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essays and lectures-第10章

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to commend than to produce and in no case lasting。  Yet Polybius

had seen the future with no uncertain eye; and had prophesied the

rise of the Empire from the unbalanced power of the ochlocracy

fifty years and more before there was joy in the Julian household

over the birth of that boy who; born to power as the champion of

the people; died wearing the purple of a king。

No attitude of historical criticism is more important than the

means by which the ancients attained to the philosophy of history。

The principle of heredity can be exemplified in literature as well

as in organic life:  Aristotle; Plato and Polybius are the lineal

ancestors of Fichte and Hegel; of Vico and Cousin; of Montesquieu

and Tocqueville。

As my aim is not to give an account of historians but to point out

those great thinkers whose methods have furthered the advance of

this spirit of historical criticism; I shall pass over those

annalists and chroniclers who intervened between Thucydides and

Polybius。  Yet perhaps it may serve to throw new light on the real

nature of this spirit and its intimate connection with all other

forms of advanced thought if I give some estimate of the character

and rise of those many influences prejudicial to the scientific

study of history which cause such a wide gap between these two


Foremost among these is the growing influence of rhetoric and the

Isocratean school; which seems to have regarded history as an arena

for the display either of pathos or paradoxes; not a scientific

investigation into laws。

The new age is the age of style。  The same spirit of exclusive

attention to form which made Euripides often; like Swinburne;

prefer music to meaning and melody to morality; which gave to the

later Greek statues that refined effeminacy; that overstrained

gracefulness of attitude; was felt in the sphere of history。  The

rules laid down for historical composition are those relating to

the aesthetic value of digressions; the legality of employing more

than one metaphor in the same sentence; and the like; and

historians are ranked not by their power of estimating evidence but

by the goodness of the Greek they write。

I must note also the important influence on literature exercised by

Alexander the Great; for while his travels encouraged the more

accurate research of geography; the very splendour of his

achievements seems to have brought history again into the sphere of

romance。  The appearance of all great men in the world is followed

invariably by the rise of that mythopoeic spirit and that tendency

to look for the marvellous; which is so fatal to true historical

criticism。  An Alexander; a Napoleon; a Francis of Assisi and a

Mahomet are thought to be outside the limiting conditions of

rational law; just as comets were supposed to be not very long ago。

While the founding of that city of Alexandria; in which Western and

Eastern thought met with such strange result to both; diverted the

critical tendencies of the Greek spirit into questions of grammar;

philology and the like; the narrow; artificial atmosphere of that

University town (as we may call it) was fatal to the development of

that independent and speculative spirit of research which strikes

out new methods of inquiry; of which historical criticism is one。

The Alexandrines combined a great love of learning with an

ignorance of the true principles of research; an enthusiastic

spirit for accumulating materials with a wonderful incapacity to

use them。  Not among the hot sands of Egypt; or the Sophists of

Athens; but from the very heart of Greece rises the man of genius

on whose influence in the evolution of the philosophy of history I

have a short time ago dwelt。  Born in the serene and pure air of

the clear uplands of Arcadia; Polybius may be said to reproduce in

his work the character of the place which gave him birth。  For; of

all the historians … I do not say of antiquity but of all time …

none is more rationalistic than he; none more free from any belief

in the 'visions and omens; the monstrous legends; the grovelling

superstitions and unmanly craving for the supernatural' ('Greek

text that cannot be reproduced'(11)) which he himself is compelled

to notice as the characteristics of some of the historians who

preceded him。  Fortunate in the land which bore him; he was no less

blessed in the wondrous time of his birth。  For; representing in

himself the spiritual supremacy of the Greek intellect and allied

in bonds of chivalrous friendship to the world…conqueror of his

day; he seems led as it were by the hand of Fate 'to comprehend;'

as has been said; 'more clearly than the Romans themselves the

historical position of Rome;' and to discern with greater insight

than all other men could those two great resultants of ancient

civilisation; the material empire of the city of the seven hills;

and the intellectual sovereignty of Hellas。

Before his own day; he says; (12) the events of the world were

unconnected and separate and the histories confined to particular

countries。  Now; for the first time the universal empire of the

Romans rendered a universal history possible。 (13)  This; then; is

the august motive of his work:  to trace the gradual rise of this

Italian city from the day when the first legion crossed the narrow

strait of Messina and landed on the fertile fields of Sicily to the

time when Corinth in the East and Carthage in the West fell before

the resistless wave of empire and the eagles of Rome passed on the

wings of universal victory from Calpe and the Pillars of Hercules

to Syria and the Nile。  At the same time he recognised that the

scheme of Rome's empire was worked out under the aegis of God's

will。 (14)  For; as one of the Middle Age scribes most truly says;

the 'Greek text which cannot be reproduced' of Polybius is that

power which we Christians call God; the second aim; as one may call

it; of his history is to point out the rational and human and

natural causes which brought this result; distinguishing; as we

should say; between God's mediate and immediate government of the


With any direct intervention of God in the normal development of

Man; he will have nothing to do:  still less with any idea of

chance as a factor in the phenomena of life。  Chance and miracles;

he says; are mere expressions for our ignorance of rational causes。

The spirit of rationalism which we recognised in Herodotus as a

vague uncertain attitude and which appears in Thucydides as a

consistent attitude of mind never argued about or even explained;

is by Polybius analysed and formulated as the great instrument of

historical research。

Herodotus; while believing on principle in the supernatural; yet

was sceptical at times。  Thucydides simply ignored the

supernatural。  He did not discuss it; but he annihilated it by

explaining history without it。  Polybius enters at length into the

whole question and explains its origin and the method of treating

it。  Herodotus would have believed in Scipio's dream。  Thucydides

would have ignored it entirely。  Polybius explains it。  He is the

culmination of the rational progression of Dialectic。  'Nothing;'

he says; 'shows a foolish mind more than the attempt to account for

any phenomena on the principle of chance or supernatural

intervention。  History is a search for rational causes; and there

is nothing in the world … even those phenomena which seem to us the

most remote from law and improbable … which is not the logical and

inevitable result of certain rational antecedents。'

Some things; of course; are to be rejected A PRIORI without

entering into the subject:  'As regards such miracles;' he says;

(15) 'as that on a certain statue of Artemis rain or snow never

falls though the statue stands in the open air; or that those who

enter God's shrine in Arcadia lose their natural shadows; I cannot

really be expected to argue upon the subject。  For these things are

not only utterly improbable but absolutely impossible。'

'For us to argue reasonably on an acknowledged absurdity is as vain

a task as trying to catch water in a sieve; it is really to admit

the possibility of the supernatural; which is the very point at


What Polybius felt was that to admit the possibility of a miracle

is to annihilate the possibility of history:  for just as

scientific and chemical experiments would be either impossible or

useless if exposed to the chance of continued interference on the

part of some foreign body; so the laws and principles which govern

history; the causes of phenomena; the evolution of progress; the

whole science; in a word; of man's dealings with his own race and

with nature; will remain a sealed book to him who admits the

possibility of extra…natural interference。

The stories of miracles; then; are to be rejected on A PRIORI

rational grounds; but in the case of events which we know to have

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