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the uncommercial traveller-第23章

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kinswoman with the dread belief that he has made up his mind to

burst。  Regardless of whispers and shakes; he swells and becomes

discoloured; and yet again swells and becomes discoloured; until

the aunt can bear it no longer; but leads him out; with no visible

neck; and with his eyes going before him like a prawn's。  This

causes the sniggerers to regard flight as an eligible move; and I

know which of them will go out first; because of the over…devout

attention that he suddenly concentrates on the clergyman。  In a

little while; this hypocrite; with an elaborate demonstration of

hushing his footsteps; and with a face generally expressive of

having until now forgotten a religious appointment elsewhere; is

gone。  Number two gets out in the same way; but rather quicker。

Number three getting safely to the door; there turns reckless; and

banging it open; flies forth with a Whoop! that vibrates to the top

of the tower above us。

The clergyman; who is of a prandial presence and a muffled voice;

may be scant of hearing as well as of breath; but he only glances

up; as having an idea that somebody has said Amen in a wrong place;

and continues his steady jog…trot; like a farmer's wife going to

market。  He does all he has to do; in the same easy way; and gives

us a concise sermon; still like the jog…trot of the farmer's wife

on a level road。  Its drowsy cadence soon lulls the three old women

asleep; and the unmarried tradesman sits looking out at window; and

the married tradesman sits looking at his wife's bonnet; and the

lovers sit looking at one another; so superlatively happy; that I

mind when I; turned of eighteen; went with my Angelica to a City

church on account of a shower (by this special coincidence that it

was in Huggin…lane); and when I said to my Angelica; 'Let the

blessed event; Angelica; occur at no altar but this!' and when my

Angelica consented that it should occur at no other … which it

certainly never did; for it never occurred anywhere。  And O;

Angelica; what has become of you; this present Sunday morning when

I can't attend to the sermon; and; more difficult question than

that; what has become of Me as I was when I sat by your side!

But; we receive the signal to make that unanimous dive which surely

is a little conventional … like the strange rustlings and settlings

and clearings of throats and noses; which are never dispensed with;

at certain points of the Church service; and are never held to be

necessary under any other circumstances。  In a minute more it is

all over; and the organ expresses itself to be as glad of it as it

can be of anything in its rheumatic state; and in another minute we

are all of us out of the church; and Whity…brown has locked it up。

Another minute or little more; and; in the neighbouring churchyard

… not the yard of that church; but of another … a churchyard like a

great shabby old mignonette box; with two trees in it and one tomb

… I meet Whity…brown; in his private capacity; fetching a pint of

beer for his dinner from the public…house in the corner; where the

keys of the rotting fire…ladders are kept and were never asked for;

and where there is a ragged; white…seamed; out…at…elbowed bagatelle

board on the first floor。

In one of these City churches; and only in one; I found an

individual who might have been claimed as expressly a City

personage。  I remember the church; by the feature that the

clergyman couldn't get to his own desk without going through the

clerk's; or couldn't get to the pulpit without going through the

reading…desk … I forget which; and it is no matter … and by the

presence of this personage among the exceedingly sparse

congregation。  I doubt if we were a dozen; and we had no exhausted

charity school to help us out。  The personage was dressed in black

of square cut; and was stricken in years; and wore a black velvet

cap; and cloth shoes。  He was of a staid; wealthy; and dissatisfied

aspect。  In his hand; he conducted to church a mysterious child:  a

child of the feminine gender。  The child had a beaver hat; with a

stiff drab plume that surely never belonged to any bird of the air。

The child was further attired in a nankeen frock and spencer; brown

boxing…gloves; and a veil。  It had a blemish; in the nature of

currant jelly; on its chin; and was a thirsty child。  Insomuch that

the personage carried in his pocket a green bottle; from which;

when the first psalm was given out; the child was openly refreshed。

At all other times throughout the service it was motionless; and

stood on the seat of the large pew; closely fitted into the corner;

like a rain…water pipe。

The personage never opened his book; and never looked at the

clergyman。  He never sat down either; but stood with his arms

leaning on the top of the pew; and his forehead sometimes shaded

with his right hand; always looking at the church door。  It was a

long church for a church of its size; and he was at the upper end;

but he always looked at the door。  That he was an old bookkeeper;

or an old trader who had kept his own books; and that he might be

seen at the Bank of England about Dividend times; no doubt。  That

he had lived in the City all his life and was disdainful of other

localities; no doubt。  Why he looked at the door; I never

absolutely proved; but it is my belief that he lived in expectation

of the time when the citizens would come back to live in the City;

and its ancient glories would be renewed。  He appeared to expect

that this would occur on a Sunday; and that the wanderers would

first appear; in the deserted churches; penitent and humbled。

Hence; he looked at the door which they never darkened。  Whose

child the child was; whether the child of a disinherited daughter;

or some parish orphan whom the personage had adopted; there was

nothing to lead up to。  It never played; or skipped; or smiled。

Once; the idea occurred to me that it was an automaton; and that

the personage had made it; but following the strange couple out one

Sunday; I heard the personage say to it; 'Thirteen thousand

pounds;' to which it added in a weak human voice; 'Seventeen and

fourpence。'  Four Sundays I followed them out; and this is all I

ever heard or saw them say。  One Sunday; I followed them home。

They lived behind a pump; and the personage opened their abode with

an exceeding large key。  The one solitary inscription on their

house related to a fire…plug。  The house was partly undermined by a

deserted and closed gateway; its windows were blind with dirt; and

it stood with its face disconsolately turned to a wall。  Five great

churches and two small ones rang their Sunday bells between this

house and the church the couple frequented; so they must have had

some special reason for going a quarter of a mile to it。  The last

time I saw them; was on this wise。  I had been to explore another

church at a distance; and happened to pass the church they

frequented; at about two of the afternoon when that edifice was

closed。  But; a little side…door; which I had never observed

before; stood open; and disclosed certain cellarous steps。

Methought 'They are airing the vaults to…day;' when the personage

and the child silently arrived at the steps; and silently

descended。  Of course; I came to the conclusion that the personage

had at last despaired of the looked…for return of the penitent

citizens; and that he and the child went down to get themselves


In the course of my pilgrimages I came upon one obscure church

which had broken out in the melodramatic style; and was got up with

various tawdry decorations; much after the manner of the extinct

London may…poles。  These attractions had induced several young

priests or deacons in black bibs for waistcoats; and several young

ladies interested in that holy order (the proportion being; as I

estimated; seventeen young ladies to a deacon); to come into the

City as a new and odd excitement。  It was wonderful to see how

these young people played out their little play in the heart of the

City; all among themselves; without the deserted City's knowing

anything about it。  It was as if you should take an empty counting…

house on a Sunday; and act one of the old Mysteries there。  They

had impressed a small school (from what neighbourhood I don't know)

to assist in the performances; and it was pleasant to notice

frantic garlands of inscription on the walls; especially addressing

those poor innocents in characters impossible for them to decipher。

There was a remarkably agreeable smell of pomatum in this


But; in other cases; rot and mildew and dead citizens formed the

uppermost scent; while; infused into it in a dreamy way not at all

displeasing; was the staple character of the neighbourhood。  In the

churches about Mark…lane; for example; there was a dry whiff of

wheat; and I accidentally struck an airy sample of barley out of an

aged hassock in one of them。  From Rood…lane 
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