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out the hazel…thicket new clad in his old raiment; and she cried out aloud; and ran toward him。 But he doubted that some evil had betid; and that she was chased; so he drew out his sword; but she ran up to him and cried out: 〃Put up thy sword; here is none save me。〃
But he stood still; gazing on her in wonderment; and now she was drawn near to him she stood still before him; panting。 Then he said: 〃Nay; Lady; for this night there was no need of thy disguising thee; to…morrow it had been soon enough。〃
She said: 〃I were fain if thou wouldst take my hand; and lead me back to our resting…place。〃
Even so he did; and as their palms met he felt how her hand loved him; and a flood of sweetness swept over his heart; and made an end of all its soreness。 But he led her quietly back again to their place。 Then she turned to him and said: 〃Now art thou the woodland god again; and the courtier no more; so now will I worship thee。〃 And she knelt down before him; and embraced his knees and kissed them; but he drew her up to him; and cast his arms about her; and kissed her face many times; and said: 〃Now art thou the poor captive again。〃
She said: 〃Now hast thou forgiven me; but I will tell thee that my wilfulness and folly was not all utterly feigned; though when I was about it I longed for thee to break it down with the fierceness of a man; and bid me look to it how helpless I was; and thou how strong and my only defence。 Not utterly feigned it was: for I will say it; that I was grieved to the heart when I bethought me of Meadhamstead and the seat of my fathers。 What sayest thou then? Shalt thou be ever a woodman in these thickets; and a follower of Jack of the Tofts? If so thou wilt; it is well。〃
He took her by the shoulders and bent her backwards to kiss her; and held her up above the earth in his arms; waving her this way and that; till she felt how little and light she was in his grasp; though she was no puny woman; then he set her on her feet again; and laughed in her face; and said: 〃Sweetling; let to…morrow bring counsel。 But now let it all be: thou hast said it; thou art weary; so now will I dight thee a bed of our mantles; and thou shalt lie thee down; and I shall watch thee as thou badest me。〃
Therewith he went about; and plucked armfuls of the young bracken; and made a bed wide and soft; and spread the mantles thereover。
But she stood awhile looking on him; then she said: 〃Dost thou think to punish me for my wilful folly; and to shame me by making me speak to thee?〃
〃Nay;〃 he said; 〃it is not so。〃
She said: 〃I am not shamed in that I say to thee: if thou watch this night; I will watch by thee; and if I lie down to rest this night; thou shalt lie by me。 For my foemen have given me to thee; and now shalt thou give thyself to me。〃
So he drew near to her shyly; like unto one who hath been forgiven。 And there was their bridal bed; and nought but the oak boughs betwixt them and the bare heavens。
Now awoke Goldilind when the morning was young and fresh; and she drew the mantle up over her shoulders; and as she did so; but half awake; she deemed she heard other sounds than the singing of the black…birds and throstles about the edge of the thicket; and she turned her eyes toward the oak trees and the hazel…thicket; and saw at once three of mankind coming on foot over the greensward toward her。 She was afraid; so that she durst not put out a hand to awaken Christopher; but sat gazing on those three as they came toward her; she saw that two were tall men; clad much as Christopher; but presently she saw that there was a woman with them; and she took heart somewhat thereat; and she noted that one of the men was short…haired and dark…haired; and the other had long red hair falling about his shoulders; and as she put out her hand and laid it on Christopher's shoulder; the red…haired one looked toward her a moment under the sharp of his hand (for the sun was on their side); and then set off running; giving out a great whoop therewithal。 Even therewith leapt up Christopher; still half awake; and the red…haired man ran right up to him; and caught him by the shoulders; and kissed him on both cheeks; so that Goldilind saw that these were the fellows whereof Christopher had told; and she stood there shame…fast and smiling。
Presently came up the others; to wit; Gilbert and Joanna; and they also kissed and embraced Christopher; and all they were as full of joy as might be。 Then came Joanna to Goldilind; and said: 〃I wot not who this may be; brother; yet meseems she will be someone who is dear to thee; wherefore is she my sister。〃 And therewith she kissed Goldilind; and she was kind; and sweet of flesh; and goodly of body; and Goldilind rejoiced in her。
