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Specks's society I had new occasion to observe what I had before
noticed in similar communications among other men。 All the
schoolfellows and others of old; whom I inquired about; had either
done superlatively well or superlatively ill … had either become
uncertificated bankrupts; or been felonious and got themselves
transported; or had made great hits in life; and done wonders。 And
this is so commonly the case; that I never can imagine what becomes
of all the mediocre people of people's youth … especially
considering that we find no lack of the species in our maturity。
But; I did not propound this difficulty to Specks; for no pause in
the conversation gave me an occasion。 Nor; could I discover one
single flaw in the good doctor … when he reads this; he will
receive in a friendly spirit the pleasantly meant record … except
that he had forgotten his Roderick Random; and that he confounded
Strap with Lieutenant Hatchway; who never knew Random; howsoever
intimate with Pickle。
When I went alone to the Railway to catch my train at night (Specks
had meant to go with me; but was inopportunely called out); I was
in a more charitable mood with Dullborough than I had been all day;
and yet in my heart I had loved it all day too。 Ah! who was I that
I should quarrel with the town for being changed to me; when I
myself had come back; so changed; to it! All my early readings and
early imaginations dated from this place; and I took them away so
full of innocent construction and guileless belief; and I brought
them back so worn and torn; so much the wiser and so much the
Some years ago; a temporary inability to sleep; referable to a
distressing impression; caused me to walk about the streets all
night; for a series of several nights。 The disorder might have
taken a long time to conquer; if it had been faintly experimented
on in bed; but; it was soon defeated by the brisk treatment of
getting up directly after lying down; and going out; and coming
home tired at sunrise。
In the course of those nights; I finished my education in a fair
amateur experience of houselessness。 My principal object being to
get through the night; the pursuit of it brought me into
sympathetic relations with people who have no other object every
night in the year。
The month was March; and the weather damp; cloudy; and cold。 The
sun not rising before half…past five; the night perspective looked
sufficiently long at half…past twelve: which was about my time for
confronting it。
The restlessness of a great city; and the way in which it tumbles
and tosses before it can get to sleep; formed one of the first
entertainments offered to the contemplation of us houseless people。
It lasted about two hours。 We lost a great deal of companionship
when the late public…houses turned their lamps out; and when the
potmen thrust the last brawling drunkards into the street; but
stray vehicles and stray people were left us; after that。 If we
were very lucky; a policeman's rattle sprang and a fray turned up;
but; in general; surprisingly little of this diversion was
provided。 Except in the Haymarket; which is the worst kept part of
London; and about Kent…street in the Borough; and along a portion
of the line of the Old Kent…road; the peace was seldom violently
broken。 But; it was always the case that London; as if in
imitation of individual citizens belonging to it; had expiring fits
and starts of restlessness。 After all seemed quiet; if one cab
rattled by; half…a…dozen would surely follow; and Houselessness
even observed that intoxicated people appeared to be magnetically
attracted towards each other; so that we knew when we saw one
drunken object staggering against the shutters of a shop; that
another drunken object would stagger up before five minutes were
out; to fraternise or fight with it。 When we made a divergence
from the regular species of drunkard; the thin…armed; puff…faced;
leaden…lipped gin…drinker; and encountered a rarer specimen of a
more decent appearance; fifty to one but that specimen was dressed
in soiled mourning。 As the street experience in the night; so the
street experience in the day; the common folk who come unexpectedly
into a little property; come unexpectedly into a deal of liquor。
At length these flickering sparks would die away; worn out … the
last veritable sparks of waking life trailed from some late pieman
or hot…potato man … and London would sink to rest。 And then the
yearning of the houseless mind would be for any sign of company;
any lighted place; any movement; anything suggestive of any one
being up … nay; even so much as awake; for the houseless eye looked
out for lights in windows。
Walking the streets under the pattering rain; Houselessness would
walk and walk and walk; seeing nothing but the interminable tangle
of streets; save at a corner; here and there; two policemen in
conversation; or the sergeant or inspector looking after his men。
Now and then in the night … but rarely … Houselessness would become
aware of a furtive head peering out of a doorway a few yards before
him; and; coming up with the head; would find a man standing bolt
upright to keep within the doorway's shadow; and evidently intent
upon no particular service to society。 Under a kind of
fascination; and in a ghostly silence suitable to the time;
Houselessness and this gentleman would eye one another from head to
foot; and so; without exchange of speech; part; mutually
suspicious。 Drip; drip; drip; from ledge and coping; splash from
pipes and water…spouts; and by…and…by the houseless shadow would
fall upon the stones that pave the way to Waterloo…bridge; it being
in the houseless mind to have a halfpenny worth of excuse for
saying 'Good…night' to the toll…keeper; and catching a glimpse of
his fire。 A good fire and a good great…coat and a good woollen
neck…shawl; were comfortable things to see in conjunction with the
toll…keeper; also his brisk wakefulness was excellent company when
he rattled the change of halfpence down upon that metal table of
his; like a man who defied the night; with all its sorrowful
thoughts; and didn't care for the coming of dawn。 There was need
of encouragement on the threshold of the bridge; for the bridge was
dreary。 The chopped…up murdered man; had not been lowered with a
rope over the parapet when those nights were; he was alive; and
slept then quietly enough most likely; and undisturbed by any dream
of where he was to come。 But the river had an awful look; the
buildings on the banks were muffled in black shrouds; and the
reflected lights seemed to originate deep in the water; as if the
spectres of suicides were holding them to show where they went
down。 The wild moon and clouds were as restless as an evil
conscience in a tumbled bed; and the very shadow of the immensity
of London seemed to lie oppressively upon the river。
Between the bridge and the two great theatres; there was but the
distance of a few hundred paces; so the theatres came next。 Grim
and black within; at night; those great dry Wells; and lonesome to
imagine; with the rows of faces faded out; the lights extinguished;
and the seats all empty。 One would think that nothing in them knew
itself at such a time but Yorick's skull。 In one of my night
walks; as the church steeples were shaking the March winds and rain
with the strokes of Four; I passed the outer boundary of one of
these great deserts; and entered it。 With a dim lantern in my
hand; I groped my well…known way to the stage and looked over the
orchestra … which was like a great grave dug for a time of
pestilence … into the void beyond。 A dismal cavern of an immense
aspect; with the chandelier gone dead like everything else; and
nothing visible through mist and fog and space; but tiers of
winding…sheets。 The ground at my feet where; when last there; I
had seen the peasantry of Naples dancing among the vines; reckless
of the burning mountain which threatened to overwhelm them; was now
in possession of a strong serpent of engine…hose; watchfully lying
in wait for the serpent Fire; and ready to fly at it if it showed
its forked tongue。 A ghost of a watchman; carrying a faint corpse
candle; haunted the distant upper gallery and flitted away。
Retiring within the proscenium; and holding my light above my head
towards the rolled…up curtain … green no more; but black as ebony …
my sight lost itself in a gloomy vault; showing faint indications
in it of a shipwreck of canvas and cordage。 Methought I felt much
as a diver might; at the bottom of the sea。
In those small hours when there was no movement in the streets; it
afforded matter for reflection to take Newgate in the way; and;
touching its rough stone; to think of the prisoners in their sleep;
and then to glance in at the lodge over the spiked wicket; and see
the fire an