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it may be malicious … that they hold the memory of Titbull in some
weak sort of veneration; and that they once set off together on a
pilgrimage to the parish churchyard to find his tomb。 To this;
perhaps; might be traced a general suspicion that they are spies of
'the gentlemen:' to which they were supposed to have given colour
in my own presence on the occasion of the weak attempt at
justification of the pump by the gentlemen's clerk; when they
emerged bare…headed from the doors of their dwellings; as if their
dwellings and themselves constituted an old…fashioned weather…glass
of double action with two figures of old ladies inside; and
deferentially bowed to him at intervals until he took his
departure。 They are understood to be perfectly friendless and
relationless。 Unquestionably the two poor fellows make the very
best of their lives in Titbull's Alms…Houses; and unquestionably
they are (as before mentioned) the subjects of unmitigated contempt
On Saturday nights; when there is a greater stir than usual
outside; and when itinerant vendors of miscellaneous wares even
take their stations and light up their smoky lamps before the iron
railings; Titbull's becomes flurried。 Mrs。 Saggers has her
celebrated palpitations of the heart; for the most part; on
Saturday nights。 But Titbull's is unfit to strive with the uproar
of the streets in any of its phases。 It is religiously believed at
Titbull's that people push more than they used; and likewise that
the foremost object of the population of England and Wales is to
get you down and trample on you。 Even of railroads they know; at
Titbull's; little more than the shriek (which Mrs。 Saggers says
goes through her; and ought to be taken up by Government); and the
penny postage may even yet be unknown there; for I have never seen
a letter delivered to any inhabitant。 But there is a tall;
straight; sallow lady resident in Number Seven; Titbull's; who
never speaks to anybody; who is surrounded by a superstitious halo
of lost wealth; who does her household work in housemaid's gloves;
and who is secretly much deferred to; though openly cavilled at;
and it has obscurely leaked out that this old lady has a son;
grandson; nephew; or other relative; who is 'a Contractor;' and who
would think it nothing of a job to knock down Titbull's; pack it
off into Cornwall; and knock it together again。 An immense
sensation was made by a gipsy…party calling in a spring…van; to
take this old lady up to go for a day's pleasure into Epping
Forest; and notes were compared as to which of the company was the
son; grandson; nephew; or other relative; the Contractor。 A thick…
set personage with a white hat and a cigar in his mouth; was the
favourite: though as Titbull's had no other reason to believe that
the Contractor was there at all; than that this man was supposed to
eye the chimney stacks as if he would like to knock them down and
cart them off; the general mind was much unsettled in arriving at a
conclusion。 As a way out of this difficulty; it concentrated
itself on the acknowledged Beauty of the party; every stitch in
whose dress was verbally unripped by the old ladies then and there;
and whose 'goings on' with another and a thinner personage in a
white hat might have suffused the pump (where they were principally
discussed) with blushes; for months afterwards。 Herein Titbull's
was to Titbull's true; for it has a constitutional dislike of all
strangers。 As concerning innovations and improvements; it is
always of opinion that what it doesn't want itself; nobody ought to
want。 But I think I have met with this opinion outside Titbull's。
Of the humble treasures of furniture brought into Titbull's by the
inmates when they establish themselves in that place of
contemplation for the rest of their days; by far the greater and
more valuable part belongs to the ladies。 I may claim the honour
of having either crossed the threshold; or looked in at the door;
of every one of the nine ladies; and I have noticed that they are
all particular in the article of bedsteads; and maintain favourite
and long…established bedsteads and bedding as a regular part of
their rest。 Generally an antiquated chest of drawers is among
their cherished possessions; a tea…tray always is。 I know of at
least two rooms in which a little tea…kettle of genuine burnished
copper; vies with the cat in winking at the fire; and one old lady
has a tea…urn set forth in state on the top of her chest of
drawers; which urn is used as her library; and contains four
duodecimo volumes; and a black…bordered newspaper giving an account
of the funeral of Her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte。 Among
the poor old gentlemen there are no such niceties。 Their furniture
has the air of being contributed; like some obsolete Literary
Miscellany; 'by several hands;' their few chairs never match; old
patchwork coverlets linger among them; and they have an untidy
habit of keeping their wardrobes in hat…boxes。 When I recall one
old gentleman who is rather choice in his shoe…brushes and
blacking…bottle; I have summed up the domestic elegances of that
side of the building。
On the occurrence of a death in Titbull's; it is invariably agreed
among the survivors … and it is the only subject on which they do
agree … that the departed did something 'to bring it on。' Judging
by Titbull's; I should say the human race need never die; if they
took care。 But they don't take care; and they do die; and when
they die in Titbull's they are buried at the cost of the
Foundation。 Some provision has been made for the purpose; in
virtue of which (I record this on the strength of having seen the
funeral of Mrs。 Quinch) a lively neighbouring undertaker dresses up
four of the old men; and four of the old women; hustles them into a
procession of four couples; and leads off with a large black bow at
the back of his hat; looking over his shoulder at them airily from
time to time to see that no member of the party has got lost; or
has tumbled down; as if they were a company of dim old dolls。
Resignation of a dwelling is of very rare occurrence in Titbull's。
A story does obtain there; how an old lady's son once drew a prize
of Thirty Thousand Pounds in the Lottery; and presently drove to
the gate in his own carriage; with French Horns playing up behind;
and whisked his mother away; and left ten guineas for a Feast。 But
I have been unable to substantiate it by any evidence; and regard
it as an Alms…House Fairy Tale。 It is curious that the only proved
case of resignation happened within my knowledge。
It happened on this wise。 There is a sharp competition among the
ladies respecting the gentility of their visitors; and I have so
often observed visitors to be dressed as for a holiday occasion;
that I suppose the ladies to have besought them to make all
possible display when they come。 In these circumstances much
excitement was one day occasioned by Mrs。 Mitts receiving a visit
from a Greenwich Pensioner。 He was a Pensioner of a bluff and
warlike appearance; with an empty coat…sleeve; and he was got up
with unusual care; his coat…buttons were extremely bright; he wore
his empty coat…sleeve in a graceful festoon; and he had a walking…
stick in his hand that must have cost money。 When; with the head
of his walking…stick; he knocked at Mrs。 Mitts's door … there are
no knockers in Titbull's … Mrs。 Mitts was overheard by a next…door
neighbour to utter a cry of surprise expressing much agitation; and
the same neighbour did afterwards solemnly affirm that when he was
admitted into Mrs。 Mitts's room; she heard a smack。 Heard a smack
which was not a blow。
There was an air about this Greenwich Pensioner when he took his
departure; which imbued all Titbull's with the conviction that he
was coming again。 He was eagerly looked for; and Mrs。 Mitts was
closely watched。 In the meantime; if anything could have placed
the unfortunate six old gentlemen at a greater disadvantage than
that at which they chronically stood; it would have been the
apparition of this Greenwich Pensioner。 They were well shrunken
already; but they shrunk to nothing in comparison with the
Pensioner。 Even the poor old gentlemen themselves seemed conscious
of their inferiority; and to know submissively that they could
never hope to hold their own against the Pensioner with his warlike
and maritime experience in the past; and his tobacco money in the
present: his chequered career of blue water; black gunpowder; and
red bloodshed for England; home; and beauty。
Before three weeks were out; the Pensioner reappeared。 Again he
knocked at Mrs。 Mitts's door with the handle of his stick; and
again was he admitted。 But not again did he depart alone; for Mrs。
Mitts; in a bonnet identified as having been re…embellished; went
out walking with him; and stayed out till the ten o'clock beer;