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animal heroes-第28章

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son of the saloonkeeper。

Jim was a wilful little rascal with a mind of his own。 He took to
the Wolf because it had killed a Dog that had bitten him。 He
thenceforth fed the Wolf and made a pet of it; and the Wolf
responded by allowing him to take liberties which no one else
dared venture。

Jim's father was not a model parent。 He usually spoiled his son;
but at times would get in a rage and beat him cruelly for some
trifle。 The child was quick to learn that he was beaten; not
because he had done wrong; but because he had made his father
angry。 If; therefore; he could keep out of the way until that
anger had cooled; he had no further cause for worry。 One day;
seeking safety in flight with his father behind him; he dashed
into the Wolf's kennel; and his grizzly chum thus unceremoniously
awakened turned to the door; displayed a double row of ivories;
and plainly said to the father: 〃Don't you dare to touch him。〃

If Hogan could have shot the Wolf then and there he would have
done so; but the chances were about equal of killing his son; so
he let them alone and; half an hour later; laughed at the whole
affair。 Thenceforth Little Jim made for the Wolf's den whenever
he was in danger; and sometimes the only notice any one had that
the boy had been in mischief was seeing him sneak in behind the
savage captive。

Economy in hired help was a first principle with Hogan。 Therefore
his 〃barkeep〃 was a Chinaman。 He was a timid; harmless creature;
so Paul des Roches did not hesitate to bully him。 One day;
finding Hogan out; and the Chinaman alone in charge; Paul;
already tipsy; demanded a drink on credit; and Tung Ling; acting
on standing orders; refused。 His artless explanation; 〃No good;
neber pay;〃 so far from clearing up the difficulty; brought Paul
staggering back of the bar to avenge the insult。 The Celestial
might have suffered grievous bodily hurt; but that Little Jim was
at hand and had a long stick; with which he adroitly tripped up
the Fiddler and sent him sprawling。 He staggered to his feet
swearing he would have Jim's life。 But the child was near the
back door and soon found refuge in the Wolf's kennel。

Seeing that the boy had a protector; Paul got the long stick; and
from a safe distance began to belabor the Wolf; The grizzly
creature raged at the end of the chain; but; though he parried
many cruel blows by seizing the stick in his teeth; he was
suffering severely; when Paul realized that Jim; whose tongue had
not been idle; was fumbling away with nervous fingers to set the
Wolf loose; and soon would succeed。 Indeed; it would have been
done already but for the strain that the Wolf kept on the chain。

The thought of being in the yard at the mercy of the huge animal
that he had so enraged; gave the brave Paul a thrill of terror。

Jim's wheedling voice was heard …〃Hold on now; Wolfie; back up
just a little; and you shall have him。 Now do; there's a good
Wolfie〃that was enough; the Fiddler fled and carefully closed
all doors behind him。

Thus the friendship between Jim and his pet grew stronger; and
the Wolf; as he developed his splendid natural powers; gave daily
evidence also of the mortal hatred he bore to men that smelt of
whiskey and to all Dogs; the causes of his sufferings。 This
peculiarity; coupled with his love for the childand all
children seemed to be included to some extentgrew with his
growth and seemed to prove the ruling force of his life。


At this timethat is; the fall of 1881there were great
complaints among the Qu'Appelle ranchmen that the Wolves were
increasing in their country and committing great depredations
among the stock。 Poisoning and trapping had proved failures; and
when a distinguished German visitor appeared at the Club in
Winnipeg and announced that he was bringing some Dogs that could
easily rid the country of Wolves; he was listened to with unusual
interest。 For the cattle…men are fond of sport; and the idea of
helping their business by establishing a kennel of Wolfhounds was
very alluring。

The German soon produced as samples of his Dogs; two magnificent
Danes; one white; the other blue with black spots and a singular
white eye that completed an expression of unusual ferocity。 Each
of these great creatures weighed nearly two hundred pounds。 They
were muscled like Tigers; and the German was readily believed
when he claimed that these two alone were more than a match for
the biggest Wolf。 He thus described their method of hunting: 〃All
you have to do is show them the trail and; even if it is a day
old; away they go on it。 They cannot be shaken off。 They will
soon find that Wolf; no matter how he doubles and hides。 Then
they close on him。 He turns to run; the blue Dog takes him by the
haunch and throws him like this;〃 and the German jerked a roll of
bread into the air; 〃then before he touches the ground the white
Dog has his head; the other his tail; and they pull him apart
like that。〃

