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lazy tour of two idle apprentices-第16章

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It was a Junction…Station; where the wooden razors before mentioned

shaved the air very often; and where the sharp electric…telegraph

bell was in a very restless condition。  All manner of cross…lines

of rails came zig…zagging into it; like a Congress of iron vipers;

and; a little way out of it; a pointsman in an elevated signal…box

was constantly going through the motions of drawing immense

quantities of beer at a public…house bar。  In one direction;

confused perspectives of embankments and arches were to be seen

from the platform; in the other; the rails soon disentangled

themselves into two tracks and shot away under a bridge; and curved

round a corner。  Sidings were there; in which empty luggage…vans

and cattle…boxes often butted against each other as if they

couldn't agree; and warehouses were there; in which great

quantities of goods seemed to have taken the veil (of the

consistency of tarpaulin); and to have retired from the world

without any hope of getting back to it。  Refreshment…rooms were

there; one; for the hungry and thirsty Iron Locomotives where their

coke and water were ready; and of good quality; for they were

dangerous to play tricks with; the other; for the hungry and

thirsty human Locomotives; who might take what they could get; and

whose chief consolation was provided in the form of three terrific

urns or vases of white metal; containing nothing; each forming a

breastwork for a defiant and apparently much…injured woman。

Established at this Station; Mr。 Thomas Idle and Mr。 Francis

Goodchild resolved to enjoy it。  But; its contrasts were very

violent; and there was also an infection in it。

First; as to its contrasts。  They were only two; but they were

Lethargy and Madness。  The Station was either totally unconscious;

or wildly raving。  By day; in its unconscious state; it looked as

if no life could come to it; … as if it were all rust; dust; and

ashes … as if the last train for ever; had gone without issuing any

Return…Tickets … as if the last Engine had uttered its last shriek

and burst。  One awkward shave of the air from the wooden razor; and

everything changed。  Tight office…doors flew open; panels yielded;

books; newspapers; travelling…caps and wrappers broke out of brick

walls; money chinked; conveyances oppressed by nightmares of

luggage came careering into the yard; porters started up from

secret places; ditto the much…injured women; the shining bell; who

lived in a little tray on stilts by himself; flew into a man's hand

and clamoured violently。  The pointsman aloft in the signal…box

made the motions of drawing; with some difficulty; hogsheads of

beer。  Down Train!  More bear!  Up Train!  More beer。  Cross

junction Train!  More beer!  Cattle Train!  More beer。  Goods

Train!  Simmering; whistling; trembling; rumbling; thundering。

Trains on the whole confusion of intersecting rails; crossing one

another; bumping one another; hissing one another; backing to go

forward; tearing into distance to come close。  People frantic。

Exiles seeking restoration to their native carriages; and banished

to remoter climes。  More beer and more bell。  Then; in a minute;

the Station relapsed into stupor as the stoker of the Cattle Train;

the last to depart; went gliding out of it; wiping the long nose of

his oil…can with a dirty pocket…handkerchief。

By night; in its unconscious state; the Station was not so much as

visible。  Something in the air; like an enterprising chemist's

established in business on one of the boughs of Jack's beanstalk;

was all that could be discerned of it under the stars。  In a moment

it would break out; a constellation of gas。  In another moment;

twenty rival chemists; on twenty rival beanstalks; came into

existence。  Then; the Furies would be seen; waving their lurid

torches up and down the confused perspectives of embankments and

arches … would be heard; too; wailing and shrieking。  Then; the

Station would be full of palpitating trains; as in the day; with

the heightening difference that they were not so clearly seen as in

the day; whereas the Station walls; starting forward under the gas;

like a hippopotamus's eyes; dazzled the human locomotives with the

sauce…bottle; the cheap music; the bedstead; the distorted range of

buildings where the patent safes are made; the gentleman in the

rain with the registered umbrella; the lady returning from the ball

with the registered respirator; and all their other embellishments。

And now; the human locomotives; creased as to their countenances

and purblind as to their eyes; would swarm forth in a heap;

addressing themselves to the mysterious urns and the much…injured

women; while the iron locomotives; dripping fire and water; shed

their steam about plentifully; making the dull oxen in their cages;

with heads depressed; and foam hanging from their mouths as their

red looks glanced fearfully at the surrounding terrors; seem as

though they had been drinking at half…frozen waters and were hung

with icicles。  Through the same steam would be caught glimpses of

their fellow…travellers; the sheep; getting their white kid faces

together; away from the bars; and stuffing the interstices with

trembling wool。  Also; down among the wheels; of the man with the

sledge…hammer; ringing the axles of the fast night…train; against

whom the oxen have a misgiving that he is the man with the pole…axe

who is to come by…and…by; and so the nearest of them try to get

back; and get a purchase for a thrust at him through the bars。

Suddenly; the bell would ring; the steam would stop with one hiss

and a yell; the chemists on the beanstalks would be busy; the

avenging Furies would bestir themselves; the fast night…train would

melt from eye and ear; the other trains going their ways more

slowly would be heard faintly rattling in the distance like old…

fashioned watches running down; the sauce…bottle and cheap music

retired from view; even the bedstead went to bed; and there was no

such visible thing as the Station to vex the cool wind in its

blowing; or perhaps the autumn lightning; as it found out the iron


The infection of the Station was this:… When it was in its raving

state; the Apprentices found it impossible to be there; without

labouring under the delusion that they were in a hurry。  To Mr。

Goodchild; whose ideas of idleness were so imperfect; this was no

unpleasant hallucination; and accordingly that gentleman went

through great exertions in yielding to it; and running up and down

the platform; jostling everybody; under the impression that he had

a highly important mission somewhere; and had not a moment to lose。

But; to Thomas Idle; this contagion was so very unacceptable an

incident of the situation; that he struck on the fourth day; and

requested to be moved。

'This place fills me with a dreadful sensation;' said Thomas; 'of

having something to do。  Remove me; Francis。'

'Where would you like to go next?' was the question of the ever…

engaging Goodchild。

'I have heard there is a good old Inn at Lancaster; established in

a fine old house:  an Inn where they give you Bride…cake every day

after dinner;' said Thomas Idle。  'Let us eat Bride…cake without

the trouble of being married; or of knowing anybody in that

ridiculous dilemma。'

Mr。 Goodchild; with a lover's sigh; assented。  They departed from

the Station in a violent hurry (for which; it is unnecessary to

observe; there was not the least occasion); and were delivered at

the fine old house at Lancaster; on the same night。

It is Mr。 Goodchild's opinion; that if a visitor on his arrival at

Lancaster could be accommodated with a pole which would push the

opposite side of the street some yards farther off; it would be

better for all parties。  Protesting against being required to live

in a trench; and obliged to speculate all day upon what the people

can possibly be doing within a mysterious opposite window; which is

a shop…window to look at; but not a shop…window in respect of its

offering nothing for sale and declining to give any account

whatever of itself; Mr。 Goodchild concedes Lancaster to be a

pleasant place。  A place dropped in the midst of a charming

landscape; a place with a fine ancient fragment of castle; a place

of lovely walks; a place possessing staid old houses richly fitted

with old Honduras mahogany; which has grown so dark with time that

it seems to have got something of a retrospective mirror…quality

into itself; and to show the visitor; in the depth of its grain;

through all its polish; the hue of the wretched slaves who groaned

long ago under old Lancaster merchants。  And Mr。 Goodchild adds

that the stones of Lancaster do sometimes whisper; even yet; of

rich men passed away … upon whose great prosperity some of these

old doorways frowned sullen in the brightest weather … that their

slave…gain turned to curses; as the Arabian Wizard's money turned

to leaves; and that 
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