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perplexed air; as if for a boiler that had unaccountably vanished。
'He ain't a mechanic; you understand; sir;' the wife put in: 'he's
only a labourer。'
'Are you in work?'
He looked up at his wife again。 'Gentleman says are you in work;
'In work!' cried this forlorn boilermaker; staring aghast at his
wife; and then working his vision's way very slowly round to me:
'Lord; no!'
'Ah; he ain't indeed!' said the poor woman; shaking her head; as
she looked at the four children in succession; and then at him。
'Work!' said the boilermaker; still seeking that evaporated boiler;
first in my countenance; then in the air; and then in the features
of his second son at his knee: 'I wish I WAS in work! I haven't
had more than a day's work to do this three weeks。'
'How have you lived?'
A faint gleam of admiration lighted up the face of the would…be
boilermaker; as he stretched out the short sleeve of his thread…
bare canvas jacket; and replied; pointing her out; 'On the work of
the wife。'
I forget where boilermaking had gone to; or where he supposed it
had gone to; but he added some resigned information on that head;
coupled with an expression of his belief that it was never coming
The cheery helpfulness of the wife was very remarkable。 She did
slop…work; made pea…jackets。 She produced the pea…jacket then in
hand; and spread it out upon the bed; … the only piece of furniture
in the room on which to spread it。 She showed how much of it she
made; and how much was afterwards finished off by the machine。
According to her calculation at the moment; deducting what her
trimming cost her; she got for making a pea…jacket tenpence half…
penny; and she could make one in something less than two days。
But; you see; it come to her through two hands; and of course it
didn't come through the second hand for nothing。 Why did it come
through the second hand at all? Why; this way。 The second hand
took the risk of the given…out work; you see。 If she had money
enough to pay the security deposit; … call it two pound; … she
could get the work from the first hand; and so the second would not
have to be deducted for。 But; having no money at all; the second
hand come in and took its profit; and so the whole worked down to
tenpence half…penny。 Having explained all this with great
intelligence; even with some little pride; and without a whine or
murmur; she folded her work again; sat down by her husband's side
at the washing…stool; and resumed her dinner of dry bread。 Mean as
the meal was; on the bare board; with its old gallipots for cups;
and what not other sordid makeshifts; shabby as the woman was in
dress; and toning done towards the Bosjesman colour; with want of
nutriment and washing; … there was positively a dignity in her; as
the family anchor just holding the poor ship…wrecked boilermaker's
bark。 When I left the room; the boiler…maker's eyes were slowly
turned towards her; as if his last hope of ever again seeing that
vanished boiler lay in her direction。
These people had never applied for parish relief but once; and that
was when the husband met with a disabling accident at his work。
Not many doors from here; I went into a room on the first floor。
The woman apologised for its being in 'an untidy mess。' The day
was Saturday; and she was boiling the children's clothes in a
saucepan on the hearth。 There was nothing else into which she
could have put them。 There was no crockery; or tinware; or tub; or
bucket。 There was an old gallipot or two; and there was a broken
bottle or so; and there were some broken boxes for seats。 The last
small scraping of coals left was raked together in a corner of the
floor。 There were some rags in an open cupboard; also on the
floor。 In a corner of the room was a crazy old French bed…stead;
with a man lying on his back upon it in a ragged pilot jacket; and
rough oil…skin fantail hat。 The room was perfectly black。 It was
difficult to believe; at first; that it was not purposely coloured
black; the walls were so begrimed。
As I stood opposite the woman boiling the children's clothes; … she
had not even a piece of soap to wash them with; … and apologising
for her occupation; I could take in all these things without
appearing to notice them; and could even correct my inventory。 I
had missed; at the first glance; some half a pound of bread in the
otherwise empty safe; an old red ragged crinoline hanging on the
handle of the door by which I had entered; and certain fragments of
rusty iron scattered on the floor; which looked like broken tools
and a piece of stove…pipe。 A child stood looking on。 On the box
nearest to the fire sat two younger children; one a delicate and
pretty little creature; whom the other sometimes kissed。
This woman; like the last; was wofully shabby; and was degenerating
to the Bosjesman complexion。 But her figure; and the ghost of a
certain vivacity about her; and the spectre of a dimple in her
cheek; carried my memory strangely back to the old days of the
Adelphi Theatre; London; when Mrs。 Fitzwilliam was the friend of
'May I ask you what your husband is?'
'He's a coal…porter; sir;' … with a glance and a sigh towards the
'Is he out of work?'
'Oh; yes; sir! and work's at all times very; very scanty with him;
and now he's laid up。'
'It's my legs;' said the man upon the bed。 'I'll unroll 'em。' And
immediately began。
'Have you any older children?'
'I have a daughter that does the needle…work; and I have a son that
does what he can。 She's at her work now; and he's trying for
'Do they live here?'
'They sleep here。 They can't afford to pay more rent; and so they
come here at night。 The rent is very hard upon us。 It's rose upon
us too; now; … sixpence a week; … on account of these new changes
in the law; about the rates。 We are a week behind; the landlord's
been shaking and rattling at that door frightfully; he says he'll
turn us out。 I don't know what's to come of it。'
The man upon the bed ruefully interposed; 'Here's my legs。 The
skin's broke; besides the swelling。 I have had a many kicks;
working; one way and another。'
He looked at his legs (which were much discoloured and misshapen)
for a while; and then appearing to remember that they were not
popular with his family; rolled them up again; as if they were
something in the nature of maps or plans that were not wanted to be
referred to; lay hopelessly down on his back once more with his
fantail hat over his face; and stirred not。
'Do your eldest son and daughter sleep in that cupboard?'
'Yes;' replied the woman。
'With the children?'
'Yes。 We have to get together for warmth。 We have little to cover
'Have you nothing by you to eat but the piece of bread I see
'Nothing。 And we had the rest of the loaf for our breakfast; with
water。 I don't know what's to come of it。'
'Have you no prospect of improvement?'
'If my eldest son earns anything to…day; he'll bring it home。 Then
we shall have something to eat to…night; and may be able to do
something towards the rent。 If not; I don't know what's to come of
'This is a sad state of things。'
'Yes; sir; it's a hard; hard life。 Take care of the stairs as you
go; sir; … they're broken; … and good day; sir!'
These people had a mortal dread of entering the workhouse; and
received no out…of…door relief。
In another room; in still another tenement; I found a very decent
woman with five children; … the last a baby; and she herself a
patient of the parish doctor; … to whom; her husband being in the
hospital; the Union allowed for the support of herself and family;
four shillings a week and five loaves。 I suppose when Thisman;
M。P。; and Thatman; M。P。; and the Public…blessing Party; lay their
heads together in course of time; and come to an equalization of
rating; she may go down to the dance of death to the tune of
sixpence more。
I could enter no other houses for that one while; for I could not
bear the contemplation of the children。 Such heart as I had
summoned to sustain me against the miseries of the adults failed me
when I looked at the children。 I saw how young they were; how
hungry; how serious and still。 I thought of them; sick and dying
in those lairs。 I think of them dead without anguish; but to think
of them so suffering and so dying quite unmanned me。
Down by the river's bank in Ratcliff; I was turning upward by a
side…street; therefore; to regain the railway; when my eyes rested
on the inscription across the road; 'East London Children's
Hospital。' I could scarcely have seen an inscription better suited
to my frame of mind; and I went across and went straight in。
I found the children's hospital established in an old sail…loft or