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the black dwarf-第32章

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 Farewell for a time。 Remember the evil you are threatened with; and let it overcome at once your fears and scruples。〃

〃Mr。 Ratcliffe;〃 said Isabella; 〃farewell; if you have deceived one so unfortunate as myself; you have for ever forfeited the fair character for probity and honour to which I have trusted。〃

〃On my lifeon my soul;〃 continued Ratcliffe; raising his voice as the distance between them increased; 〃you are safeperfectly safe。〃


 'Twas time and griefs  That framed him thus:  Time; with his fairer hand;  Offering the fortunes of his former days;  The former man may make him。Bring us to him;  And chance it as it may。                   OLD PLAY。

The sounds of Ratcliffe's voice had died on Isabella's ear; but as she frequently looked back; it was some encouragement to her to discern his form now darkening in the gloom。  Ere; however; she went much farther; she lost the object in the increasing shade。  The last glimmer of the twilight placed her before the hut of the Solitary。  She twice extended her hand to the door; and twice she withdrew it; and when she did at length make the effort; the knock did not equal in violence the throb of her own bosom。  Her next effort was louder; her third was reiterated; for the fear of not obtaining the protection from which Ratcliffe promised so much; began to overpower the terrors of his presence from whom she was to request it。  At length; as she still received no answer; she repeatedly called upon the Dwarf by his assumed name; and requested him to answer and open to her。

〃What miserable being is reduced;〃 said the appalling voice of the Solitary; 〃to seek refuge here?  Go hence; when the heath… fowl need shelter; they seek it not in the nest of the night… raven。〃

〃I come to you; father;〃 said Isabella; 〃in my hour of adversity; even as you yourself commanded; when you promised your heart and your door should be open to my distress; but I fear〃

〃Ha!〃  said the Solitary; 〃then thou art Isabella Vere? Give me a token that thou art she。〃

〃I have brought you back the rose which you gave me; it has not had time to fade ere the hard fate you foretold has come upon me!〃

〃And if thou hast thus redeemed thy pledge;〃 said the Dwarf; 〃I will not forfeit mine。  The heart and the door that are shut against every other earthly being; shall be open to thee and to thy sorrows。〃

She heard him move in his hut; and presently afterwards strike a light。  One by one; bolt and bar were then withdrawn; the heart of Isabella throbbing higher as these obstacles to their meeting were successively removed。  The door opened; and the Solitary stood before her; his uncouth form and features illuminated by the iron lamp which he held in his hand。

〃Enter; daughter of affliction;〃 he said;〃enter the house of misery。〃

She entered; and observed; with a precaution which increased her trepidation; that the Recluse's first act; after setting the lamp upon the table; was to replace the numerous bolts which secured the door of his hut。  She shrunk as she heard the noise which accompanied this ominous operation; yet remembered Ratcliffe's caution; and endeavoured to suppress all appearance of apprehension。  The light of the lamp was weak and uncertain; but the Solitary; without taking immediate notice of Isabella; otherwise than by motioning her to sit down on a small settle beside the fireplace; made haste to kindle some dry furze; which presently cast a blaze through the cottage。  Wooden shelves; which bore a few books; some bundles of dried herbs; and one or two wooden cups and platters; were on one side of the fire; on the other were placed some ordinary tools of field…labour; mingled with those used by mechanics。  Where the bed should have been; there was a wooden frame; strewed with withered moss and rushes; the couch of the ascetic。  The whole space of the cottage did not exceed ten feet by six within the walls; and its only furniture; besides what we have mentioned; was a table and two stools formed of rough deals。

Within these narrow precincts Isabella now found herself enclosed with a being; whose history had nothing to reassure her; and the fearful conformation of whose hideous countenance inspired an almost superstitious terror。  He occupied the seat opposite to her; and dropping his huge and shaggy eyebrows over his piercing black eyes; gazed at her in silence; as if agitated by a variety of contending feelings。  On the other side sate Isabella; pale as death; her long hair uncurled by the evening damps; and falling over her shoulders and breast; as the wet streamers droop from the mast when the storm has passed away; and left the vessel stranded on the beach。  The Dwarf first broke the silence with the sudden; abrupt; and alarming question;〃Woman; what evil fate has brought thee hither?〃

