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Semi…circular colonnade forming entrances; French lattice…work。
Hanging lamp; in entrances; flower basket design; elaborate。
Lamps; hanging along porches; simple design。
Female figures at base of spires; by Eugene Louis Boutier; purely ornamental。
Lavish decorations on building suggest variety and abundance of California horticulture。 Floral designs; green wreaths with fruit motives and leaves; lamps; flowered shields over doorway; decorated columns; entrance under green lattice…work; great ornamental vases on sides。
Female figures used as columns supporting roof of porch; the caryatides; by John Bateman。
Building suggests festivity; done in exposition spirit。
Coloring; green; old copper。 Green lattice…work in domes。
Along the South Wall; West of the Tower of Jewels
South Wall; by Faville。 Spanish Renaissance。 Domes; Byzantine。
Palaces facing Avenue of Palms; from west to east: Education; Palace Liberal Arts; Manufactures; and Varied Industries。
Vases beside doorways of Palace of Education; finely designed; pedestal of one; a Corinthian capital; of the other; an Ionic capital。
Main portals; Faville。 Suggest Roman gateway。 Coloring; pink; turquoise blue; and burnt orange; accentuates sculpture。 Duplicated on Palaces of Manufactures and Liberal Arts。
Panel over doorway; by Mahonri Young; Ogden; Utah; figures of domestic life and industries; making of glass; metal work; statuary; textiles。 Figures at side; to left; woman with spindle; to right; man with sledge…hammer。
Flat columns at side of portals; pilasters。 Corinthian。
Lion; over centerpiece of arch。
〃Victory;〃 on gables by Louis Ulrich; like the winged figure used by the Greeks; 〃 Blessings on this house。〃
Niches in wall; colored pink and blue。 Heads of lions and elephants used as fountains; alternately by Faville。
Panel over niches; figures with garland; by Faville。
Festival Hall
Festival Hall; Robert Farquhar; of Los Angeles; architect。 Modern French architecture; of the Beaux Arts style; Paris。 Used in many French theatres; not a natural growth in this country; but growing in favor; building arrangement fine。 Details from Le Petit and Le Grand Trianon。 Coloring。 light green; not so effective as on Horticultural Palace; popular with French architects。
Figure on corner domes; 〃The Torch Bearer;〃 Sherry F。 Fry; of New York。
Figures on sides of shield over big central arch; by Fry。 Decorative。 West entrance。
Reclining figures; above; on sides of entrance; by Fry。 To right; Bacchus with grapes and wine…skin。 To left; a woman listening。
Groups in front of ball; on sides of stairway; by Fry。 〃Flora;〃 flower girl on pedestal; repeated。 On left below pedestal; 〃Young Pan;〃 seated on Ionic capital covered with fawn skin; his music arrested by sight of lizard。 On right; young girl seated。
Greek drinking horns; rhytons; repeated around entrance; on cornice; suggest festivity。
Symbol of Music; the lyre; above entrance。
Recital Hall; on the second floor of Festival Hall; eastern end; contains fine stained glass windows。 Designer and executor; Charles J。 Connick; of Boston。 Three windows; a small one or; the landing of the north stairway; and two larger ones on the west wall of the hall itself。
On the stairway。 Figure of a young monk bearing a scroll inscribed with 〃Venite exultamus domin〃 (〃Come; let us exalt the Lord〃)。
In the hall; window to the left。 In the large tipper section; a figure of St。 Martha of Bethany。 Below; Christ and three women; one kneeling。
In the hall; window to the right。 In the large tipper section; figures of two men; the wise men; one watching the star; one seated reading; an owl and a lantern in the window also。 In the small section below; a ship with a cross on the main sail; the cross is of the design used in the Crusades。
Court of Flowers
Court of Flowers; by Kelham。 Italian Renaissance; Byzantine touches。 Opposite Festival Hall; between Palaces of Varied Industries and Mines。 Details different from Court of Palms; ornament richer。
Figure on tower; 〃The Fairy;〃 by Carl Gruppe。
Palaces at sides of court: to the west; Manufactures; to the east; Varied Industries。
Italian towers; by Kelham; same feeling。 Outlines on top different from those in Court of Palms。
〃The American Pioneer;〃 equestrian statue at entrance; by Solon Borglum; of New York。 Patriarchal。 Suggests Joaquin Miller。 Warlike trappings of horse picturesque; but sixteenth century Spanish; out of place。
Spanish loggia around second story of court; southern in feeling; implying warm climate。
