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the white moll-第37章

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almost belligerent stare with which he met the eyes of those with
whom he came into close contact belied that。  The man was morbidly;
abnormally sensitive of his deformity。

They turned at last into one of the East Side cross streets; and
her guide halted finally on a corner in front of a little shop that
was closed and dark。  She stared curiously as the man unlocked the
door。  Perhaps; after all; she had been woefully mistaken。  It did
not look at all the kind of place where crimes that ran the gamut
of the decalogue were hatched; at all the sort of place that was
the council chamber of perhaps the most cunning; certainly the most
cold…blooded and unscrupulous; band of crooks that New York had
ever harbored。  And yet … why not?  Wasn't there the essence of
cunning in that very fact?  Who would suspect anything of the sort
from a ramshackle; two…story little house like this; whose front
was a woe…begone little store; the proceeds of which might just
barely keep the body and soul of its proprietor together?

The man fumbled with the lock。  There was not a single light showing
from the place; but in the dwindling rays of a distant street lamp
she could see the meager window display through the filthy; unwashed
panes。  It was evidently a cheap and tawdry notion store; well
suited to its locality。  There were toys of the cheapest variety;
stationery of the same grade; cheap pipes; cigarettes; tobacco;
candy … a package of needles。

〃Go on in!〃 grunted the man; as he pushed the door … which seemed
to shriek out unduly on its hinges … wide open。  〃If anybody sees
the door open; they'll be around wanting to buy a paper of pins
… curse 'em! … and I ain't open to…night。〃  He snarled as he shut
and locked the door。  〃Pierre says you're grouching about your
garret。  How about me; and this job?  You get out of yours to…night
for keeps。  What about me?  I can't do anything but act as a damned
blind for the rest of you with this fool store。  just because I was
born a freak that every gutter…snipe on the street yells at!〃

Rhoda Gray did not answer。

〃Well; go on!〃 snapped the man。  〃What are you standing there for?
One would think you'd never been here before!〃

Go on!  Where?  She had not the faintest idea。  It was quite dark
inside here in the shop。  She could barely make out the outline of
the other's figure。

〃You're in a sweet temper to…night; aren't you?〃 she said tartly。
〃Go on; yourself!  I'm waiting for you to get through your speech。〃

He moved brusquely past her; with an angry grunt。  Rhoda Gray
followed him。  They passed along a short; narrow space; evidently
between a low counter and a shelved wall; and then the man opened
a door; and; shutting it again behind them; moved forward once more。
She could scarcely see him at all now; it was more the sound of his
footsteps than anything else that guided her。  And then suddenly
another door was opened; and a soft; yellow light streamed out
through the doorway; and she found that she was standing in an
intervening room between the shop and the room ahead of her。  She
felt her pulse quicken; and it seemed as though her heart began to
thump almost audibly。  Danglar !  She could see Danglar seated at
a table in there。  She clenched her hands under her shawl。  She
would need all her wits now。  She prayed that there was not too
much light in that room yonder。


The man with the withered hand had passed through into the other
room。  She heard them talking together; as she followed。  She
forced herself to walk with as nearly a leisurely defiant air as
she could。  The last time she had been with Danglar … as Gypsy Nan
… she had; in self…protection; forbidding intimacy; played up what
he called her 〃grouch〃 at his neglect of her。

She paused in the doorway。  Halfway across the room; at the table;
Danglar's gaunt; swarthy face showed under the rays of a shaded
oil lamp。  Behind her spectacles; she met his small; black ferret
eyes steadily。

〃Hello; Bertha!〃 he called out cheerily。  〃How's the old girl
to…night?〃  He rose from his seat to come toward her。  〃And how's
the cold?〃

Rhoda Gray scowled at him。

〃Worse!〃 she said curtly…and hoarsely。  〃And a lot you care!  I
could have died in that hole; for all you knew!  She pushed him
irritably away; as he came near her。  〃Yes; that's what I said!
And you needn't start any cooing game now!  Get down to cases!〃
She jerked her hand toward the twisted figure that had slouched
into a chair beside the table。  〃He says you've got it doped out
to pull something that will let me out of this Gypsy Nan stunt。
Another bubble; I suppose!〃  She shrugged her shoulders; glanced
around her; and; locating a chair … not too near the table … seated
herself indifferently。  〃I'm getting sick of bubbles!〃 she announced
insolently。  〃What's this one?〃

