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an unsocial socialist-第32章

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mile and a half round his estate instead of four hundred yards
between two portions of it。〃 

〃I have already told you; sir;〃 said Sir Charles; 〃that I intend
to open a still shorter path; and to allow all the well…conducted
work…people to pass through twice a day。 This will enable them to
go to their work and return from it; and I will be at the cost of
keeping the path in repair。〃

〃Thank you;〃 said Trefusis drily; 〃but why should we trouble you
when we have a path of our own to use fifty times a day if we
choose; without any man barring our way until our conduct happens
to please him? Besides; your next heir would probably shut the
path up the moment he came into possession。〃

〃Offering them a path is just what makes them impudent;〃 said
Lady Brandon to her husband。 〃Why did you promise them anything?
They would not think it a hardship to walk a mile and a half; or
twenty miles; to a public…house; but when they go to their work
they think it dreadful to have to walk a yard。 Perhaps they would
like us to lend them the wagonette to drive in?〃

〃I have no doubt they would;〃 said Trefusis; beaming at her。

〃Pray leave me to manage here; Jane; this is no place for you。
Bring Erskine to the house。 He must be〃

〃Why don't the police make them go away?〃 said Lady Brandon; too
excited to listen to her husband。

〃Hush; Jane; pray。 What can three men do against thirty or

〃They ought to take up somebody as an example to the rest。〃

〃They have offered; in the handsomest manner; to arrest me if Sir
Charles will give me in charge;〃 said Trefusis。

〃There!〃 said Lady Jane; turning to her husband。 〃Why don't you
give himor someonein charge?〃

〃You know nothing about it;〃 said Sir Charles; vexed by a sense
that she was publicly making him ridiculous。

〃If you don't; I will;〃 she persisted。 〃The idea of having our
ground broken into and our new wall knocked down! A nice state of
things it would be if people were allowed to do as they liked
with other peoples' property。 I will give every one of them in

〃Would you consign me to a dungeon?〃 said Trefusis; in melancholy

〃I don't mean you exactly;〃 she said; relenting。 〃But I will give
that clergyman into charge; because he ought to know better。 He
is the ringleader of the whole thing。〃

〃He will be delighted; Lady Brandon; he pines for martyrdom。 But
will you really give him into custody?〃

〃I will;〃 she said vehemently; emphasizing the assurance by a
plunge in the saddle that made the bay stagger。

〃On what charge?〃 he said; patting the horse and looking up at

〃I don't care what charge;〃 she replied; conscious that she was
being admired; and not displeased。 〃Let them take him up; that's

Human beings on horseback are so far centaurs that liberties
taken with their horses are almost as personal as liberties taken
with themselves。 When Sir Charles saw Trefusis patting the bay he
felt as much outraged as if Lady Brandon herself were being
patted; and he felt bitterly towards her for permitting the
familiarity。 He uas relieved by the arrival of the procession。 It
halted as the 1eadere came up to Trefusis; who said gravely:

〃Gentlemen; I congratulate you on the firmness with which you
have this day asserted the rights of the people of this place to
the use of one of the few scraps of mother earth of which they
have not been despoiled。〃

〃Gentlemen;〃 shouted an excited member of the procession; 〃three
cheers for the resumption of the land of England by the people of
England! Hip; hip; hurrah!〃

The cheers were given with much spirit; Sir Charles's cheeks
becoming redder at each repetition。 He looked angrily at the
clergyman; now distracted by the charms of Lady Brandon; whose
scorn; as she surveyed the crowd; expressed itself by a pout
which became her pretty lips extremely。

Then a middle…aged laborer stepped from the road into the field;
hat in hand; ducked respectfully; and said: 〃Look 'e here; Sir
Charles。 Don't 'e mind them fellers。 There ain't a man belonging
to this neighborhood among 'em; not one in your employ or on your
land。 Our dooty to you and your ladyship; and we will trust to
you to do what is fair by us。 We want no interlopers from Lunnon
to get us into trouble with your honor; and〃

〃You unmitigated cur;〃 exclaimed Trefusis fiercely; 〃what right
have you to give away to his unborn children the liberty of your

〃They're not unborn;〃 said Lady Brandon indignantly。 〃That just
shows how little you know about it。〃

〃No; nor mine either;〃 said the man; emboldened by her ladyship's
support。 〃And who are you that call me a cur?〃

