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commonwealth so well organised; in which we might not detect often enough
defect in such a department or such a choice; and in those systems; where
ignorance and malice; favouritism; intrigue; and violence govern; if any
selection happens to be made on the ground of merit and regularity; we
may doubtless thank Fortune; which; in its capricious movements; has for
once taken the path of reason。
This consideration; Monseigneur; often consoled me; when I beheld M。
Etienne de la Boetie; one of the fittest men for high office in France;
pass his whole life without employment and notice; by his domestic
hearth; to the singular detriment of the public; for; so far as he was
concerned; I may assure you; Monseigneur; that he was so rich in those
treasures which defy fortune; that never was man more satisfied or
content。 I know; indeed; that he was raised to the dignities connected
with his neighbourhooddignities accounted considerable; and I know
also; that no one ever acquitted himself better of them; and when he died
at the age of thirty…two; he enjoyed a reputation in that way beyond all
who had preceded him。
But for all that; it is no reason that a man should be left a common
soldier; who deserves to become a captain; nor to assign mean functions
to those who are perfectly equal to the highest。 In truth; his powers
were badly economised and too sparingly employed; insomuch that; over and
above his actual work; there was abundant capacity lying idle which might
have been called into service; both to the public advantage and his own
private glory。
Therefore; Monseigneur; since he was so indifferent to his own fame (for
virtue and ambition; unfortunately; seldom lodge together); and since he
lived in an age when others were too dull or too jealous to witness to
his character; I have it marvellously at heart that his memory; at all
events; to which I owe the good offices of a friend; should enjoy the
recompense of his brave life; and that it should survive in the good
report of men of honour and virtue。 On this account; sir; I have been
desirous to bring to light; and present to you; such few Latin verses as
he left behind。 Different from the builder; who places the most
attractive; portion of his house towards the street; and to the draper;
who displays in his window his best goods; that which was most precious
in my friend; the juice and marrow of his genius; departed with him; and
there have remained to us but the bark and the leaves。
The exactly regulated movements of his mind; his piety; his virtue; his
justice; his vivacity; the solidity and soundness of his judgment; the
loftiness of his ideas; raised so far above the common level; his
learning; the grace which accompanied his most ordinary actions; the
tender affection he had for his miserable country; and his supreme and
sworn detestation of all vice; but principally of that villainous traffic
which disguises itself under the honourable name of justice; should
certainly impress all well…disposed persons with a singular love towards
him; and an extraordinary regret for his loss。 But; sir; I am unable to
do justice to all these qualities; and of the fruit of his own studies it
had not entered into his mind to leave any proof to posterity; all that
remains; is the little which; as a pastime; he did at intervals。
However this may be; I beg you; sir; to receive it kindly; and as our
judgment of great things is many times formed from lesser things; and as
even the recreations of illustrious men carry with them; to intelligent
observers; some honourable traits of their origin; I would have you form
from this; some knowledge of him; and hence lovingly cherish his name and
his memory。 In this; sir; you will only reciprocate the high opinion
which he had of your virtue; and realise what he infinitely desired in
his lifetime; for there was no one in the world in whose acquaintance and
friendship he would have been so happy to see himself established; as in
your own。 But if any man is offended by the freedom which I use with the
belongings of another; I can tell him that nothing which has been written
or been laid down; even in the schools of philosophy; respecting the
sacred duties and rights of friendship; could give an adequate idea of
the relations which subsisted between this personage and myself。
Moreover; sir; this slender gift; to make two throws of one stone at the
same time; may likewise serve; if you please; to testify the honour and
respect which I entertain for your ability and high qualities; for as to
those gifts which are adventitious and accidental; it is not to my taste
to take them into account。
Sir; I pray God to grant you a very happy and a very long life。 From
Montaigne; this 30th of April 1570。Your humble and obedient servant;
To Monsieur; Monsieur de Folx; Privy Councillor; and Ambassador of His
Majesty to the Signory of Venice。' Printed before the 'Vers Francois'
of Etienne de la Boetie; 8vo; Paris; 1572。'
SIR;Being on the point of commending to you and to posterity the memory
of the late Etienne de la Boetie; as well for his extreme virtue as for
the singular affection which he bore to me; it struck me as an
indiscretion very serious in its results; and meriting some coercion from
our laws; the practice which often prevails of robbing virtue of glory;
its faithful associate; in order to confer it; in accordance with our
private interests and without discrimination; on the first comer; seeing
that our two principal guiding reins are reward and punishment; which
only touch us properly; and as men; through the medium of honour and
dishonour; forasmuch as these penetrate the mind; and come home to our
most intimate feelings: just where animals themselves are susceptible;
more or less; to all other kinds of recompense and corporal chastisement。
Moreover; it is well to notice that the custom of praising virtue; even
in those who are no longer with us; impalpable as it is to them; serves
as a stimulant to the living to imitate their example; just as capital
sentences are carried out by the law; more for the sake of warning to
others; than in relation to those who suffer。 Now; commendation and its
opposite being analogous as regards effects; we cannot easily deny
the fact; that although the law prohibits one man from slandering the
reputation of another; it does not prevent us from bestowing reputation
without cause。 This pernicious licence in respect to the distribution of
praise; has formerly been confined in its area of operations; and it may
be the reason why poetry once lost favour with the more judicious。
However this may be; it cannot be concealed that the vice of falsehood is
one very unbecoming in gentleman; let it assume what guise it will。
As for that personage of whom I am speaking to you; sir he leads me far
away indeed from this kind of language; for the danger in his case is
not; lest I should lend him anything; but that I might take something
from him; and it is his ill…fortune that; while he has supplied me; so
far as ever a man could; with just and obvious opportunities for
commendation; I find myself unable and unqualified to render it to him
I; who am his debtor for so many vivid communications; and who alone have
it in my power to answer for a million of accomplishments; perfections;
and virtues; latent (thanks to his unkind stars) in so noble a soul。 For
the nature of things having (I know not how) permitted that truth; fair
and acceptableas it may be of itself; is only embraced where there are
arts of persuasion; to insinuate it into our minds; I see myself so
wanting; both in authority to support my simple testimony; and in the
eloquence requisite for lending it value and weight; that I was on the
eve of relinquishing the task; having nothing of his which would enable
me to exhibit to the world a proof of his genius and knowledge。
In truth; sir; having been overtaken by his fate in the flower of his
age; and in the full enjoyment of the most vigorous health; it had been
his design to publish some day works which would have demonstrated to
posterity what sort of a man he was; and; peradventure; he was
indifferent enough to fame; having formed such a plan in his head; to
proceed no further in it。 But I have come to the conclusion; that it was
far more excusable in him to bury with him all his rare endowments; than
it would be on my part to bury also with me the knowledge of them which I
had acquired from him; and; therefore; having collected with care all the
remains which I found scattered here and there among his papers; I intend
to distribute them so as to recommend his memory to as many persons as
possible; selecting the most suitable and worthy of my acquaintance; and
those whose testimony might do him greatest honour: such as you; sir; who
may very possibly have had some knowledge of him during his life; but
assuredly too slight to discover the perfect extent of his worth。
Posterity may credit me; if it chooses; when I swear upon my conscience;
that I knew and saw him to be such as; all things considered; I could
neither desire nor imagine a genius surpassing his。