〃My father's danger; and your own command;〃 she replied faintly; but firmly。

〃And you hope for aid from me?〃

〃If you can bestow it;〃 she replied; still in the same tone of mild submission。

〃And how should I possess that power?〃  continued the Dwarf; with a bitter sneer; 〃Is mine the form of a redresser of wrongs?  Is this the castle in which one powerful enough to be sued to by a fair suppliant is likely to hold his residence?  I but mocked thee; girl; when I said I would relieve thee。〃

〃Then must I depart; and face my fate as I best may!〃

〃No!〃  said the Dwarf; rising and interposing between her and the door; and motioning to her sternly to resume her seat〃No!  you leave me not in this way; we must have farther conference。  Why should one being desire aid of another?  Why should not each be sufficient to itself?  Look round youI; the most despised and most decrepit on Nature's common; have required sympathy and help from no one。  These stones are of my own piling; these utensils I framed with my own hands; and with this〃and he laid his hand with a fierce smile on the long dagger which he always wore beneath his garment; and unsheathed it so far that the blade glimmered clear in the fire…light〃with this;〃 he pursued; as he thrust the weapon back into the scabbard; 〃I can; if necessary; defend the vital spark enclosed in this poor trunk; against the fairest and strongest that shall threaten me with injury。〃

It was with difficulty Isabella refrained from screaming out aloud; but she DID refrain。

〃This;〃 continued the Recluse; 〃is the life of nature; solitary; self…sufficing; and independent。  The wolf calls not the wolf to aid him in forming his den; and the vulture invites not another to assist her in striking down her prey。〃

〃And when they are unable to procure themselves support;〃 said Isabella; judiciously thinking that he would be most accessible to argument couched in his own metaphorical style; 〃what then is to befall them?〃

〃Let them starve; die; and be forgotten; it is the common lot of humanity。〃

〃It is the lot of the wild tribes of nature;〃 said Isabella; 〃but chiefly of those who are destined to support themselves by rapine; which brooks no partner; but it is not the law of nature in general; even the lower orders have confederacies for mutual defence。  But mankindthe race would perish did they cease to aid each other。From the time that the mother binds the child's head; till the moment that some kind assistant wipes the death… damp from the brow of the dying; we cannot exist without mutual help。  All; therefore; that need aid; have right to ask it of their fellow…mortals; no one who has the power of granting can refuse it without guilt。〃

〃And in this simple hope; poor maiden;〃 said the Solitary; 〃thou hast come into the desert; to seek one whose wish it were that the league thou hast spoken of were broken for ever; and that; in very truth; the whole race should perish? Wert thou not frightened?〃

〃Misery;〃 said Isabella; firmly; 〃is superior to fear。〃

〃Hast thou not heard it said in thy mortal world; that I have leagued myself with other powers; deformed to the eye and malevolent to the human race as myself?  Hast thou not heard thisAnd dost thou seek my cell at midnight?〃

〃The Being I worship supports me against such idle fears;〃 said Isabella; but the increasing agitation of her bosom belied the affected courage which her words expressed。

〃Ho!  ho!〃  said the Dwarf; 〃thou vauntest thyself a philosopher? Yet; shouldst thou not have thought of the danger of intrusting thyself; young and beautiful; in the power of one so spited against humanity; as to place his chief pleasure in defacing; destroying; and degrading her fairest works?〃

Isabella; much alarmed; continued to answer with firmness; 〃Whatever injuries you may have sustained in the world; you are incapable of revenging them on one who never wronged you; nor;wilfully; any other。〃

〃Ay; but; maiden;〃 he continued; his dark eyes flashing with an expression of malignity which communicated itself to his wild and distorted features; 〃revenge is the hungry wolf; which asks only to tear flesh and lap blood。  Think you the lamb's plea of innocence would be listened to by him?〃

〃Man!〃  said Isabella; rising; and expressing herself with much dignity; 〃I fear not the horrible ideas with which you would impress me。  I cast them from me with disdain。  Be you mortal or fiend;
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