaas saw it and bounded to his feet; roaring like a bull。 〃At
them now; wolves!〃 he shouted。

Then the lines of warriors sprang up as a wave springs; and their
crests were like foam upon the wave。 As a wave that swells to break
they rose suddenly; like a breaking wave they poured down the slope。
In front of them was the Slaughterer; holding Groan…Maker aloft; and
oh! his feet were swift。 So swift were his feet that; strive as they
would; he outran them by the quarter of a spear's throw。 Galazi heard
the thunder of their rush; he looked round; and as he looked; lo! the
Slaughterer swept past him; running like a buck。 Then Galazi; too;
bounded forward; and the Wolf…Brethren sped down the hill; the length
of four spears between them。

The Halakazi also saw and heard; and strove to gather themselves
together to meet the rush。 In front of Umslopogaas was their chief; a
tall man hedged about with assegais。 Straight at the shield…hedge
drove Umslopogaas; and a score of spears were lifted to greet him; a
score of shields heaved into the airthis was a fence that none might
pass alive。 Yet would the Slaughterer pass itnot alone! See! he
steadies his pace; he gathers himself together; and now he leaps! High
into the air he leaps; his feet knock the heads of the warriors and
rattle against the crowns of their shields。 They smite upwards with
the spear; but he has swept over them like a swooping bird。 He has
cleared themhe has litand now the shield…hedge guards two chiefs。
But not for long。 Ou! Groan…Maker is aloft; he fallsand neither
shield nor axe may stay his stroke; both are cleft through; and the
Halakazi lack a leader。

The shield…ring wheels in upon itself。 Fools! Galazi is upon you! What
was that? Look; now! see how many bones are left unbroken in him whom
the Watcher falls on full! What!another down! Close up; shield…men
close up! Ai! are you fled?

Ah! the wave has fallen on the beach。 Listen to its roaringlisten to
the roaring of the shields! Stand; you men of the Halakazistand!
Surely they are but a few。 So! it is done! By the head of Chaka! they
breakthey are pushed backnow the wave of slaughter seethes along
the sandsnow the foe is swept like floating weed; and from all the
line there comes a hissing like the hissing of thin waters。 〃S'gee!〃
says the hiss。 〃S'gee! S'gee!〃

There; my father; I am old。 What have I do with the battle any more;
with the battle and its joy? Yet it is better to die in such a fight
as that than to live any other way。 I have seen suchI have seen many
such。 Oh! we could fight when I was a man; my father; but none that I
knew could ever fight like Umslopogaas the Slaughterer; son of Chaka;
and his blood…brother Galazi the Wolf! So; so! they swept them away;
those Halakazi; they swept them as a maid sweeps the dust of a hut; as
the wind sweeps the withered leaves。 It was soon done when once it was
begun。 Some were fled and some were dead; and this was the end of that
fight。 No; no; not of all the war。 The Halakazi were worsted in the
field; but many lived to win the great cave; and there the work must
be finished。 Thither; then; went the Slaughterer presently; with such
of his impi as was left to him。 Alas! many were killed; but how could
they have died better than in that fight? Also those who were left
were as good as all; for now they knew that they should not be
overcome easily while Axe and Club still led the way。

Now they stood before a hill; measuring; perhaps; three thousand paces
round its base。 It was of no great height; and yet unclimbable; for;
after a man had gone up a little way; the sides of it were sheer;
offering no foothold except to the rock…rabbits and the lizards。 No
one was to be seen without this hill; nor in the great kraal of the
Halakazi that lay to the east of it; and yet the ground about was
trampled with the hoofs of oxen and the feet of men; and from within
the mountain came a sound of lowing cattle。

〃Here is the nest of Halakazi;〃 quoth Galazi the Wolf。

〃Here is the nest indeed;〃 said Umslopogaas; 〃but how shall we come at
the eggs to suck them? There are no branches on this tree。〃

〃But there is a hole in the trunk;〃 answered the Wolf。

Now he led them a little way till they came to a place where the soil
was trampled as it is at the entrance to a cattle kraal; and they saw
that there was a low cave which led into the cliff; like an archway
such as you white men build。 but this archway was filled up with great
blocks of stone placed upon each other in such a fashion that it could
not be forced from without。 After the cattle were driven in it had
been filled up。

〃We cannot enter here;〃 said Galazi。 〃Follow me。〃

So they followed him; and came to the north side of the mountain; and
there; two spear…casts away; a soldier was standing。 But when he saw
them he vanished suddenly。

〃There is the place;〃 said Galazi; 〃and the fox has gone to earth in

Now they ran to the spot and saw a little hole in the rock; scarcely
bigger than an ant…bear's burrow; and through the hole came sounds and
some light。

〃Now where is the hyena who will try a new burrow?〃 cried Umslopogaas。
〃A hundred head of cattle to the man who wins through and clears the

Then two young men sprang forward who were flushed with victory and
desired nothing more than to make a great name and win cattle;

〃Here are hyenas; Bulalio。〃

〃To earth; then!〃 said Umslopogaas; 〃and let him who wins through hold
the path awhile till others follow。〃

The two young men sprang at the hole; and he who reached it first went
down upon his hands and knees and crawled in; lying on his shield and
holding his spear before him。 For a little while the light in the
burrow vanished; and they heard the sound of his crawling。 Then came
the noise of blows; and once more light crept through the hole。 The
man was dead。

〃This one had a bad snake;〃 said the second soldier; 〃his snake
deserted him。 Let me see if mine is better。〃

So down he went on his hands and knees; and crawled as the first had
done; only he put his shield over his head。 For awhile they heard him
crawling; then once more came the sound of blows echoing on the
ox…hide shield; and after the blows groans。 He was dead also; yet it
seemed that they had left his body in the hole; for now no light came
through。 This was the cause; my father: when they struck the man he
had wriggled back a little way and died there; and none had entered
from the farther side to drag him out。

Now the soldiers stared at the mouth of the passage and none seemed to
love the look of it; for this was but a poor way to die。 Umslopogaas
and Galazi also looked at it; thinking。

〃Now I am named Wolf;〃 said Galazi; 〃and a wolf should not fear the
dark; also; these are my people; and I must be the first to visit
them;〃 and he went down on his hands and knees without more ado。 But
Umslopogaas; having peered once more down the burrow; said: 〃Hold;
Galazi; I will go first! I have a plan。 Do you follow me。 And you; my
children; shout loudly; so that none may hear us move; and; if we win
through; follow swiftly; for we cannot hold the mouth of that place
for long。 Hearken; also! this is my counsel to you: if I fall choose
another chiefGalazi the Wolf; if he is still living。〃

〃Nay; Slaughterer; do not name me;〃 said the Wolf; 〃for together we
live or die。〃

〃So let it be; Galazi。 Then choose you some other man and try this
road no more; for if we cannot pass it none can; but seek food and sit
down here till those jackals 
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