It sounded all right; at any rate every one was eager to put it
to the proof。 Several of the residents said there was a fair
chance of finding a Gray…wolf along the Assiniboine; so a hunt
was organized。 But they searched in vain for three days and were
giving it up when some one suggested that down at Hogan's saloon
was a Wolf chained up; that they could get for the value of the
bounty; and though little more than a year old he would serve to
show what the Dogs could do。

The value of Hogan's Wolf went up at once when he knew the
importance of the occasion; besides; 〃he had conscientious
scruples。〃 All his scruples vanished; however; when his views as
to price were met。 His first care was to get Little Jim out of
the way by sending him on an errand to his grandma's; then the
Wolf was driven into his box and nailed in。 The box was put in a
wagon and taken to the open prairie along the Portage trail。

The Dogs could scarcely be held back; they were so eager for the
fray; as soon as they smelt the Wolf。 But several strong men held
their leash; the wagon was drawn half a mile farther; and the
Wolf was turned out with some difficulty。 At first he looked
scared and sullen。 He tried to get out of sight; but made no
attempt to bite。 However; on finding himself free; as well as
hissed and hooted at; he started off at a slinking trot toward
the south; where the land seemed broken。 The Dogs were released
at that moment; and; baying furiously; they bounded away after
the young Wolf。 The men cheered loudly and rode behind them。 From
the very first it was clear that he had no chance。 The Dogs were
much swifter; the white one could run like a Greyhound。 The
German was wildly enthusiastic as she flew across the prairie;
gaining visibly on the Wolf at every second。 Many bets were
offered on the Dogs; but there were no takers。 The only bets
accepted were Dog against Dog。 The young Wolf went at speed now;
but within a mile the white Dog was right behind himwas closing

The German shouted: 〃Now watch and see that Wolf go up in the

In a moment the runners were together。 Both recoiled; neither
went up in the air; but the white Dog rolled over with a fearful
gash in her shoulderout of the fight; if not killed。 Ten
seconds later the Blue…spot arrived; open…mouthed。 This meeting
was as quick and almost as mysterious as the first。 The animals
barely touched each other。 The gray one bounded aside; his head
out of sight for a moment in the flash of quick movement。 Spot
reeled and showed a bleeding flank。 Urged on by the men; he
assaulted again; but only to get another wound that taught him to
keep off。

Now came the keeper with four more huge Dogs。 They turned these
loose; and the men armed with clubs and lassos were closing to
help in finishing the Wolf; when a small boy came charging over
the plain on a Pony。 He leaped to the ground and wriggling
through the ring flung his arms around the Wolf's neck。 He called
him his 〃Wolfie pet;〃 his 〃dear Wolfie〃the Wolf licked his face
and wagged its tailthen the child turned on the crowd and
through his streaming tears; heWell it would not do to print
what he said。 He was only nine; but he was very old…fashioned; as
well as a rude little boy。 He had been brought up in a low
saloon; and had been an apt pupil at picking up the vile talk of
the place。 He cursed them one and all and for generations back;
he did not spare even his own father。

If a man had used such shocking and insulting language he might
have been lynched; but coming from a baby; the hunters did not
know what to do; so finally did the best thing。 They laughed
aloudnot at themselves; that is not considered good formbut
they all laughed at the German whose wonderful Dogs had been
worsted by a half…grown Wolf。

Jimmie now thrust his dirty; tear…stained little fist down into
his   very…much…of…a…boy's pocket; and from among marbles and
chewing…gum; as well as tobacco; matches; pistol cartridges; and
other contraband; he fished out a flimsy bit of grocer's twine
and fastened it around the Wolf's neck。 Then; still blubbering a
little; he set out for home on the Pony; leading the Wolf and
hurling a final threat and anathema at the German nobleman: 〃Fur
two cents I'd sic hi
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