〃Who am I! I am a rich manone of your masters; and privileged
to call you what I please。 You are a grovelling famine…broken
slave。 Now go and seek redress against me from the law。 I can buy
law enough to ruin you for less money than it would cost me to
shoot deer in Scotland or vermin here。 How do you like that state
of things? Eh?〃

The man was taken aback。 〃Sir Charles will stand by me;〃 he said;
after a pause; with assumed confidence; but with an anxious
glance at the baronet。

〃If he does; after witnessing the return you have made me for
standing by you; he is a greater fool than I take him to be。〃

〃Gently; gently;〃 said the clergyman。 〃There is much excuse to be
made for the poor fellow。〃

〃As gently as you please with any man that is a free man at
heart;〃 said Trefusis; 〃but slaves must be driven; and this
fellow is a slave to the marrow。〃

〃Still; we must be patient。 He does not know〃

〃He knows a great deal better than you do;〃 said Lady Brandon;
interrupting。 〃And the more shame for you; because you ought to
know best。 I suppose you were educated somewhere。 You will not be
satisfied with yourself when your bishop hears of this。 Yes;〃 she
added; turning to Trefusis with an infantile air of wanting to
cry and being forced to laugh against her will; 〃you may laugh as
much as you pleasedon't trouble to pretend it's only
coughingbut we will write to his bishop; as he shall find to
his cost。〃

〃Hold your tongue; Jane; for God's sake;〃 said Sir Charles;
taking her horse by the bridle and backing him from Trefusis。

〃I will not。 If you choose to stand here and allow them to walk
away with the walls in their pockets; I don't; and won't。 Why
cannot you make the police do something?〃

〃They can do nothing;〃 said Sir Charles; almost beside himself
with humiliation。 〃I cannot do anything until I see my solicitor。
How can you bear to stay here wrangling with these fellows? It is
SO undignified!〃

〃It's all very well to talk of dignity; but I don't see the
dignity of letting people trample on our grounds without leave。
Mr。 Smilash; will you make them all go away; and tell them that
they shall all be prosecuted and put in prison?〃

〃They are going to the crossroads; to hold a public meeting
andof coursemake speeches。 I am desired to say that they
deeply regret that their demonstration should have disturbed you
personally; Lady Brandon。〃

〃So they ought;〃 she replied。 〃They don't look very sorry。 They
are getting frightened at what they have done; and they would be
glad to escape the consequences by apologizing; most likely。 But
they shan't。 I am not such a fool as they think。〃

〃They don't think so。 You have proved the contrary。〃

〃Jane;〃 said Sir Charles pettishly; 〃do you know this gentleman?〃

〃I should think I do;〃 said Lady Brandon emphatically。

Trefusis bowed as if he had just been formally introduced to the
baronet; who; against his will; returned the salutation stiffly;
unable to ignore an older; firmer; and quicker man under the

〃This seems an unneighborly business; Sir Charles;〃 said
Trefusis; quite at his ease; 〃 but as it is a public question; it
need not prejudice our private relations。 At least I hope not。〃

Sir Charles bowed again; more stiffly than before。

〃I am; like you; a capitalist and landlord。〃

〃Which it seems to me you have no right to be; if you are in
earnest;〃 struck in Chester; who had been watching the scene in
silence by Sir Charles's side。

〃Which; as you say; I have undoubtedly no right to be;〃 said
Trefusis; surveying him with interest; 〃 but which I nevertheless
cannot help being。 Have I the pleasure of speaking to Mr。
Chichester Erskine; author of a tragedy entitled 'The Patriot
Martyrs;' dedicated with enthusiastic devotion to the Spirit of
Liberty and half a dozen famous upholders of that principle; and
denouncing in forcible language the tyranny of the late Tsar of
Russia; Bomba of Naples; and Napoleon the Third?〃

〃Yes; sir;〃 said Erskine; reddening; for he felt that this
description might make his drama seem ridiculous to those present
who had not read it。

〃Then;〃 said Trefusis; extending his handErskine at first
thought for a hearty shake〃give me half…a…crown towards the
cost of our expedition here to…day to assert the right of the
people to tread the soil we are standing upon。〃

〃You shall do nothing of the sort; Chester;〃 cried Lady Brandon。
〃I never heard of such a thing in my life! Do you pay us for the
wall and fence your people have broken; Mr。 Smilash; that would
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