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the writings-3-第13章

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hands have earned; he is the equal of every other man; white or

black。  In pointing out that more has been given you; you cannot

be justified in taking away the little which has been given him。

All I ask for the negro is that if you do not like him; let him

alone。  If God gave him but little; that little let him enjoy。

When our government was established we had the institution of

slavery among us。  We were in a certain sense compelled to

tolerate its existence。  It was a sort of necessity。  We had gone

through our struggle and secured our own independence。  The

framers of the Constitution found the institution of slavery

amongst their own institutions at the time。  They found that by

an effort to eradicate it they might lose much of what they had

already gained。  They were obliged to bow to the necessity。  They

gave power to Congress to abolish the slave trade at the end of

twenty years。  They also prohibited it in the Territories where

it did not exist。  They did what they could; and yielded to the

necessity for the rest。  I also yield to all which follows from

that necessity。  What I would most desire would be the separation

of the white and black races。

One more point on this Springfield speech which Judge Douglas

says he has read so carefully。  I expressed my belief in the

existence of a conspiracy to perpetuate and nationalize slavery。

I did not profess to know it; nor do I now。  I showed the part

Judge Douglas had played in the string of facts constituting to

my mind the proof of that conspiracy。  I showed the parts played

by others。

I charged that the people had been deceived into carrying the

last Presidential election; by the impression that the people of

the Territories might exclude slavery if they chose; when it was

known in advance by the conspirators that the court was to decide

that neither Congress nor the people could so exclude slavery。

These charges are more distinctly made than anything else in the


Judge Douglas has carefully read and reread that speech。  He has

not; so far as I know; contradicted those charges。  In the two

speeches which I heard he certainly did not。  On this own tacit

admission; I renew that charge。  I charge him with having been a

party to that conspiracy and to that deception for the sole

purpose of nationalizing slavery。


'The following is the correspondence between the two rival

candidates for the United States Senate'


CHICAGO; ILL。; July 24; 1558。


My dear Sir;Will it be agreeable to you to make an arrangement

for you and myself to divide time; and address the same audiences

the present canvass?  Mr。 Judd; who will hand you this; is

authorized to receive your answer; and; if agreeable to you; to

enter into the terms of such arrangement。

Your obedient servant;



BEMENT;  PIATT Co。; ILL。; July 30; 1858。

Dear Sir;Your letter dated yesterday; accepting my proposition

for a joint discussion at one prominent point in each

Congressional District; as stated in my previous letter; was

received this morning。

The times and places designated are as follows:

Ottawa; La Salle County     August    21st; 1858。

Freeport; Stephenson County   〃       27th;

Jonesboro; Union County; September 15th;

Charleston; Coles County      〃    18th;

Galesburgh; Knox County October 7th;

Quincy; Adams County        〃  13th;

Alton; Madison County       〃  15th;

I agree to your suggestion that we shall alternately open and

close the discussion。  I will speak at Ottawa one hour; you can

reply; occupying an hour and a half; and I will then follow for

half an hour。  At Freeport; you shall open the discussion and

speak one hour; I will follow for an hour and a half; and you can

then reply for half an hour。  We will alternate in like manner in

each successive place。

Very respectfully; your obedient servant;



SPRINGFIELD; July 31; 1858。


Dear Sir;Yours of yesterday; naming places; times; and terms

for joint discussions between us; was received this morning。

Although; by the terms; as you propose; you take four openings

and closes; to my three; I accede; and thus close the

arrangement。  I direct this to you at Hillsborough; and shall try

to have both your letter and this appear in the Journal and

Register of Monday morning。

Your obedient servant;



AUGUST 21; 1858


MY FELLOW…CITIZENS:When a man hears himself somewhat

misrepresented; it provokes him; at least; I find it so with

myself; but when misrepresentation becomes very gross and

palpable; it is more apt to amuse him。  The first thing I see fit

to notice is the fact that Judge Douglas alleges; after running

through the history of the old Democratic and the old Whig

parties; that Judge Trumbull and myself made an arrangement in

1854; by which I was to have the place of General Shields in the

United States Senate; and Judge Trumbull was to have the place of

Judge Douglas。  Now; all I have to say upon that subject is that

I think no man not even Judge Douglas can prove it; because it is

not true。  I have no doubt he is 〃conscientious〃 in saying it。

As to those resolutions that he took such a length of time to

read; as being the platform of the Republican party in 1854; I

say I never had anything to do with them; and I think Trumbull

never had。  Judge Douglas cannot show that either of us ever did

have anything to do with them。

I believe this is true about those resolutions: There was a call

for a convention to form a Republican party at Springfield; and I

think that my friend Mr。 Lovejoy; who is here upon this stand;

had a hand in it。  I think this is true; and I think if he will

remember accurately he will be able to recollect that he tried to

get me into it; and I would not go in。  I believe it is also true

that I went away from Springfield when the convention was in

session; to attend court in Tazewell county。  It is true they did

place my name; though without authority; upon the committee; and

afterward wrote me to attend the meeting of the committee; but I

refused to do so; and I never had anything to do with that

organization。  This is the plain truth about all that matter of

the resolutions。

Now; about this story that Judge Douglas tells of Trumbull

bargaining to sell out the old Democratic party; and Lincoln

agreeing to sell out the old Whig party; I have the means of

knowing about that: Judge Douglas cannot have; and I know there

is no substance to it whatever。  Yet I have no doubt he is

〃conscientious〃 about it。  I know that after Mr。 Lovejoy got into

the Legislature that winter; he complained of me that I had told

all the old Whigs of his district that the old Whig party was

good enough for them; and some of them voted against him because

I told them so。  Now; I have no means of totally disproving such

charges as this which the Judge makes。  A man cannot prove a

negative; but he has a right to claim that when a man makes an

affirmative charge; he must offer some proof to show the truth of

what he says。  I certainly cannot introduce testimony to show the

negative about things; but I have a right to claim that if a man

says he knows a thing; then he must show how he knows it。  I

always have a right to claim this; and it is not satisfactory to

me that he may be 〃conscientious〃 on the subject。

Now; gentlemen; I hate to waste my time on such things; but in

regard to that general Abolition tilt that Judge Douglas makes;

when he says that I was engaged at that time in selling out and

Abolitionizing the old Whig party; I hope you will permit me to

read a part of a printed speech that I made then at Peoria; which

will show altogether a different view of the position I took in

that contest of 1854。

'Voice:〃Put on your specs。〃'

Mr。 LINCOLN: Yes; sir; I am obliged to do so; I am no longer a

young man。

〃This is the repeal of the Missouri Compromise。  The foregoing

history may not be precisely accurate in every particular; but I

am sure it is sufficiently so for all the uses I shall attempt to

make of it; and in it we have before us the chief materials

enabling us to correctly judge whether the repeal of the Missouri

Compromise is right or wrong。

〃I think; and shall try to show; that it is wrongwrong in its

direct effect; letting slavery into Kansas and Nebraska; and

wrong in its prospective principle; allowing it to spread to

every other part of the wide world where men can be found

inclined to take it。

〃This declared indifference; but; as I must think; covert real
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