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ired; white…skinned; somewhat young; and not ill…favoured: Goldilind still lay there; till the new…comer said to her in a hard voice; wherein was both threatening and mockery: 〃Rise up; our Lady! the Dame Elinor saith that it is enough; and that thou art to go forth。 Nay; hold a while; for I say unto thee that it is yet early in the day; and that thy chamber is not yet dight for thee; so thou must needs bestow thyself elsewhere till it be done。〃
Goldilind rose up; and said smiling: 〃Yea; Aloyse; but thou hast not brought my raiment: and thou seest!〃
The maid stood looking at her a moment somewhat evilly; and then said: 〃Well; since it is but scant six o'clock; I may do that; but I bid thee ask me not overmuch; for meseemeth Dame Elinor is not overwell pleased with thee to…day; nor our chaplain either。〃
Therewith she turned and went out; locking the door behind her; and came back presently bearing on her arm a green gown and other raiment: she laid them on the stool before the Lady; and said: 〃Hasten; my Lady; and let me go to my place: sooth to say; it may well be double trouble to thee to don thy clothes; for thou mayst have to doff them again before long。〃
Goldilind answered nought; but reddened and paled again as she clad her under the waiting…maid's eyes。 Then they went out together; and up a short stone stair; till they were level with the greensward without。 Then the maid turned to Goldilind and said: 〃And now thou art clad and out; my Lady; I wot not where thou art to go to; since to thy chamber thou must not go。 Nay; hold and hearken! here we be at the door which opens on to the Foresters' Garth under the Foresters' Tower; thither shalt thou abide till I come to fetch thee。 How now; my Lady! what else wouldst thou?〃
Goldilind looked on her with a smile; yet with eagereyes; and said: 〃O good Aloyse; wouldst thou but give me a piece of bread? for I hunger; thou wottest my queenly board hath not been overloaded these last days。〃
〃Ha!〃 said Aloyse; 〃if thou ask me overmuch I fear thou mayst pay for it; my Lady; but this last asking thou shalt have; and then none other till all thy penance thou hast dreed。 Abide!〃
Therewith she went up the stairs; and Goldilind; who now was but weak with her prison and the sudden light; and the hope and fear of her purpose of bewailing her story; sat her down on the stair there; almost; as it were; 'twixt home and hell; till her heart came back to her and the tears began to flow from her eyes。 Forthright came back Aloyse; bearing a white loaf and a little pitcher of milk on a silver serving…dish; she laid them down; unlocked the door into the garden; and thrust Goldilind through by the shoulders; then she turned and took up her serving…dish with the bread and milk; and handed it to Goldilind through the door; and said: 〃Now is my Lady served。 It were indeed well that my Lady should strengthen herself this hour for the hour next to come。〃
Therewith she turned about; and shut and locked the door; and the King's daughter fell to eagerly on her bread; and thought of little till she had eaten and drunk; save that she felt the sweet scent of the gilliflowers and eglantine as it were a part of her meal。
Then she went slowly down the garden; treading the greensward beside the flowers; and she looked on the hold; and the low sun gilded the walls thereof and glittered in a window here and there; and though there was on her a foreboding of the hours of that day; she did what she might to make the best of the fragrant May morning and the song of birds and rustle of leaves; though; indeed; at whiles the tears would gush out of her eyes when she thought how young she was and how feeble; and the pity of herself became sweet unto her。
Now; as she went in that garden with her face turned toward the postern which led into the open space of the greenwood; which was but two bow…shots from the thicket; she heard the clatter of horse…hoofs on the loose stones of the path; and how they stopped at the said postern; and presently there was a key in the lock; the door opened; and a man came in walking stiffly; like a rider who has ridden far and fast。 He was clad in jack and sallet; and had a sword by his side; and on his sleeve was done in green and gold a mountain aflame; so that Goldilind knew him at once for a man of Earl Geoffrey's; and; indeed; she had seen the man before; coming and going on errands that she knew nought of; and on which nothing followed that was of import to her。 Therefore; as she watched him cross the garden and go straight up to the door of the Foresters' Tower; and take out another key and enter; she heeded him but little; nor did his coming increase her trouble a whit。
