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the black dwarf-第35章

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eft the chapel followed by Ratcliffe。  Isabella; almost exhausted by the emotions of the day; was carried to her apartment by her women。 Most of the other guests dispersed; after having separately endeavoured to impress on all who would listen to them their disapprobation of the plots formed against the government; or their regret for having engaged in them。  Hobbie Elliot assumed the command of the castle for the night; and mounted a regular guard。  He boasted not a little of the alacrity with which his friends and he had obeyed a hasty summons received from Elshie through the faithful Ratcliffe。  And it was a lucky chance; he said; that on that very day they had got notice that Westburnflat did not intend to keep his tryste at Castleton; but to hold them at defiance; so that a considerable party had assembled at the Heugh…foot; with the intention of paying a visit to the robber's tower on the ensuing morning; and their course was easily directed to Ellieslaw Castle。


Last scene of all; To close this strange eventful history。  AS YOU LIKE IT。

On the next morning; Mr。 Ratcliffe presented Miss Vere with a letter from her father; of which the following is the tenor:

〃MY DEAREST CHILD; The malice of a persecuting government will compel me; for my own safety; to retreat abroad; and to remain for some time in foreign parts。  I do not ask you to accompany; or follow me; you will attend to my interest and your own more effectually by remaining where you are。  It is unnecessary to enter into a minute detail concerning the causes of the strange events which yesterday took place。  I think I have reason to complain of the usage I have received from Sir Edward Mauley; who is your nearest kinsman by the mother's side; but as he has declared you his heir; and is to put you in immediate possession of a large part of his fortune; I account it a full atonement。  I am aware he has never forgiven the preference which your mother gave to my addresses; instead of complying with the terms of a sort of family compact; which absurdly and tyrannically destined her to wed her deformed relative。  The shock was even sufficient to unsettle his wits (which; indeed; were never over…well arranged); and I had; as the husband of his nearest kinswoman and heir; the delicate task of taking care of his person and property; until he was reinstated in the management of the latter by those who; no doubt; thought they were doing him justice; although; if some parts of his subsequent conduct be examined; it will appear that he ought; for his own sake; to have been left under the influence of a mild and salutary restraint。

〃In one particular; however; he showed a sense of the ties of blood; as well as of his own frailty; for while he sequestered himself closely from the world; under various names and disguises; and insisted on spreading a report of his own death (in which to gratify him I willingly acquiesced); he left at my disposal the rents of a great proportion of his estates; and especially all those; which; having belonged to your mother; reverted to him as a male fief。  In this he may have thought that he was acting with extreme generosity; while; in the opinion of all impartial men; he will only be considered as having fulfilled a natural obligation; seeing that; in justice; if not in strict law; you must be considered as the heir of your mother; and I as your legal administrator。 Instead; therefore; of considering myself as loaded with obligations to Sir Edward on this account; I think I had reason to complain that these remittances were only doled out to me at the pleasure of Mr。 Ratcliffe; who; moreover; exacted from me mortgages over my paternal estate of Ellieslaw for any sums which I required as an extra advance; and thus may be said to have insinuated himself into the absolute management and control of my property。  Or; if all this seeming friendship was employed by Sir Edward for the purpose of obtaining a complete command of my affairs; and acquiring the power of ruining me at his pleasure; I feel myself; I must repeat; still less bound by the alleged obligation。

〃About the autumn of last year; as I understand; either his own crazed imagination; or the accomplishment of some such scheme as I have hinted; brought him down to this country。  His alleged motive; it seems; was a desire of seeing a monument which he had directed to be raised in the chapel over the tomb of your mother。 Mr。 Ratcliffe; who at this time had done me the honour to make my house his own; had the complaisance to introduce him secretly into the chapel。  The consequence; as he informs me; was a frenzy of several hours; during which he fled into the neighbouring moors; in one of the wildest spots of which he chose; when he was somewhat recovered; to fix his mansion; and set up for a sort of country empiric; a character which; even in his best days; he was fond of assuming。  It is remarkable; that; instead of informing me of these circumstances; that I might have had the relative of my late wife taken such care of as his calamitous condition required; Mr。 Ratcliffe seems to have had such culpable indulgence for his irregular plans as to promise and even swear secrecy concerning them。  He visited Sir Edward often; and assisted in the fantastic task he had taken upon him of constructing a hermitage。  Nothing they appear to have dreaded more than a discovery of their intercourse。

〃The ground was open in every direction around; and a small subterranean cave; probably sepulchral; which their researches had detected near the great granite pillar; served to conceal Ratcliffe; when any one approached his master。 I think you will be of opinion; my love; that this secrecy must have had some strong motive。  It is also remarkable; that while I thought my unhappy friend was residing among the Monks of La Trappe; he should have been actually living; for many months; in this bizarre disguise; within five miles of my house; and obtaining regular information of my most private movements; either by Ratcliffe; or through Westburnflat or others; whom he had the means to bribe to any extent。  He makes it a crime against me that I endeavoured to establish your marriage with Sir Frederick。 I acted for the best; but if Sir Edward Mauley thought otherwise; why did he not step manfully forward; express his own purpose of becoming a party to the settlements; and take that interest which he is entitled to claim in you as heir to his great property?

〃Even now; though your rash and eccentric relation is somewhat tardy in announcing his purpose; I am far from opposing my authority against his wishes; although the person he desires you to regard as your future husband be young Earnscliff; the very last whom I should have thought likely to be acceptable to him; considering a certain fatal event。 But I give my free and hearty consent; providing the settlements are drawn in such an irrevocable form as may secure my child from suffering by that state of dependence; and that sudden and causeless revocation of allowances; of which I have so much reason to complain。  Of Sir Frederick Langley; I augur; you will hear no more。  He is not likely to claim the hand of a dowerless maiden。  I therefore commit you; my dear Isabella; to the wisdom of Providence and to your own prudence; begging you to lose no time in securing those advantages; which the fickleness of your kinsman has withdrawn from me to shower upon you。

〃Mr。 Ratcliffe mentioned Sir Edward's intention to settle a considerable sum upon me yearly; for my maintenance in foreign parts; but this my heart is too proud to accept from him。  I told him I had a dear child; who; while in affluence herself; would never suffer me to be in poverty。  I thought it right to intimate this to him pretty roundly; that whatever increase be settled upon you; it may be calculated so as to cover this necessary and natural encumbrance。  I shall willingly settle upon you the castle and manor of Ellieslaw; to show my parental affection and disinterested zeal for promoting your settlement in life。  The annual interest of debts charged on the estate somewhat exceeds the income; even after a reasonable rent has been put upon the mansion and mains。  But as all the debts are in the person of Mr。 Ratcliffe; as your kinsman's trustee; he will not be a troublesome creditor。  And here I must make you aware; that though I have to complain of Mr。 Ratcliffe's conduct to me personally; I; nevertheless; believe him a just and upright man; with whom you may safely consult on your affairs; not to mention that to cherish his good opinion will be the best way to retain that of your kinsman。  Remember me to MarchieI hope he will not be troubled on account of late matters。  I will write more fully from the Continent。 Meanwhile; I rest your loving father; RICHARD VERE。〃

The above letter throws the only additional light which we have been able to procure upon the earlier part of our story。  It was Hobbie's opinion; and may be that of most of our readers;that the Recluse of Mucklestane…Moor had but a kind of a gleaming; or twilight understanding; and that he had neither very clear views as to what he himself wanted; nor was apt to pursue his ends by the clearest and most direct mea
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