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the writings-3-第24章

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this new audience; to give briefly some of the reasons for

entertaining that opinion。  Another form of his question is; 〃Why

can't we let it stand as our fathers placed it?〃 That is the

exact difficulty between us。  I say that Judge Douglas and his

friends have changed it from the position in which our fathers

originally placed it。  I say; in the way our father's originally

left the slavery question; the institution was in the course of

ultimate extinction; and the public mind rested in the belief

that it was in the course of ultimate extinction。  I say when

this government was first established it was the policy of its

founders to prohibit the spread of slavery into the new

Territories of the United States; where it had not existed。  But

Judge Douglas and his friends have broken up that policy; and

placed it upon a new basis; by which it is to become national and

perpetual。  All I have asked or desired anywhere is that it

should be placed back again upon the basis that the fathers of

our government originally placed it upon。  I have no doubt that

it would become extinct; for all time to come; if we but

readopted the policy of the fathers; by restricting it to the

limits it has already covered; restricting it from the new


I do not wish to dwell at great length on this branch of the

subject at this time; but allow me to repeat one thing that I

have stated before。  Brooksthe man who assaulted Senator Sumner

on the floor of the Senate; and who was complimented with

dinners; and silver pitchers; and gold…headed canes; and a good

many other things for that featin one of his speeches declared

that when this government was originally established; nobody

expected that the institution of slavery would last until this

day。  That was but the opinion of one man; but it was such an

opinion as we can never get from Judge Douglas or anybody in

favor of slavery; in the North; at all。  You can sometimes get it

from a Southern man。  He said at the same time that the framers

of our government did not have the knowledge that experience has

taught us; that experience and the invention of the cotton…gin

have taught us that the perpetuation of slavery is a necessity。

He insisted; therefore; upon its being changed from the basis

upon which the fathers of the government left it to the basis of

its perpetuation and nationalization。

I insist that this is the difference between Judge Douglas and

myself;that Judge Douglas is helping that change along。  I

insist upon this government being placed where our fathers

originally placed it。

I remember Judge Douglas once said that he saw the evidences on

the statute books of Congress of a policy in the origin of

government to divide slavery and freedom by a geographical line;

that he saw an indisposition to maintain that policy; and

therefore he set about studying up a way to settle the

institution on the right basis;the basis which he thought it

ought to have been placed upon at first; and in that speech he

confesses that he seeks to place it; not upon the basis that the

fathers placed it upon; but upon one gotten up on 〃original

principles。〃  When he asks me why we cannot get along with it in

the attitude where our fathers placed it; he had better clear up

the evidences that he has himself changed it from that basis;

that he has himself been chiefly instrumental in changing the

policy of the fathers。  Any one who will read his speech of the

22d of last March will see that he there makes an open

confession; showing that he set about fixing the institution upon

an altogether different set of principles。  I think I have fully

answered him when he asks me why we cannot let it alone upon the

basis where our fathers left it; by showing that he has himself

changed the whole policy of the government in that regard。

Now; fellow…citizens; in regard to this matter about a contract

that was made between Judge Trumbull and myself; and all that

long portion of Judge Douglas's speech on this subject;I wish

simply to say what I have said to him before; that he cannot know

whether it is true or not; and I do know that there is not a word

of truth in it。  And I have told him so before。  I don't want any

harsh language indulged in; but I do not know how to deal with

this persistent insisting on a story that I know to be utterly

without truth。  It used to be a fashion amongst men that when a

charge was made; some sort of proof was brought forward to

establish it; and if no proof was found to exist; the charge was

dropped。  I don't know how to meet this kind of an argument。  I

don't want to have a fight with Judge Douglas; and I have no way

of making an argument up into the consistency of a corn…cob and

stopping his mouth with it。  All I can do isgood…humoredlyto

say that; from the beginning to the end of all that story about a

bargain between Judge Trumbull and myself; there is not a word of

truth in it。  I can only ask him to show some sort of evidence of

the truth of his story。  He brings forward here and reads from

what he contends is a speech by James H。  Matheny; charging such

a bargain between Trumbull and myself。  My own opinion is that

Matheny did do some such immoral thing as to tell a story that he

knew nothing about。  I believe he did。  I contradicted it

instantly; and it has been contradicted by Judge Trumbull; while

nobody has produced any proof; because there is none。  Now;

whether the speech which the Judge brings forward here is really

the one Matheny made; I do not know; and I hope the Judge will

pardon me for doubting the genuineness of this document; since

his production of those Springfield resolutions at Ottawa。  I do

not wish to dwell at any great length upon this matter。  I can

say nothing when a long story like this is told; except it is not

true; and demand that he who insists upon it shall produce some

proof。  That is all any man can do; and I leave it in that way;

for I know of no other way of dealing with it。

'In an argument on the lines of: 〃Yes; you did。  No; I did

not。〃   It bears on the former to prove his point; not on the

negative to 〃prove〃 that he did noteven if he easily can do


The Judge has gone over a long account of the old Whig and

Democratic parties; and it connects itself with this charge

against Trumbull and myself。  He says that they agreed upon a

compromise in regard to the slavery question in 1850; that in a

National Democratic Convention resolutions were passed to abide

by that compromise as a finality upon the slavery question。  He

also says that the Whig party in National Convention agreed to

abide by and regard as a finality the Compromise of 1850。  I

understand the Judge to be altogether right about that; I

understand that part of the history of the country as stated by

him to be correct I recollect that I; as a member of that party;

acquiesced in that compromise。  I recollect in the Presidential

election which followed; when we had General Scott up for the

presidency; Judge Douglas was around berating us Whigs as

Abolitionists; precisely as he does to…day;not a bit of

difference。  I have often heard him。  We could do nothing when

the old Whig party was alive that was not Abolitionism; but it

has got an extremely good name since it has passed away。

'It almost a natural law that; when deadno matter how bad we

werewe  are automatically beatified。'

When that Compromise was made it did not repeal the old Missouri

Compromise。  It left a region of United States territory half as

large as the present territory of the United States; north of the

line of 36 degrees 30 minutes; in which slavery was prohibited by

Act of Congress。  This Compromise did not repeal that one。  It

did not affect or propose to repeal it。  But at last it became

Judge Douglas's duty; as he thought (and I find no fault with

him); as Chairman of the Committee on Territories; to bring in a

bill for the organization of a territorial government;first of

one; then of two Territories north of that line。  When he did so;

it ended in his inserting a provision substantially repealing the

Missouri Compromise。  That was because the Compromise of 1850 had

not repealed it。  And now I ask why he could not have let that

Compromise alone?  We were quiet from the agitation of the

slavery question。  We were making no fuss about it。  All had

acquiesced in the Compromise measures of 1850。  We never had been

seriously disturbed by any Abolition agitation before that

period。  When he came to form governments for the Territories

north of the line of 36 degrees 30 minutes; why could he not have

let that matter stand as it was standing?  Was it necessary to

the organization of a Territory?  Not at all。  Iowa lay north of

the line; and had been organized as a Territory and come into the

Union as a State without disturbing that Compromise。  There was

no sort of necessity for destr
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