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the uncommercial traveller-第22章

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any of the names。  No question did I ever ask of living creature

concerning these churches; and no answer to any antiquarian

question on the subject that I ever put to books; shall harass the

reader's soul。  A full half of my pleasure in them arose out of

their mystery; mysterious I found them; mysterious they shall

remain for me。

Where shall I begin my round of hidden and forgotten old churches

in the City of London?

It is twenty minutes short of eleven on a Sunday morning; when I

stroll down one of the many narrow hilly streets in the City that

tend due south to the Thames。  It is my first experiment; and I

have come to the region of Whittington in an omnibus; and we have

put down a fierce…eyed; spare old woman; whose slate…coloured gown

smells of herbs; and who walked up Aldersgate…street to some chapel

where she comforts herself with brimstone doctrine; I warrant。  We

have also put down a stouter and sweeter old lady; with a pretty

large prayer…book in an unfolded pocket…handkerchief; who got out

at a corner of a court near Stationers' Hall; and who I think must

go to church there; because she is the widow of some deceased old

Company's Beadle。  The rest of our freight were mere chance

pleasure…seekers and rural walkers; and went on to the Blackwall

railway。  So many bells are ringing; when I stand undecided at a

street corner; that every sheep in the ecclesiastical fold might be

a bell…wether。  The discordance is fearful。  My state of indecision

is referable to; and about equally divisible among; four great

churches; which are all within sight and sound; all within the

space of a few square yards。

As I stand at the street corner; I don't see as many as four people

at once going to church; though I see as many as four churches with

their steeples clamouring for people。  I choose my church; and go

up the flight of steps to the great entrance in the tower。  A

mouldy tower within; and like a neglected washhouse。  A rope comes

through the beamed roof; and a man in the corner pulls it and

clashes the bell … a whity…brown man; whose clothes were once black

… a man with flue on him; and cobweb。  He stares at me; wondering

how I come there; and I stare at him; wondering how he comes there。

Through a screen of wood and glass; I peep into the dim church。

About twenty people are discernible; waiting to begin。  Christening

would seem to have faded out of this church long ago; for the font

has the dust of desuetude thick upon it; and its wooden cover

(shaped like an old…fashioned tureen…cover) looks as if it wouldn't

come off; upon requirement。  I perceive the altar to be rickety and

the Commandments damp。  Entering after this survey; I jostle the

clergyman in his canonicals; who is entering too from a dark lane

behind a pew of state with curtains; where nobody sits。  The pew is

ornamented with four blue wands; once carried by four somebodys; I

suppose; before somebody else; but which there is nobody now to

hold or receive honour from。  I open the door of a family pew; and

shut myself in; if I could occupy twenty family pews at once I

might have them。  The clerk; a brisk young man (how does HE come

here?); glances at me knowingly; as who should say; 'You have done

it now; you must stop。'  Organ plays。  Organ…loft is in a small

gallery across the church; gallery congregation; two girls。  I

wonder within myself what will happen when we are required to sing。

There is a pale heap of books in the corner of my pew; and while

the organ; which is hoarse and sleepy; plays in such fashion that I

can hear more of the rusty working of the stops than of any music;

I look at the books; which are mostly bound in faded baize and

stuff。  They belonged in 1754; to the Dowgate family; and who were

they?  Jane Comport must have married Young Dowgate; and come into

the family that way; Young Dowgate was courting Jane Comport when

he gave her her prayer…book; and recorded the presentation in the

fly…leaf; if Jane were fond of Young Dowgate; why did she die and

leave the book here?  Perhaps at the rickety altar; and before the

damp Commandments; she; Comport; had taken him; Dowgate; in a flush

of youthful hope and joy; and perhaps it had not turned out in the

long run as great a success as was expected?

