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child christopher-第4章

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uld come with him and bear him company to the hall doors; then; forsooth; he yea…said the coming。  It were not unmeet that some shame were done him。〃

〃Peace; man!〃 said Lord Richard; 〃what hath this to do with thee? Seest thou not the Lord Marshal here?〃 The Lord Rolf sat and gazed on the lad; and scowled on him; but Christopher saw therein nought but the face of a great lord burdened with many cares; so when he had made his obeisance he stood up fearlessly and merrily before them。

Sooth to say; he was full fair to look on:  for all his strength; which; as ye shall hear; was mighty; all the fashion of his limbs and his body was light and clean done; and beauteous; and though his skin; where it showed naked; was all tanned with the summer; it was fine and sleek and kindly; every deal thereof:  bright…eyed and round…cheeked he was; with full lips and carven chin; and his hair golden brown of hue; and curling crisp about the blossoms of his garland。

So must we say that he was such an youngling as most might have been in the world; had not man's malice been; and the mischief of grudging and the marring of grasping。

But now spake Lord Rolf:  〃Sir varlet; they tell me that thou art a mighty hunter; and of mickle guile in woodcraft; wilt thou then hunt somewhat for me; and bring me home a catch seldom seen?〃

〃Yea; Lord King;〃 said Christopher; 〃I will at least do my best; if thou but tell me where to seek the quarry and when。〃

〃It is well;〃 said the Marshal; 〃and to…morrow my squire; whom thou seest yonder; and who hight Simon; shall tell thee where the hunt is up; and thou shalt go with him。  But hearken! thou shalt not call me king; for to…day there is no king in Oakenrealm; and I am but Marshal; and Earl of the king that shall be。〃

The lad fell a…musing for a minute; and then he said:  〃Yea; Lord Marshal; I shall do thy will:  but meseemeth I have heard some tale of one who was but of late king in Oakenrealm:  is it not so; Lord?〃

〃Stint thy talk; young man;〃 cried the Marshal in a harsh voice; 〃and abide to…morrow; who knoweth who shall be king; and whether thou or I shall live to see him。〃

But as he spake the words they seemed to his heart like a foretelling of evil; and he turned pale and trembled; and said to Christopher:  〃Come hither; lad; I will give thee a gift; and then shalt thou depart till to…morrow。〃  So Christopher drew near to him; and the Marshal pulled off a ring from his finger and set it on the lad's; and said to him: 〃Now depart in peace;〃 and Christopher bent the knee to him and thanked him for the gracious gift of the ruler of Oakenrealm; and then went his ways out of the hall; and the folk without gave a glad cry as he came amongst them。

But by then he was come to the door; Lord Rolf looked on his hand; and saw that; instead of giving the youngling a finger…ring which he had bought of a merchant for a price of five bezants; as he had meant to do; he had given him a ring which the old King had had; whereon was the first letter of his name (Christopher to wit); and a device of a crowned rose; for this ring was a signet of his。  Wherefore was the Marshal once more sore troubled; and he arose; and was half minded to run down the hall after Christopher; but he refrained him; and presently smiled to himself; and then fell a…talking to Lord Richard; sweetly and pleasantly。

SO wore the day to evening; but; ere he went to bed; the Lord Rolf had a privy talk; first with Lord Richard; and after with his squire Simon。  What followed of that talk ye may hear after。



Next morning Christopher; who slept in the little hall of the inner court of the Castle; arose betimes; and came to the great gate; but; for as early as he was; there he saw the squire Simon abiding him; standing between two strong horses; to him he gave the sele of the day; and the squire greeted him; but in somewhat surly wise。  Then he said to him:  〃Well; King Christopher; art thou ready for the road?〃

〃Yea; as thou seest;〃 said the youngling smiling。  For; indeed; he had breeches now beneath his shirt; and a surcoat of green woollen over it; boots of deerskin had he withal; and spurs thereon:  he was girt with a short sword; and had a quiver of arrows at his back; and bare a great bow in his hand。

〃Yea;〃 quoth Simon; 〃thou deemest thee a gay swain belike; but thou lookest likelier for a deerstealer than a rider; thou; hung up to thy shooting…gear。  Deemest thou we go a…hunting of the hind?〃

Quoth Christopher:  〃I wot not; squire; but the great lord who lieth sleeping yonder; hath told me that thou shouldest give me his errand; and of some hunting or feat of wood…craft he spake。  Moreover; this crooked stick can drive a shaft through matters harder than a hind's side。〃

