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on the heavens-第25章

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n。   Now in its own place every body endowed with both weight and lightness has weightwhereas earth has weight everywhere…but they only have lightness among bodies to whose surface they rise。 Hence when a support is withdrawn such a body moves downward until it reaches the body next below it; air to the place of water and water to that of earth。 But if the fire above air is removed; it will not move upward to the place of fire; except by constraint; and in that way water also may be drawn up; when the upward movement of air which has had a common surface with it is swift enough to overpower the downward impulse of the water。 Nor does water move upward to the place of air; except in the manner just described。 Earth is not so affected at all; because a common surface is not possible to it。 Hence water is drawn up into the vessel to which fire is applied; but not earth。 As earth fails to move upward; so fire fails to move downward when air is withdrawn from beneath it: for fire has no weight even in its own place; as earth has no lightness。 The other two move downward when the body beneath is withdrawn because; while the absolutely heavy is that which sinks to the bottom of all things; the relatively heavy sinks to its own place or to the surface of the body in which it rises; since it is similar in matter to it。   It is plain that one must suppose as many distinct species of matter as there are bodies。 For if; first; there is a single matter of all things; as; for instance; the void or the plenum or extension or the triangles; either all things will move upward or all things will move downward; and the second motion will be abolished。 And so; either there will be no absolutely light body; if superiority of weight is due to superior size or number of the constituent bodies or to the fullness of the body: but the contrary is a matter of observation; and it has been shown that the downward and upward movements are equally constant and universal: or; if the matter in question is the void or something similar; which moves uniformly upward; there will be nothing to move uniformly downward。 Further; it will follow that the intermediate bodies move downward in some cases quicker than earth: for air in sufficiently large quantity will contain a larger number of triangles or solids or particles。 It is; however; manifest that no portion of air whatever moves downward。 And the same reasoning applies to lightness; if that is supposed to depend on superiority of quantity of matter。 But if; secondly; the kinds of matter are two; it will be difficult to make the intermediate bodies behave as air and water behave。 Suppose; for example; that the two asserted are void and plenum。 Fire; then; as moving upward; will be void; earth; as moving downward; plenum; and in air; it will be said; fire preponderates; in water; earth。 There will then be a quantity of water containing more fire than a little air; and a large amount of air will contain more earth than a little water: consequently we shall have to say that air in a certain quantity moves downward more quickly than a little water。 But such a thing has never been observed anywhere。 Necessarily; then; as fire goes up because it has something; e。g。 void; which other things do not have; and earth goes downward because it has plenum; so air goes to its own place above water because it has something else; and water goes downward because of some special kind of body。 But if the two bodies are one matter; or two matters both present in each; there will be a certain quantity of each at which water will excel a little air in the upward movement and air excel water in the downward movement; as we have already often said。


  The shape of bodies will not account for their moving upward or downward in general; though it will account for their moving faster or slower。 The reasons for this are not difficult to see。 For the problem thus raised is why a flat piece of iron or lead floats upon water; while smaller and less heavy things; so long as they are round or long…a needle; for instance…sink down; and sometimes a thing floats because it is small; as with gold dust and the various earthy and dusty materials which throng the air。 With regard to these questions; it is wrong to accept the explanation offered by Democritus。 He says that the warm bodies moving up out of the water hold up heavy bodies which are broad; while the narrow ones fall through; because the bodies which offer this resistance are not numerous。 But this would be even more likely to happen in air…an objection which he himself raises。 His reply to the objection is feeble。 In the air; he says; the 'drive' (meaning by drive the movement of the upward moving bodies) is not uniform in direction。 But since some continua are easily divided and others less easily; and things which produce division differ similarly in the case with which they produce it; the explanation must be found in this fact。 It is the easily bounded; in proportion as it is easily bounded; which is easily divided; and air is more so than water; water than earth。 Further; the smaller the quantity in each kind; the more easily it is divided and disrupted。 Thus the reason why broad things keep their place is because they cover so wide a surface and the greater quantity is less easily disrupted。 Bodies of the opposite shape sink down because they occupy so little of the surface; which is therefore easily parted。 And these considerations apply with far greater force to air; since it is so much more easily divided than water。 But since there are two factors; the force responsible for the downward motion of the heavy body and the disruption…resisting force of the continuous surface; there must be some ratio between the two。 For in proportion as the force applied by the heavy thing towards disruption and division exceeds that which resides in the continuum; the quicker will it force its way down; only if the force of the heavy thing is the weaker; will it ride upon the surface。   We have now finished our examination of the heavy and the light and of the phenomena connected with them。

                            THE END 。 
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