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'No; sir。'
Sharpeye (in the Move…on tone) puts in the pertinent inquiry; 'Then
why ain't you?'
'Ain't got no one here; Mr。 Sharpeye;' rejoin the woman and my good
man together; 'but our own family。'
'How many are you in family?'
The woman takes time to count; under pretence of coughing; and
adds; as one scant of breath; 'Seven; sir。'
But she has missed one; so Sharpeye; who knows all about it; says:
'Here's a young man here makes eight; who ain't of your family?'
'No; Mr。 Sharpeye; he's a weekly lodger。'
'What does he do for a living?'
The young man here; takes the reply upon himself; and shortly
answers; 'Ain't got nothing to do。'
The young man here; is modestly brooding behind a damp apron
pendent from a clothes…line。 As I glance at him I become … but I
don't know why … vaguely reminded of Woolwich; Chatham; Portsmouth;
and Dover。 When we get out; my respected fellow…constable
Sharpeye; addressing Mr。 Superintendent; says:
'You noticed that young man; sir; in at Darby's?'
'Yes。 What is he?'
'Deserter; sir。'
Mr。 Sharpeye further intimates that when we have done with his
services; he will step back and take that young man。 Which in
course of time he does: feeling at perfect ease about finding him;
and knowing for a moral certainty that nobody in that region will
be gone to bed。
Later still in the night; we came to another parlour up a step or
two from the street; which was very cleanly; neatly; even
tastefully; kept; and in which; set forth on a draped chest of
drawers masking the staircase; was such a profusion of ornamental
crockery; that it would have furnished forth a handsome sale…booth
at a fair。 It backed up a stout old lady … HOGARTH drew her exact
likeness more than once … and a boy who was carefully writing a
copy in a copy…book。
'Well; ma'am; how do YOU do?'
Sweetly; she can assure the dear gentlemen; sweetly。 Charmingly;
charmingly。 And overjoyed to see us!
'Why; this is a strange time for this boy to be writing his copy。
In the middle of the night!'
'So it is; dear gentlemen; Heaven bless your welcome faces and send
ye prosperous; but he has been to the Play with a young friend for
his diversion; and he combinates his improvement with
entertainment; by doing his school…writing afterwards; God be good
to ye!'
The copy admonished human nature to subjugate the fire of every
fierce desire。 One might have thought it recommended stirring the
fire; the old lady so approved it。 There she sat; rosily beaming
at the copy…book and the boy; and invoking showers of blessings on
our heads; when we left her in the middle of the night; waiting for
Later still in the night; we came to a nauseous room with an earth
floor; into which the refuse scum of an alley trickled。 The stench
of this habitation was abominable; the seeming poverty of it;
diseased and dire。 Yet; here again; was visitor or lodger … a man
sitting before the fire; like the rest of them elsewhere; and
apparently not distasteful to the mistress's niece; who was also
before the fire。 The mistress herself had the misfortune of being
in jail。
Three weird old women of transcendent ghastliness; were at
needlework at a table in this room。 Says Trampfoot to First Witch;
'What are you making?' Says she; 'Money…bags。'
'WHAT are you making?' retorts Trampfoot; a little off his balance。
'Bags to hold your money;' says the witch; shaking her head; and
setting her teeth; 'you as has got it。'
She holds up a common cash…bag; and on the table is a heap of such
bags。 Witch Two laughs at us。 Witch Three scowls at us。 Witch
sisterhood all; stitch; stitch。 First Witch has a circle round
each eye。 I fancy it like the beginning of the development of a
perverted diabolical halo; and that when it spreads all round her
head; she will die in the odour of devilry。
Trampfoot wishes to be informed what First Witch has got behind the
table; down by the side of her; there? Witches Two and Three croak
angrily; 'Show him the child!'