He stood there for a moment biting at his lips; hesitant between
anger and tolerant amusement; and then; the latter evidently gaining
the ascendency; he too shrugged his shoulders; and with a laugh
returned to his chair。

〃You're a rare one; Bertha!〃 he said coolly。  〃I thought you'd be
wild with delight。  I guess you're sick; all right … because usually
you're pretty sensible。  I've tried to tell you that it wasn't my
fault I couldn't go near you; and that I had to keep away from  …〃

〃What's the use of going over all that again?〃 she interrupted
tartly。  〃I guess I …〃

〃Oh; all right!〃 said Danglar hurriedly。  〃Don't start a row!  After
to…night I've an idea you'll be sweet enough to your husband; and
I'm willing to wait。  Matty maybe hasn't told you the whole of it。〃

Matty!  So that was the deformed creature's name。  She glanced at
him。  He was grinning broadly。  A family squabble seemed to afford
him amusement。  Her eyes shifted and made a circuit of the room。  It
was poverty…stricken in appearance; bare…floored; with the scantiest
and cheapest of furnishings; its one window tightly shuttered。

〃Maybe not;〃 she said carelessly。

〃Well; then; listen; Bertha!〃  Danglar's voice was lowered earnestly。
〃We've uncovered the Nabob's stuff!  Do you get me?  Every last one
of the sparklers!〃

Rhoda Gray's eyes went back to the deformed creature at Danglar's
side; as the man laughed out abruptly。

〃Yes;〃 grinned Matty Danglar; 〃and they weren't in the empty
money…belt that you beat it with like a scared cat after croaking

How queer and dim the light seemed to go suddenly … or was it a blur
before her own eyes?  She said nothing。  Her mind seemed to be
groping its way out of darkness toward some faint gleam of light
showing in the far distance。  She heard Danglar order his brother
savagely to hold his tongue。  That was curious; too; because she
was grateful for the man's gibe。  Gypsy Nan; in her proper person;
had murdered a man named Deemer in an effort to secure …  Danglar's
voice came again:

〃Well; to…night we'll get that stuff; all of it … it's worth a cool
half million; and to…night we'll get Mr。 House…Detective Cloran for
keeps … bump him off。  That cleans everything up。  How does that
strike you; Bertha?〃

Rhoda Gray's hands under her shawl locked tightly together。  Her
premonition had not betrayed her。  She was face to face to…night with
the beginning of the end。

〃It sounds fine!〃 she said derisively。

Danglar's eyes narrowed for an instant; and then he laughed。

〃You're a rare one; Bertha!〃 he ejaculated again。  〃You don't seem
to put much stock in your husband lately。〃

〃Why should I?〃 she inquired imperturbably。  〃Things have been
breaking fine; haven't they? … only not for us!〃  She cleared her
throat as though it were an effort to talk。  〃I'm not going crazy
with joy till I've been shown。〃

Danglar leaned suddenly over the table。

〃Well; come and look at the cards; then;〃 he said impressively。
〃Pull your chair up to the table; and I'll tell you。〃

Rhoda Gray tilted her chair; instead; nonchalantly back against the
wall … it was quite light enough where she was!

〃I can hear you from here;〃 she said coolly。  〃I'm not deaf; and I
guess Matty's suite is safe enough so that you won't have to whisper
all the time!〃

The deformed creature at the table chortled again。

Danglar scowled。

〃Damn you; Bertha!〃 he flung out savagely。  〃I could wring that neck
of yours sometimes; and …〃

〃I know you could; Pierre;〃 she interposed sweetly。  〃That's what I
like about you … you're so considerate of me!  But suppose you get
down to cases。  What's the story about those sparklers?  And what's
the game that's going to let me shed this Gypsy Nan stuff for keeps?〃

〃I'll tell her; Pierre;〃 grinned the deformed one。  〃It'll keep you
two from spitting at one another; and neither of you have got all
night to stick around here。〃  He swung his withered hand suddenly
across the table; and as suddenly all facetiousness was gone both
from his voice and manner。  〃Say; you listen hard; Bertha!  What
Pierre's telling you is straight。  You and him can kiss and make
up to…morrow or the next day; or whenever you damned please; but
to…night there ain't any more time for scrapping。  Now; listen!
I handed you a rap about beating it with
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