Joanna made much of her; and said to her: 〃Here is to do; whereas two men have broken into a lady's chamber; come; sister; let us to the thicket; and I will be thy tiring… maid; and while these others tell their tales we shall tell ours。〃 And she took her hand and they went into the hazels; but the two new…come men seemed to find it hard to keep their eyes off Goldilind; till the hazels had hidden her。
Then turned David to Christopher; and said: 〃Thy pardon; little King; that we have waked thee so early; but we wotted not that thou hadst been amongst the wood…women; and; sooth to say; my lad; we had little ease till we found thee; after we came home and saw all those hoof…marks yonder。〃
〃Yea;〃 said Gilbert; 〃if we had lost thee we had been finely holpen up; for we could neither have gone back to the Tofts nor into the kingdom: for I think my father would have hanged us if we had come back with a 'By the way; Christopher is slain。' But tell us; lad; what hath befallen thee with yonder sweetling?〃
〃Yea; tell us;〃 said David; 〃and sit down here betwixt us; with thy back to the hazel…thicket; or we shall get no tale out of theetush; man; Joanna will bring her back; and that right soon; I hope。〃
Christopher laughed; and sat down between them; and told all how it had gone with him; and of Goldilind; who she was。 The others hearkened heedfully; and Gilbert said: 〃With all thou hast told us; brother; it is clear we shall find it hard to dwell in Littledale; so soon as thy loveling hath rested her at our house; we must go our ways to the Tofts; and take counsel of our father。〃
Christopher yea…said this; and therewithal was come Joanna leading Goldilind duly arrayed (yet still in her green gown; for she would none other); fresh; blushing; and all lovely; and David and Christopher did obeisance before her as to a great lady; but she hailed them as brothers; merrily and kindly; and bade them kiss her; and they kissed her cheek; but shyly; and especially David。
Thereafter they broke their fast under the oak trees; and spent a merry hour; and then departed; the two women riding the horses; the others afoot; so came they to the house of Littledale; some while before sunset; and were merry and glad there。 Young they were; troubles were behind them; and many a joy before them。
Ten days they abode in the house of Littledale in all good cheer; and Joanna led Goldilind here and there about the woods; and made much of her; so that the heart within her was full of joy; for the freedom of the wild…woods and all the life thereof was well…nigh new to her; whereas on the day of her flight from Greenharbour; and on two other such times; deadly fear; as is aforesaid; was mingled with her joyance; and would have drowned it utterly; but for the wilfulness which hardened her heart against the punishment to come。 But now she was indeed free; and it seemed to her; as to Christopher when he was but new healed of his hurt; as if all this bright beauty of tree and flower; and beast and bird; was but made for her alone; and she wondered that her fellow could be so calm and sedate amidst of all this pleasure。 And now; forsooth; was her queenhood forgotten; and better and better to her seemed Christopher's valiant love; and the meeting in the hall of the eventide was so sweet to her; that she might do little but stand trembling whiles Christopher came up to her; and Joanna's trim feet were speeding her over the floor to meet her man; that she might be a sharer in his deeds of the day。
Many tales withal Joanna told the Queen of the deeds of her husband and his kindred; and of the freeing of her and the other three from their captivity at Wailing Knowe; and of the evil days they wore there before the coming of their lads; which must have been worser by far; thought Goldilind; than the days of Greenharbour; so with all these tales; and the happy days in the house of the wild…woods; Goldilind now began to deem of this new life as if there had been none other fated for her; so much a part was she now become of the days of those woodmen and wolf…heads。
But when the last of those ten days was wearing to an end and those five were sitting happy in the hall (albeit David sat somewhat pensive; now staring at Goldilind's beauty; now rising from his seat to pace the floor restlessly); Gilbert spake and said: 〃Brethren; and thou; Queen Goldilind; it may be that th