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Danglar could go the limit and get all。 As it stood; then; Danglar
and the gang had not found out the location of that hoard; but they
had found out where Perlmer kept his spurious papers … stuffed in
at the back of the bottom drawer of his desk in his office;
practically forgotten; practically useless to Perlmer any more; for;
having once shown them to Viner; there was no occasion to call them
into service again unless Viner showed signs of getting a little
out of hand and it became necessary to apply the screws once more。
For the rest; it was a very simple matter。 Perlmer had an office
in a small building on lower Sixth Avenue; and it was his custom
to go to his office in the evenings and remain there until ten
o'clock or so。 The plan then; according to the code message; was
to loot Perlmer's desk some time after the man had gone home for
the night; and then; at midnight; armed with the false documents;
to beard old Nicky Viner in his miserable quarters over on the East
Side; and extort from the old miser the neat little sum that Danglar
estimated would amount to some fifty thousand dollars in cash。
Rhoda Gray's face was troubled and serious。 She found herself
wishing for a moment that she had never decoded the message。 But
she shook her head in sharp self…protest the next instant。 True;
she would have evaded the responsibility that the criminal knowledge
now in her possession had brought her; but she would have done so;
in that case; deliberately at the expense of her own self…respect。
It would not have excused her in her own soul to have sat staring
at a cipher message that she was satisfied was some criminal plot;
and have refused to decode it simply because she was afraid a sense
of duty would involve her in an effort to frustrate it。 To have
sat idly by under those circumstances would have been as
reprehensible … and even more cowardly … than it would be to sit
idly by now that she knew what was to take place。 And on that
latter score to…night there was no argument with herself。 She
found herself accepting the fact that she would act; and act
promptly; as the only natural corollary to the fact that she was
in a position to do so。 Perhaps it was that way to…night; not only
because she had on a previous occasion already fought this principle
of duty out with herself; but because to…night; unlike that other
night; the way and the means seemed to present no insurmountable
difficulties; and because she was now far better prepared; and free
from all the perplexing; though enormously vital; little details
that had on the former occasion reared themselves up in mountainous
aspect before her。 The purchase of a heavy veil; for instance; the
day after the Hayden…Bond affair; would enable her now to move about
the city in the clothes of the White Moll practically at will and
without fear of detection。 And; further; the facilities for making
that change; the change from Gypsy Nan to the White Moll; were now
already at hand … in the little old shed down the lane。
And as far as any actual danger that she might incur to…night was
concerned; it was not great。 She was not interested in the fifty
thousand dollars in an intrinsic sense; she was interested only in
seeing that old Nicky Viner; unappealing; yes; and almost repulsive
both in personality and habits as the man was; was not blackmailed
out of it; that Danglar; yes; and hereafter; Perlmer too; should
not prey like vultures on the man; and rob him of what was
rightfully his。 If; therefore; she secured those papers from
Perlmer's desk; it automatically put an end to Danglar's scheme
to…night; and if; later; she saw to it that those papers came into
Viner's possession; that; too; automatically ended Perlmer's
persecutions。 Indeed; there seemed little likelihood of any danger
or risk at all。 It could not be quite ten o clock yet; and it was
not likely that whoever was delegated by Danglar to rob Perlmer's
office would go there much before eleven anyway; since they would
naturally allow for the possibility that Perlmer might stay later
in his office than usual; a contingency that doubtless accounted
for midnight being set as the hour at which they proposed to lay
old Nicky Viner by the heels。 Therefore; it seemed almost a
certainty that she would reach there; not only first; but with
ample time at her disposal to secure the papers and get away again
without interruption。 She might even; perhaps; reach the office
before Perlmer himself had left … it was still quite early enough
for that … but in that case she need only remain on watch until
the lawyer had locked up and gone away。 Nor need even the fact
that the office would be locked dismay her。 In the secret
hiding…place here in the garret; among those many other evidences
of criminal activity; was the collection of skeleton keys; and … she
was moving swiftly around the attic now; physically as active as her
It was not like that other night。 There were few preparations to
make。 She had only to secure the keys and a flashlight; and to
take with her the damp cloth that would remove the grime streaks
from her face; and the box of composition that would enable her to
replace them when she came back … and five minutes later she was
on the street; making her way toward the lane; and; specifically;
toward the deserted shed where she had hidden away her own clothing。
Another five minutes; and in her own personality now; a slim; trim
figure; neatly gloved; the heavy veil affording ample protection to
her features; Rhoda Gray emerged from the shed and the lane; and
started rapidly toward lower Sixth Avenue。 And as she walked; her
mind; released for the moment from the consideration of her
immediate venture; began again; as it had so many times in the last
three days; its striving and its searching after some loophole of
escape from her own desperate situation。 But only; as it ever did;
confusion came … a chaos of things; contributory things and
circumstances; and the personalities of those with whom this
impossible existence had thrown her into contact。 Little by little
she was becoming acquainted with the personnel of the gang … in an
impersonal way; mostly。 Apart from Danglar; there was Shluker; who
must of necessity be one of them; and Skeeny; the man who had been
with Danglar in Shluker's room; and the Cricket; whom she had never
seen; and besides these; there were those who were mentioned in the
cipher message to…night; and detailed to the performance of the
various acts and scenes that were to lead up to the final climax
… which; she supposed; was the object and reason for the cipher
message; in order that even those not actually employed might be
thoroughly conversant with the entire plan; and ready to act
intelligently if called upon。 For there were others; of course; as
witness herself; or; rather; Gypsy Nan; whose personality she had
so unwillingly usurped。
It was vital; necessary; that she should know them all; and more
than in that impersonal way; if she counted upon ever freeing
herself of the guilt attributed to her。 For she could see no other
way but one … that of exposing and proving the guilt of this vile
clique who now surrounded her; and who had actually instigated and
planned the crime of which she was accused。 And it was not an easy
And then there were those outside this unholy circle who kept
forcing their existence upon her consciousness; because they; too;
played an intimate part in the sordid drama which revolved around
her; and whose end she could not foresee。 There was; for instance
… the Adventurer。 She drew in her breath quickly。 She felt the
color creep slowly upward; and tinge her throat and cheeks … and
then the little chin; strong and firm; was lifted in a sort of
self…defiant challenge。 True; the man had been a great deal in
her thoughts; but that was only because her curiosity was piqued;
and because on two occasions now she had had very real cause for
gratitude to him。 If it had not been for the Adventurer; she
would even now be behind prison bars。 Why shouldn't she think of
him? She was not an ingrate! Why shouldn't she be interested?
There was something piquantly mysterious about the man … who called
himself an adventurer。 She would even have given a good deal to
know who he really was; and how he; too; came to be so conversant
with Danglar's plans as fast as they were matured; and why; on
those two particular occasions; he had not only gone out of his
way to be of service to her; but had done so at very grave risk to
himself。 Of course; she was interested in him … in that way。 How
could she help it? But in any other way … the little chin was
still tilted defiantly upward … even the suggestion was absurd。
The man might be chivalrous; courageous; yes; outwardly; even a
gentleman in both manner and appearance; he might be all those
things; and; indeed; was … but he was a thief; a professional
thief and crook。 It seemed very strange; of course; but she was
judging him; not alone from the circumstances under which they had
met and been together; but from what he had given her to underst