Simon looked confused; and he reddened and stammered somewhat as he answered: 〃Ah; yea:  so it was; I mind me; I will tell thee anon。〃

Said Christopher:  〃Withal; squire; if we are wending into the wood; as needs we must; unless we ride round about this dale in a ring all day; dost thou deem we shall go at a gallop many a mile? Nay; fair sir; the horses shall wend a foot's pace oftenest; and we shall go a…foot not unseldom through the thickets。〃

Now was Simon come to himself again; and that self was surly; so he said:  〃Ay; ay; little King; thou deemest thee exceeding wise in these woods; dost thou not? and forsooth; thou mayst be。  Yet have I tidings for thee。〃

〃Yea; and what be they?〃 said Christopher。

Simon grinned:  〃Even these;〃 said he; 〃that Dr。 Knowall was no man's cousin while he lived; and that he died last week。〃

Therewith he swung himself into his saddle; and Christopher laughed merrily at his poor gibe and mounted in like wise。

Wherewithal they rode their ways through the thorpe; and at the southern end thereof Simon drew rein; and looked on Christopher as if he would ask him something; but asked not。 Then said Christopher:  〃Whither go we now?〃

Said Simon:  〃It is partly for thee to say:  hearken; I am bidden first to ride the Redwater Wood with thee:  knowest thou that?〃

〃Yea;〃 said the lad; 〃full well:  but which way shall we ride it? Wilt thou come out of it at Redwater Head; or Herne Moss; or the Long Pools?〃

Said Simon:  〃We shall make for the Long Pools; if thou canst bring me there。〃

Christopher laughed:  〃Aha!〃 said he; 〃then am I some faraway cousin of Dr。 Knowall when the whole tale is told: forsooth I can lead thee thither; but tell me; what shall I do of valiant deeds at the Long Pools? for there is no fire…drake nor effit; nay; nor no giant; nor guileful dwarf; nought save mallard and coot; heron and bittern; yea; and ague…shivers to boot。〃

Simon looked sourly on him and said:  〃Thou are bidden to go with me; young man; or gainsay the Marshal。  Art thou mighty enough thereto? For the rest; fear not but that the deed shall come to thee one day。〃

〃Nay;〃 said Christopher; 〃it is all one to me; for I am at home in these woods and wastes; I and my shafts。  Tell me of the deeds when thou wilt。〃  But indeed he longed to know the deed; and fretted him because of Simon's surliness and closeness。  Then he said:  〃Well; Squire Simon; let us to the road; for thou shalt know that to…night we must needs house us under the naked heaven; in nowise can we come to the Long Pools before to…morrow morning。〃

〃Yea; and why not?〃 said the squire; 〃I have lain in worse places。〃

〃Wilt thou tell me thereof?〃 said Christopher。

〃Mayhappen;〃 said Simon; 〃if to…morrow comes and goes for both of us twain。〃

So they rode their ways through the wood; and baited at midday with what Simon bare in his saddle…bags; and then went on till night fell on them; then asked Simon how long they were from the Long Pools; and Christopher told him that they were yet short of them some fifteen miles; and those long ones; because of the marish grounds。  So they tethered their horses there and ate their supper; and lay down to sleep in the house of the woods; by a fire…side which they lighted。

But in the midnight Christopher; who was exceeding fine…eared; had an inkling of someone moving afoot anigh him; and he awoke therewith; and sprang up; his drawn short…sword in his hand; and found himself face to face with Simon; and he also with his sword drawn。  Simon sprang aback; but held up his sword…point; and Christopher; not yet fully awake; cried out:  〃What wouldst thou? What is it?〃

Simon answered; stammering and all abashed:  〃Didst thou not hear then? it wakened me。〃

〃I heard nought;〃 said Christopher; 〃what was it?〃

〃Horses going in the wood;〃 said Simon

〃Ah; yea;〃 said Christopher; 〃it will have been the wild colts and the mares; they harbour about these marsh…land parts。  Go to sleep again; neighbour; the night is not yet half worn; but I will watch a while。〃

Then Simon sheathed his sword; and turned about and stood uneasily a little while; and then cast him down as one who would sleep hastily; but slept not forsooth; though he presently made semblance of it:  as for Christopher; he drew together the brands of the fire; and sat beside it with his blade over his knees; until the first beginning of the summer dawn was in the sky; then he 
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