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an unsocial socialist-第37章

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Seriously; of course; it was commonplace enough。〃

Agatha stopped and faced him。 〃What do you mean by what you said
just now? You said that I was the immediate cause of the tragedy;
and you say that you were talking of Henrietta'sof Henrietta。 I
had nothing to do with her illness。〃

Trefusis looked at her as if considering whether he would go any
further。 Then; watching her with the curiosity of a vivisector;
he said: 〃Strange to say; Agatha;〃 (she shrank proudly at the
word); 〃Henrietta might have been alive now but for you。 I am
very glad she is not; so you need not reproach yourself on my
account。 She died of a journey she made to Lyvern in great
excitement and distress; and in intensely cold weather。 You
caused her to make that journey by writing her a letter which
made her jealous。〃

〃Do you mean to accuse me〃

〃No; stop!〃 he said hastily; the vivisecting spirit in him
exorcised by her shaking voice; 〃I accuse you of nothing。 Why do
you not speak honestly to me when you are at your ease? If you
confess your real thoughts only under torture; who can resist the
temptation to torture you? One must charge you with homicide to
make you speak of anything but orchids。〃

But Agatha had drawn the new inference from the old facts; and
would not be talked out of repudiating it。 〃It was not my fault;〃
she said。 〃It was yoursaltogether yours。〃

〃Altogether;〃 he assented; relieved to find her indignant instead
of remorseful。

She was not to be soothed by a verbal acquiescence。 〃Your
behavior was most unmanly; and I told you so; and you could not
deny it。 You pretended that youYou pretended to have
feelingsYou tried to make me believe that Oh; I am a fool to
talk to you; you know perfectly well what I mean。〃

〃Perfectly。 I tried to make you believe that I was in love with
you。 How do you know I was not?〃

She disdained to answer; but as he waited calmly she said; 〃You
had no right to be。〃

〃That does not prove that I was not。 Come; Agatha; you pretended
to like me when you did not care two straws about me。 You
confessed as much in that fatal letter; which I have somewhere at
home。 It has a great rent right across it; and the mark of her
heel; she must have stamped on it in her rage; poor girl! So that
I can show your own hand for the very deception you accused
mewithout proofof having practiced on you。〃

〃You are clever; and can twist things。 What pleasure does it give
you to make me miserable?〃

〃Ha!〃 he exclaimed; in an abrupt; sardonic laugh。 〃I don't know;
you bewitch me; I think。〃

Agatha made no reply; but walked on quickly to the end of the
conservatory; where the others were waiting for them。

〃Where have you been; and what have you been doing all this
time?〃 said Jane; as Trefusis came up; hurrying after Agatha。 〃I
don't know what you call it; but I call it perfectly

Sir Charles reddened at his wife's bad taste; and Trefusis
replied gravely: 〃We have been admiring the orchids; and talking
about them。 Miss Wylie takes an interest in them。〃


One morning Gertrude got a letter from her father:

〃My Dear Gerty: I have just received a bill for L110 from Madame
Smith for your dresses。 May I ask you how long this sort of thing
is to go on? I need not tell you that I have not the means to
support you in such extravagance。 I am; as you know; always
anxious that you should go about in a style worthy of your
position; but unless you can manage without calling on me to pay
away hundreds of pounds every season to Madame Smith; you had
better give up society and stay at home。 I positively cannot
afford it。 As far as I can see; going into society has not done
you much good。 I had to raise L500 last month on Franklands; and
it is too bad if I must raise more to pay your dressmaker。 You
might at least employ some civil person; or one whose charges are
moderate。 Madame Smith tells me that she will not wait any
longer; and charges L50 for a single dress。 I hope you fully
understand that there must be an end to this。

〃I hear from your mother that young Erskine is with you at
Brandon's。 I do not think much of him。 He is not well off; nor
likely to get on; as he has taken to poetry and so forth。 I am
told also that a man named Trefusis visits at the Beeches a good
deal now。 He must be a fool; for he contested the last Birmingham
election; and came out at the foot of the poll with thirty…two
votes through calling himself a Social Democrat or some such
foreign rubbish; instead of saying out like a man that he was a
Radical。 I suppose the name stuck in his throat; for his mother
was one of the Howards of Breconcastle; so he has good blood in
him; though his father was nobody。 I wish he had your bills to
pay; he could buy and sell me ten times over; after all my
twenty…five years' service。