She drags out a skinny little arm from a brown dustheap on the
ground。 Adjured not to disturb the child; she lets it drop again。
Thus we find at last that there is one child in the world of
Entries who goes to bed … if this be bed。
Mr。 Superintendent asks how long are they going to work at those
How long? First Witch repeats。 Going to have supper presently。
See the cups and saucers; and the plates。
'Late? Ay! But we has to 'arn our supper afore we eats it!' Both
the other witches repeat this after First Witch; and take the
Uncommercial measurement with their eyes; as for a charmed winding…
sheet。 Some grim discourse ensues; referring to the mistress of
the cave; who will be released from jail to…morrow。 Witches
pronounce Trampfoot 'right there;' when he deems it a trying
distance for the old lady to walk; she shall be fetched by niece in
a spring…cart。
As I took a parting look at First Witch in turning away; the red
marks round her eyes seemed to have already grown larger; and she
hungrily and thirstily looked out beyond me into the dark doorway;
to see if Jack was there。 For; Jack came even here; and the
mistress had got into jail through deluding Jack。
When I at last ended this night of travel and got to bed; I failed
to keep my mind on comfortable thoughts of Seaman's Homes (not
overdone with strictness); and improved dock regulations giving
Jack greater benefit of fire and candle aboard ship; through my
mind's wandering among the vermin I had seen。 Afterwards the same
vermin ran all over my sleep。 Evermore; when on a breezy day I see
Poor Mercantile Jack running into port with a fair wind under all
sail; I shall think of the unsleeping host of devourers who never
go to bed; and are always in their set traps waiting for him。
In the late high winds I was blown to a great many places … and
indeed; wind or no wind; I generally have extensive transactions on
hand in the article of Air … but I have not been blown to any
English place lately; and I very seldom have blown to any English
place in my life; where I could get anything good to eat and drink
in five minutes; or where; if I sought it; I was received with a
This is a curious thing to consider。 But before (stimulated by my
own experiences and the representations of many fellow…travellers
of every uncommercial and commercial degree) I consider it further;
I must utter a passing word of wonder concerning high winds。
I wonder why metropolitan gales always blow so hard at Walworth。 I
cannot imagine what Walworth has done; to bring such windy
punishment upon itself; as I never fail to find recorded in the
newspapers when the wind has blown at all hard。 Brixton seems to
have something on its conscience; Peckham suffers more than a
virtuous Peckham might be supposed to deserve; the howling
neighbourhood of Deptford figures largely in the accounts of the
ingenious gentlemen who are out in every wind that blows; and to
whom it is an ill high wind that blows no good; but; there can
hardly be any Walworth left by this time。 It must surely be blown
away。 I have read of more chimney…stacks and house…copings coming
down with terrific smashes at Walworth; and of more sacred edifices
being nearly (not quite) blown out to sea from the same accursed
locality; than I have read of practised thieves with the appearance
and manners of gentlemen … a popular phenomenon which never existed
on earth out of fiction and a police report。 Again: I wonder why
people are always blown into the Surrey Canal; and into no other
piece of water! Why do people get up early and go out in groups;
to be blown into the Surrey Canal? Do they say to one another;
'Welcome death; so that we get into the newspapers'? Even that
would be an insufficient explanation; because even then they might
sometimes put themselves in the way of being blown into the
Regent's Canal; instead of always saddling Surrey for the field。
Some nameless policeman; too; is constantly; on the slightest
provocation; getting himself blown into this same Surrey Canal。
Will SIR RICHARD MAYNE see to it; and restrain that weak…minded and
feeble…bodied constable?
To resume the consideration of the curious question of Refreshment。
I am a Briton; and; as such; I am aware that I never will be a
slave … and yet I have latent suspicion that there must be some
slavery of wrong custom in this matter。
I travel by railroad。 I start from home at seven or eight in the
morning; after breakfasting hurriedly。 What with skimming over the
open landscape; what with mining in the damp bowels of the earth;
what with banging; booming and shrieking the scores of miles away;
I am hungry when I arrive at the 'Ref