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the uncommercial traveller-第2章

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of her solid iron…work:  in which; also; several loose sovereigns

that the ingot had swept in before it; had been found; as firmly

embedded as though the iron had been liquid when they were forced

there。  It had been remarked of such bodies come ashore; too; as

had been seen by scientific men; that they had been stunned to

death; and not suffocated。  Observation; both of the internal

change that had been wrought in them; and of their external

expression; showed death to have been thus merciful and easy。  The

report was brought; while I was holding such discourse on the

beach; that no more bodies had come ashore since last night。  It

began to be very doubtful whether many more would be thrown up;

until the north…east winds of the early spring set in。  Moreover; a

great number of the passengers; and particularly the second…class

women…passengers; were known to have been in the middle of the ship

when she parted; and thus the collapsing wreck would have fallen

upon them after yawning open; and would keep them down。  A diver

made known; even then; that he had come upon the body of a man; and

had sought to release it from a great superincumbent weight; but

that; finding he could not do so without mutilating the remains; he

had left it where it was。

It was the kind and wholesome face I have made mention of as being

then beside me; that I had purposed to myself to see; when I left

home for Wales。  I had heard of that clergyman; as having buried

many scores of the shipwrecked people; of his having opened his

house and heart to their agonised friends; of his having used a

most sweet and patient diligence for weeks and weeks; in the

performance of the forlornest offices that Man can render to his

kind; of his having most tenderly and thoroughly devoted himself to

the dead; and to those who were sorrowing for the dead。  I had said

to myself; 'In the Christmas season of the year; I should like to

see that man!'  And he had swung the gate of his little garden in

coming out to meet me; not half an hour ago。

So cheerful of spirit and guiltless of affectation; as true

practical Christianity ever is!  I read more of the New Testament

in the fresh frank face going up the village beside me; in five

minutes; than I have read in anathematising discourses (albeit put

to press with enormous flourishing of trumpets); in all my life。  I

heard more of the Sacred Book in the cordial voice that had nothing

to say about its owner; than in all the would…be celestial pairs of

bellows that have ever blown conceit at me。

We climbed towards the little church; at a cheery pace; among the

loose stones; the deep mud; the wet coarse grass; the outlying

water; and other obstructions from which frost and snow had lately

thawed。  It was a mistake (my friend was glad to tell me; on the

way) to suppose that the peasantry had shown any superstitious

avoidance of the drowned; on the whole; they had done very well;

and had assisted readily。  Ten shillings had been paid for the

bringing of each body up to the church; but the way was steep; and

a horse and cart (in which it was wrapped in a sheet) were

necessary; and three or four men; and; all things considered; it

was not a great price。  The people were none the richer for the

wreck; for it was the season of the herring…shoal … and who could

cast nets for fish; and find dead men and women in the draught?

He had the church keys in his hand; and opened the churchyard gate;

and opened the church door; and we went in。

It is a little church of great antiquity; there is reason to

believe that some church has occupied the spot; these thousand

years or more。  The pulpit was gone; and other things usually

belonging to the church were gone; owing to its living congregation

having deserted it for the neighbouring school…room; and yielded it

up to the dead。  The very Commandments had been shouldered out of

their places; in the bringing in of the dead; the black wooden

tables on which they were painted; were askew; and on the stone

pavement below them; and on the stone pavement all over the church;

were the marks and stains where the drowned had been laid down。

The eye; with little or no aid from the imagination; could yet see

how the bodies had been turned; and where the head had been and

where the feet。  Some faded traces of the wreck of the Australian

ship may be discernible on the stone pavement of this little

church; hundreds of years hence; when the digging for gold in

Australia shall have long and long ceased out of the land。

Forty…four shipwrecked men and women lay here at one time; awaiting

burial。  Here; with weeping and wailing in every room of his house;

my companion worked alone for hours; solemnly surrounded by eyes

that could not see him; and by lips that could not speak to him;

patiently examining the tattered clothing; cutting off buttons;

hair; marks from linen; anything that might lead to subsequent

identification; studying faces; looking for a scar; a bent finger;

a crooked toe; comparing letters sent to him with the ruin about

him。  'My dearest brother had bright grey eyes and a pleasant

smile;' one sister wrote。  O poor sister! well for you to be far

from here; and keep that as your last remembrance of him!

The ladies of the clergyman's family; his wife and two sisters…in…

law; came in among the bodies often。  It grew to be the business of

their lives to do so。  Any new arrival of a bereaved woman would

stimulate their pity to compare the description brought; with the

dread realities。  Sometimes; they would go back able to say; 'I

have found him;' or; 'I think she lies there。'  Perhaps; the

mourner; unable to bear the sight of all that lay in the church;

would be led in blindfold。  Conducted to the spot with many

compassionate words; and encouraged to look; she would say; with a

piercing cry; 'This is my boy!' and drop insensible on the

insensible figure。

He soon observed that in some cases of women; the identification of

persons; though complete; was quite at variance with the marks upon

the linen; this led him to notice that even the marks upon the

linen were sometimes inconsistent with one another; and thus he

came to understand that they had dressed in great haste and

agitation; and that their clothes had become mixed together。  The

identification of men by their dress; was rendered extremely

difficult; in consequence of a large proportion of them being

dressed alike … in clothes of one kind; that is to say; supplied by

slopsellers and outfitters; and not made by single garments but by

hundreds。  Many of the men were bringing over parrots; and had

receipts upon them for the price of the birds; others had bills of

exchange in their pockets; or in belts。  Some of these documents;

carefully unwrinkled and dried; were little less fresh in

appearance that day; than the present page will be under ordinary

circumstances; after having been opened three or four times。

In that lonely place; it had not been easy to obtain even such

common commodities in towns; as ordinary disinfectants。  Pitch had

been burnt in the church; as the readiest thing at hand; and the

frying…pan in which it had bubbled over a brazier of coals was

still there; with its ashes。  Hard by the Communion…Table; were

some boots that had been taken off the drowned and preserved … a

gold…digger's boot; cut down the leg for its removal … a trodden…

down man's ankle…boot with a buff cloth top … and others … soaked

and sandy; weedy and salt。

From the church; we passed out into the churchyard。  Here; there

lay; at that time; one hundred and forty…five bodies; that had come

ashore from the wreck。  He had buried them; when not identified; in

graves containing four each。  He had numbered each body in a

register describing it; and had placed a corresponding number on

each coffin; and over each grave。  Identified bodies he had buried

singly; in private graves; in another part of the church…yard。

Several bodies had been exhumed from the graves of four; as

relatives had come from a distance and seen his register; and; when

recognised; these have been reburied in private graves; so that the

mourners might erect separate headstones over the remains。  In all

such cases he had performed the funeral service a second time; and

the ladies of his house had attended。  There had been no offence in

the poor ashes when they were brought again to the light of day;

the beneficent Earth had already absorbed it。  The drowned were

buried in their clothes。  To supply the great sudden demand for

coffins; he had got all the neighbouring people handy at tools; to

work the livelong day; and Sunday likewise。  The coffins were

neatly formed; … I had seen two; waiting for occupants; under the

lee of the ruined walls of a stone hut on the beach; within call of

the tent where the Christmas Feast was held。  Similarly; one of the

graves for four was lyin
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