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'Then I lay my hand upon my heart; and take my stand;' said
Pangloss; 'by the pork; which was the best of all possible pork。'
'But look at this food before our eyes; if one may so misuse the
word;' said I。 'Would any Inspector who did his duty; pass such
'It ought not to have been passed;' Pangloss admitted。
'Then the authorities out there … ' I began; when Pangloss cut me
short again。
'There would certainly seem to have been something wrong
somewhere;' said he; 'but I am prepared to prove that the
authorities out there; are the best of all possible authorities。'
I never heard of any impeached public authority in my life; who was
not the best public authority in existence。
'We are told of these unfortunate men being laid low by scurvy;'
said I。 'Since lime…juice has been regularly stored and served out
in our navy; surely that disease; which used to devastate it; has
almost disappeared? Was there lime…juice aboard this transport?'
My official friend was beginning 'the best of all possible … ' when
an inconvenient medical forefinger pointed out another passage in
the evidence; from which it appeared that the lime…juice had been
bad too。 Not to mention that the vinegar had been bad too; the
vegetables bad too; the cooking accommodation insufficient (if
there had been anything worth mentioning to cook); the water supply
exceedingly inadequate; and the beer sour。
'Then the men;' said Pangloss; a little irritated; 'Were the worst
of all possible men。'
'In what respect?' I asked。
'Oh! Habitual drunkards;' said Pangloss。
But; again the same incorrigible medical forefinger pointed out
another passage in the evidence; showing that the dead men had been
examined after death; and that they; at least; could not possibly
have been habitual drunkards; because the organs within them which
must have shown traces of that habit; were perfectly sound。
'And besides;' said the three doctors present; 'one and all;
habitual drunkards brought as low as these men have been; could not
recover under care and food; as the great majority of these men are
recovering。 They would not have strength of constitution to do
'Reckless and improvident dogs; then;' said Pangloss。 'Always are
… nine times out of ten。'
I turned to the master of the workhouse; and asked him whether the
men had any money?
'Money?' said he。 'I have in my iron safe; nearly four hundred
pounds of theirs; the agents have nearly a hundred pounds more and
many of them have left money in Indian banks besides。'
'Hah!' said I to myself; as we went up…stairs; 'this is not the
best of all possible stories; I doubt!'
We went into a large ward; containing some twenty or five…and…
twenty beds。 We went into several such wards; one after another。
I find it very difficult to indicate what a shocking sight I saw in
them; without frightening the reader from the perusal of these
lines; and defeating my object of making it known。
O the sunken eyes that turned to me as I walked between the rows of
beds; or … worse still … that glazedly looked at the white ceiling;
and saw nothing and cared for nothing! Here; lay the skeleton of a
man; so lightly covered with a thin unwholesome skin; that not a
bone in the anatomy was clothed; and I could clasp the arm above
the elbow; in my finger and thumb。 Here; lay a man with the black
scurvy eating his legs away; his gums gone; and his teeth all gaunt
and bare。 This bed was empty; because gangrene had set in; and the
patient had died but yesterday。 That bed was a hopeless one;
because its occupant was sinking fast; and could only be roused to
turn the poor pinched mask of face upon the pillow; with a feeble
moan。 The awful thinness of the fallen cheeks; the awful
brightness of the deep set eyes; the lips of lead; the hands of
ivory; the recumbent human images lying in the shadow of death with
a kind of solemn twilight on them; like the sixty who had died
aboard the ship and were lying at the bottom of the sea; O
Pangloss; GOD forgive you!
In one bed; lay a man whose life had been saved (as it was hoped)
by deep incisions in the feet and legs。 While I was speaking to
him; a nurse came up to change the poultices which this operation
had rendered necessary; and I had an instinctive feeling that it
was not well to turn away; merely to spare myself。 He was sorely
wasted and keenly susceptible; but the efforts he made to subdue
any expression of impatience or suffering; were quite heroic。 It
was easy to see; in the shrinking of the figure; and the drawing of
the bed…clothes over the head; how acute the endurance was; and it
made me shrink too; as if I were in pain; but; when the new
bandages were on; and the poor feet were composed again; he made an
apology for himself (though he had not uttered a word); and said
plaintively; 'I am so tender and weak; you see; sir!' Neither from
him nor from any one sufferer of the whole ghastly number; did I
hear a complaint。 Of thankfulness for present solicitude and care;
I heard much; of complaint; not a word。
I think I could have recognised in the dismalest skeleton there;
the ghost of a soldier。 Something of the old air was still latent
in the palest shadow of life I talked to。 One emaciated creature;
in the strictest literality worn to the bone; lay stretched on his
back; looking so like death that I asked one of the doctors if he
were not dying; or dead? A few kind words from the doctor; in his
ear; and he opened his eyes; and smiled … looked; in a moment; as
if he would have made a salute; if he could。 'We shall pull him
through; please God;' said the Doctor。 'Plase God; surr; and
thankye;' said the patient。 'You are much better to…day; are you
not?' said the Doctor。 'Plase God; surr; 'tis the slape I want;
surr; 'tis my breathin' makes the nights so long。' 'He is a
careful fellow this; you must know;' said the Doctor; cheerfully;
'it was raining hard when they put him in the open cart to bring
him here; and he had the presence of mind to ask to have a
sovereign taken out of his pocket that he had there; and a cab
engaged。 Probably it saved his life。' The patient rattled out the
skeleton of a laugh; and said; proud of the story; ''Deed; surr; an
open cairt was a comical means o' bringin' a dyin' man here; and a
clever way to kill him。' You might have sworn to him for a soldier
when he said it。
One thing had perplexed me very much in going from bed to bed。 A
very significant and cruel thing。 I could find no young man but
one。 He had attracted my notice; by having got up and dressed
himself in his soldier's jacket and trousers; with the intention of
sitting by the fire; but he had found himself too weak; and had
crept back to his bed and laid himself down on the outside of it。
I could have pronounced him; alone; to be a young man aged by
famine and sickness。 As we were standing by the Irish soldier's
bed; I mentioned my perplexity to the Doctor。 He took a board with
an inscription on it from the head of the Irishman's bed; and asked
me what age I supposed that man to be? I had observed him with
attention while talking to him; and answered; confidently; 'Fifty。'
The Doctor; with a pitying glance at the patient; who had dropped
into a stupor again; put the board back; and said; 'Twenty…four。'
All the arrangements of the wards were excellent。 They could not
have been more humane; sympathising; gentle; attentive; or
wholesome。 The owners of the ship; too; had done all they could;
liberally。 There were bright fires in every room; and the
convalescent men were sitting round them; reading various papers
and periodicals。 I took the liberty of inviting my official friend
Pangloss to look at those convalescent men; and to tell me whether
their faces and bearing were or were not; generally; the faces and
bearing of steady respectable soldiers? The master of the
workhouse; overhearing me; said he had had a pretty large
experience of troops; and that better conducted men than these; he
had never had to do with。 They were always (he added) as we saw
them。 And of us visitors (I add) they knew nothing whatever;
except that we were there。
It was audacious in me; but I took another liberty with Pangloss。
Prefacing it with the observation that; of course; I knew
beforehand that there was not the faintest desire; anywhere; to
hush up any part of this dreadful business; and that the Inquest
was the fairest of all possible Inquests; I besought four things of
Pangloss。 Firstly; to observe that the Inquest WAS NOT HELD IN
THAT PLACE; but at some distance off。 Secondly; to look round upon
those helpless spectres in their beds。 Thirdly; to remember that
the witnesses produced from among them before that Inquest; could
not have been selected because they were the men who had the most
to tell