She walked on toward the postern; and now she saw that the errand…bearer had left it open behind him; and when she came close up to it; she saw his horse tied to a ring in the wall; a strong and good bay nag。 The sight of him; and the glimpse of the free and open land; stirred in her the misery of her days and the yearning for the loveliness of the world without; converse of friends; hope of the sufficiency of desire; and the sweetness of love returned。 And so strong a wave of anguish swept over her; that she bowed her down upon the grass and wept bitterly。 Yet but a little while it lasted; she rose up presently and looked warily all round her; and up to the Castle; and saw none stirring; she drew up the skirts of her green gown into her girdle; till the hem but just hid her knees; then she stepped lightly through the half…open door with flushed cheeks and glittering eyes; while her heart rose within her; then she lifted her hand; unhitched the reins from the iron ring; and quietly led the horse close under the garth…wall; and stole gently up the slope which; as all roads from the Castle; went straightway toward the thicket; but this was the straightest。 So she went; till she came to the corner of the garth…wall; and a little further; and the Castle on that side was blind; save for the swale on the battlement; whereon in that deep peace was little going; and; moreover; it was not even yet six o'clock。
There then she stayed the horse; and; flushed and panting; got lightly into the saddle and bestrode it; and; leaning over on the beast's neck; smote his flanks with her heels; the horse was fresh; though his master had been weary; whereas the said messenger had gotten him from a forester some six miles away in the wood that morning; so the nag answered to her call for speed; and she went a great gallop into the wood; and was hidden in a twinkling from any eyes that might be looking out of the Castle。
Without checking the nag she sped along; half mad with joy at the freedom of this happy morn。 Nigh aimless she was; but had an inkling that it were well with her if she could hold northward ever; for the old man aforesaid had told her of Oakenrealm; and how it lay northward of them; so that way she drifted as the thicket would suffer her。 When she had gone as much of a gallop as she might for some half hour; she drew rein to breathe her nag; and hearkened; she turned in the saddle; but heard nought to affright her; so she went on again; but some what more soberly; and thuswise she rode for some two hours; and the day waxed hot; and she was come to a clear pool amidst of a little clearing; covered with fine greensward right down to the water's edge。
There she made stay; and got off her horse; and stood awhile by him as he cropped the sweet grass; and the birds sang at the edge of the thicket; and the rabbits crept and gambolled on the other side of the water; and from the pool's edge the moorhens cried。 She stood half leaning against the side of the horse till she became somewhat drowsy; yea; and even dreamed a little; and that little but ill; it seemed; as she gave a troubled cry and shrank together and turned pale。 Then she rubbed her eyes and smiled; and turned to the pool; where now a little ripple was running over the face of it; and a thought came upon her; and she set her hand to the clasp of her gown and undid it; and drew the gown off her shoulders; and so did off all her raiment; and stood naked a little on the warm sunny grass; and then bestirred her and went lightly into the pool; and bathed and sported there; and then came on to the grass again; and went to and fro to dry her in the air and sun。 Then she did on her raiment again; and laid her down under a thorn…bush by the pool…side; and there; would she; would she not; went to sleep soundly and dreamed not。 And when she awoke she deemed her sleep had been long; but it was not so; but scarce a score of minutes。 Anyhow; she sprang up now and went to her horse; and drew the girths tight (which she had loosed erewhile;) and so bestrode the good horse; and shook the reins; and rode away much comforted and enheartened。
Goldilind rode on; hastening yet to put as many miles as she might betwixt her and Greenharbour。 Within a three hours from her bathing she fell a…hungering sore; and knew not what to do to eat; till she found a pouch made fast to the saddle…bow; and