〃Oriental Flower Girl;〃 female figure in niches along loggia; by Calder。
Griffons around frieze on top of columns。
Corridors; pink walls; smoked olive columns with orange capitals。
Against wall; Corinthian coupled pilasters。
Roman banging lamps; by Kelham; suggest bronze; great weight。 Bronze; pink; green; and cream。 Italian bronze lanterns suggest blue eucalyptus。
Lamp standards between columns; globe half concealed; by Kelham。 Charm of effect; improvement on those with globe wholly visible。
Conventionalized lions in pairs at portals; by Albert Laessle; of Philadelphia。
Fountain; 〃Beauty and the Beast;〃 by Edgar Walter; of San Francisco。 Sandals and hat on woman。 Beast at her feet。 Fauns and satyrs; piping; under circular bowl。 Frieze outside edge of bowl; lion; bear; ape; and tiger repeated; playful。 Designed for Court of Palms to be seen from above。
Lophantha trees; trimmed four feet from ground; branching out six feet across; along walks。
Vista through fairy…like Court of the Ages to Florentine Tower and blue sky beyond; from south entrance of Court of Flowers。
Along the South Wall; East of Tower of Jewels
Palaces facing Avenue of Palms; from east to west: Varied Industries; Manufactures; Liberal Arts; Education。
South facade of Palace of Varied Industries; by Faville。 High walls; seventy feet in height; suggest eighteenth century California missions。
Green domes on corners; Byzantine; inspired by mosques of Constantinople。
Coloring of flags; cerulean blue; pastel red; and burnt orange。
Windows in corners; mosque design。 Little hexagonal kiosks at corners below domes; Moorish。
Central portal; after portal of Santa Cruz Hospital; in Toledo; Spain。 Sixteenth century Spanish Renaissance; plateresque。 Lattice…work effect in doorway in harmony with lace…like silver…platter style。 Niche walls pink; with ultramarine blue。
Pope Calixtus III sent for a Spanish goldsmith; Diaz; to do work for him in Rome。 Diaz returned to Spain; carrying the influence of the Italian Renaissance。 He met the son of the architect of the cathedral at Toledo; De Egas。 To the son he imparted his knowledge and the son applied it to architecture; creating the plateresque style。 Till then all Spanish cathedrals had shown the Gothic influence from the north。
Figures on large door by Stackpole。 Upper figures; 〃Age Transferring His Burden to Youth;〃 America。 Figure in center piece of arch; 〃Power of Industry;〃 the American workman。 Figures in half circle above door; 〃Varied Industries;〃 from left to right; Spinning; Building; Agriculture; Manual Labor; and Commerce。 Figure repeated four times in lower niches; 〃Man with the Pick。〃
〃California Bear〃 and 〃California Shield〃 on buttresses; or square columns supporting wall。 Used in old mission buildings。
Avenue of Progress
Planting; some of the best landscape effects in Exposition。 Against buildings; Monterey cypress; banked by Lawson cypress in front and between these; spruces and Spanish fir。
Machinery Palace; Ward & Blohme; of San Francisco; architects。 Italian Renaissance; inspired by Roman baths。 Like Baths of Caracalla。 Largest building of its kind in world; three blocks long; seven acres in area。
Banners; by Ryan; heraldic designs of early Spanish explorers and soldiers。
Lophantha lawn; designed by John McLaren; trees trimmed off four feet above ground; and trained to grow flat alongside Palace of Varied Industries。
East facade of Varied Industries; made Italian to harmonize with Italian Machinery Palace。
Main portal; like gateways of old Roman walled cities。
〃The Miner;〃 in niches of gateway; by Albert Weinert of New York。
Small portals Italian; fine color effect; lattice…work; orange; blue; light green'。
Sculpture on Machinery Palace; by Haig Patigian; of San Francisco。
Large columns in front and in vestibule of half dome; imitation Sienna marble。
Small portals; orange columns at sides; pink niche; blue dome; orange above dome; pleasing tone;
Corinthian columns at sides of portals; eagles at corners of capitals; at top; symbolize inspiration。
Frieze around drums at base of columns 〃Genii of Machinery;〃 by Haig Patigian; eyes closed; signifying Power of the spirit; or blind fate。
Figures in triangular spaces on either side above doorways; 〃Application of Power to Machinery;〃 by Haig Patigian。
Figures on tall Sienna marble columns; 〃Power;〃 〃by Haig Patigian。 〃Steam Power;〃 with lever。 〃Invention;〃 carrying figure with flying wings; suggesting quickness of mind。 〃Imagination; eyes closed。 Eagle bird of inspiration; about to fly。 〃Electricity;〃 foot o