The opening of the service recalls my wandering thoughts。  I then

find; to my astonishment; that I have been; and still am; taking a

strong kind of invisible snuff; up my nose; into my eyes; and down

my throat。  I wink; sneeze; and cough。  The clerk sneezes; the

clergyman winks; the unseen organist sneezes and coughs (and

probably winks); all our little party wink; sneeze; and cough。  The

snuff seems to be made of the decay of matting; wood; cloth; stone;

iron; earth; and something else。  Is the something else; the decay

of dead citizens in the vaults below?  As sure as Death it is!  Not

only in the cold; damp February day; do we cough and sneeze dead

citizens; all through the service; but dead citizens have got into

the very bellows of the organ; and half choked the same。  We stamp

our feet to warm them; and dead citizens arise in heavy clouds。

Dead citizens stick upon the walls; and lie pulverised on the

sounding…board over the clergyman's head; and; when a gust of air

comes; tumble down upon him。

In this first experience I was so nauseated by too much snuff; made

of the Dowgate family; the Comport branch; and other families and

branches; that I gave but little heed to our dull manner of ambling

through the service; to the brisk clerk's manner of encouraging us

to try a note or two at psalm time; to the gallery…congregation's

manner of enjoying a shrill duet; without a notion of time or tune;

to the whity…brown man's manner of shutting the minister into the

pulpit; and being very particular with the lock of the door; as if

he were a dangerous animal。  But; I tried again next Sunday; and

soon accustomed myself to the dead citizens when I found that I

could not possibly get on without them among the City churches。

Another Sunday。

After being again rung for by conflicting bells; like a leg of

mutton or a laced hat a hundred years ago; I make selection of a

church oddly put away in a corner among a number of lanes … a

smaller church than the last; and an ugly:  of about the date of

Queen Anne。  As a congregation; we are fourteen strong:  not

counting an exhausted charity school in a gallery; which has

dwindled away to four boys; and two girls。  In the porch; is a

benefaction of loaves of bread; which there would seem to be nobody

left in the exhausted congregation to claim; and which I saw an

exhausted beadle; long faded out of uniform; eating with his eyes

for self and family when I passed in。  There is also an exhausted

clerk in a brown wig; and two or three exhausted doors and windows

have been bricked up; and the service books are musty; and the

pulpit cushions are threadbare; and the whole of the church

furniture is in a very advanced stage of exhaustion。  We are three

old women (habitual); two young lovers (accidental); two tradesmen;

one with a wife and one alone; an aunt and nephew; again two girls

(these two girls dressed out for church with everything about them

limp that should be stiff; and VICE VERSA; are an invariable

experience); and three sniggering boys。  The clergyman is; perhaps;

the chaplain of a civic company; he has the moist and vinous look;

and eke the bulbous boots; of one acquainted with 'Twenty port; and

comet vintages。

We are so quiet in our dulness that the three sniggering boys; who

have got away into a corner by the altar…railing; give us a start;

like crackers; whenever they laugh。  And this reminds me of my own

village church where; during sermon…time on bright Sundays when the

birds are very musical indeed; farmers' boys patter out over the

stone pavement; and the clerk steps out from his desk after them;

and is distinctly heard in the summer repose to pursue and punch

them in the churchyard; and is seen to return with a meditative

countenance; making believe that nothing of the sort has happened。

The aunt and nephew in this City church are much disturbed by the

sniggering boys。  The nephew is himself a boy; and the sniggerers

tempt him to secular thoughts of marbles and string; by secretly

offering such commodities to his distant contemplation。  This young

Saint Anthony for a while resists; but presently becomes a

backslider; and in dumb show defies the sniggerers to 'heave' a

marble or two in his direction。  Here in he is detected by the aunt

(a rigorous reduced gentlewoman who has the charge of offices); and

I perceive that worthy relative to poke him in the side; with the

corrugated hooked handle of an ancient umbrella。  The nephew

revenges himself for this; by holding his breath and terrifying his

kinswoman with the dread belief that he has made up his mind to

burst。  Regardless of whispe
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