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A chair extends its welcome seat;
The tradesman has a civil look
(I've paid; impromptu; for my book);
The clouds portend a sudden shower;
I'll read my purchase for an hour。
What have I rescued from the shelf?
A Boswell; writing out himself!
For though he changes dress and name;
The man beneath is still the same;
Laughing or sad; by fits and starts;
One actor in a dozen parts;
And whatsoe'er the mask may be;
The voice assures us; This is he。
I say not this to cry him clown;
I find my Shakespeare in his clown;
His rogues the self…same parent own;
Nay! Satan talks in Milton's tone!
Where'er the ocean inlet strays;
The salt sea wave its source betrays;
Where'er the queen of summer blows;
She tells the zephyr; 〃I'm the rose!〃
And his is not the playwright's page;
His table does not ape the stage;
What matter if the figures seen
Are only shadows on a screen;
He finds in them his lurking thought;
And on their lips the words he sought;
Like one who sits before the keys
And plays a tune himself to please。
And was he noted in his day?
Read; flattered; honored? Who shall say?
Poor wreck of time the wave has cast
To find a peaceful shore at last;
Once glorying in thy gilded name
And freighted deep with hopes of fame;
Thy leaf is moistened with a tear;
The first for many a long; long year!
For be it more or less of art
That veils the lowliest human heart
Where passion throbs; where friendship glows;
Where pity's tender tribute flows;
Where love has lit its fragrant fire;
And sorrow quenched its vain desire;
For me the altar is divine;
Its flame; its ashes;all are mine!
And thou; my brother; as I look
And see thee pictured in thy book;
Thy years on every page confessed
In shadows lengthening from the west;
Thy glance that wanders; as it sought
Some freshly opening flower of thought;
Thy hopeful nature; light and free;
I start to find myself in thee!
Come; vagrant; outcast; wretch forlorn
In leather jerkin stained and torn;
Whose talk has filled my idle hour
And made me half forget the shower;
I'll do at least as much for you;
Your coat I'll patch; your gilt renew;
Read you;perhaps;some other time。
Not bad; my bargain! Price one dime!