〃As I am thinking of getting something done to the house; I had
rather you did not come back this month; if you can possibly hold
on at Brandon's。 Remember me to him; and give our kind regards to
his wife。 I should be obliged if you would gather some hemlock
leaves and send them to me。 I want them for my ointment; the
stuff the chemists sell is no good。 Your mother's eyes are bad
again; and your brother Berkeley has been gambling; and seems to
think I ought to pay his debts for him。 I am greatly worried over
it all; and I hope that; until you have settled yourself; you
will be more reasonable; and not run these everlasting bills upon
me。 You are enjoying yourself out of reach of all the
unpleasantness; but it bears hardly upon

〃Your affectionate father;                   〃C。B。 LINDSAY。〃

A faint sketch of the lines Time intended to engrave on
Gertrude's brow appeared there as she read the letter; but she
hastened to give the admiral's kind regards to her host and
hostess; and discussed her mother's health feelingly with them。
After breakfast she went to the library; and wrote her reply:


〃Dear Papa: Considering that it is more than three years since
you paid Madame Smith last; and that then her bill; which
included my court dress; was only L150; I cannot see how I could
possibly have been more economical; unless you expect me to go in
rags。 I am sorry that Madame Smith has asked for the money at
such an inconvenient time; but when I begged you to pay her
something in March last year you told me to keep her quiet by
giving her a good order。 I am not surprised at her not being very
civil; as she has plenty of tradesmen's daughters among her
customers who pay her more than L300 a year for their dresses。 I
am wearing a skirt at present which I got two years ago。

〃Sir Charles is going to town on Thursday; he will bring you the
hemlock。 Tell mamma that there is an old woman here who knows
some wonderful cure for sore eyes。 She will not tell what the
ingredients are; but it cures everyone; and there is no use in
giving an oculist two guineas for telling us that reading in bed
is bad for the eyes; when we know perfectly well that mamma will
not give up doing it。 If you pay Berkeley's debts; do not forget
that he owes me L3。

〃Another schoolfellow of mine is staying here now; and I think
that Mr。 Trefusis will have the pleasure of paying her bills some
day。 He is a great pet of Lady Brandon's。 Sir Charles was angry
at first because she invited him here; and we were al1 surprised
at it。 The man has a bad reputation; and headed a mob that threw
down the walls of the park; and we hardly thought he would be
cool enough to come after that。 But he does not seem to care
whether we want him or not; and he comes when he likes。 As he
talks cleverly; we find him a godsend in this dull place。 It is
really not such a paradise as you seem to think; but you need not
be afraid of my returning any sooner than I can help。

〃Your affectionate daughter;     〃Gertrude Lindsay。

When Gertrude had closed this letter; and torn up her father's;
she thought little more about either。 They might have made her
unhappy had they found her happy; but as hopeless discontent was
her normal state; and enjoyment but a rare accident;
recriminatory passages with her father only put her into a bad
humor; and did not in the least disappoint or humiliate her。

For the sake of exercise; she resolved to carry her letter to the
village post office and return along the Riverside Road; whereby
she had seen hemlock growing。 She took care to go out unobserved;
lest Agatha should volunteer to walk with her; or Jane declare
her intention of driving to the post office in the afternoon; and
sulk for the rest of the day unless the trip to the village were
postponed until then。 She took with her; as a protection against
tramps; a big St。 Bernard dog named Max。 This animal; which was
young and enthusiastic; had taken a strong fancy to her; and had
expressed it frankly and boisterously; and she; whose affections
had been starved in her home and in society; had encouraged him
with more kindness than she had ever shown to any human being。

In the village; having posted her letter; she turned towards a
lane that led to the Riverside Road。 Max; unaware of her reason
for choosing the longest way home;
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