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ll candle in its brass holder which matched the rest of the desk ornaments; but before heating the wax he looked for his signet ring; and frowned when he recalled leaving it on his dresser。 He hesitated a moment; then catching sight of a silver seal lying at the back of the desk he picked it up and moistened the initial。 A few minutes later he blew out the candle; returned the wax and seal to a pigeon hole; and carefully placed the envelope with its well stamped letter 〃B〃 in his coat pocket; and tramped upstairs。
Helen heard his heavy tread coming down the hall toward her room; and scrambled back to bed。 She had but time to arrange her dressing sacque when her father walked in。
〃Good morning; my dear;〃 he said and; stooping over; kissed her。 As he straightened up; the side of his single…breasted coat turned back and exposed to Helen's bright eyes the end of a white envelope。 〃Barbara told me you are not well;〃 he wheeled forward a chair and sat down by the bed。 〃Hadn't I better send for Dr。 Stone?〃 〃Oh; no;〃 her reply; though somewhat faint; was emphatic; and he frowned。
〃Why not?〃 aggressively。 〃I trust you do not share Barbara's suddenly developed prejudice against the good doctor。〃
〃I do not require a physician;〃 she said evasively。 〃I am well。〃
McIntyre regarded her vexedly。 He could not decide whether her flushed cheeks were from fever or the result of exertion or excitement。 Excitement over what? He looked about the room; it reflected the taste of its dainty owner in its furnishings; but nowhere did he find an answer to his unspoken question; until his eye lighted on a box of rouge under the electric lamp on her bed stand。
〃Don't use that;〃 he said; touching the box。
〃You know I detest make…up。〃
〃Oh; that!〃 She turned to see what he was talking about。 〃That rouge belongs to Margaret Brewster。〃
McIntyre promptly changed the conversation。 〃Have you had your breakfast?〃 he asked。
〃Yes; Grimes took the tray down some time ago。〃 Helen watched her father fidget with his watch fob for several minutes; then asked with characteristic directness。 〃What do you wish?〃
〃To see that you have proper medical attention if you are ill;〃 he returned promptly。 〃How would a week or ten days at Atlantic City suit you and Barbara?〃
〃Not at all。〃 Helen sat up from her reclining position on the pillows。 〃You forget; father; that we have a house…guest; Margaret Brewster is not leaving until May。〃
〃I had not forgotten;〃 curtly。 〃I propose that she go with us。〃
A faint 〃Oh!〃 escaped Helen; otherwise she made no comment; and McIntyre; after contemplating her for a minute; looked away。
〃Either go to Atlantic City with us; Helen; or resume your normal; everyday life;〃 he said shortly。 〃I am tired of heroics; Jimmie Turnbull was hardly the man to inspire them。〃
〃Stop!〃 Helen's voice rang out imperiously。 〃I will not permit one word said in disparagement of Jimmie; least of all from you; father。 Wait;〃 as he attempted to speak。 〃I do not know what traits of character I may have inherited from you; but I have all mother's loyalty; and … that loyalty belongs to Jimmie。〃
McIntyre's eyes shifted under her gaze。
〃I regret very much this obsession;〃 he said rising。 〃I will not attempt to reason with you again; Helen; but 〃… he made no effort to lower his voice; 〃the world … our world will soon know what manner of man James Turnbull was; of that I am determined。〃
〃And I 〃… Helen faced her father proudly … 〃I will leave no stone unturned to defend his memory。〃
Her father wheeled about。 〃In doing so; see that you do not compromise yourself;〃 he remarked coldly; and before the infuriated girl could answer; he slammed the door shut and stalked downstairs。
Some half hour later he opened the door of Rochester and Kent's law office and would have walked unceremoniously into Kent's private office had not John Sylvester stepped forward from behind his desk in the corner。
〃Good morning; Colonel;〃 he said civilly。 〃Mr。 Kent is not here。 Do you wish to leave any message?〃
〃Oh; good morning; Sylvester;〃 McIntyre's manner was brusque。 〃When do you expect Mr。 Kent?〃
〃In about twenty minutes; Colonel。〃 Sylvester glanced at the wall clock。 〃Won't you sit down?〃
McIntyre took the chair and planted it by the window。 Never a very patient man; he waited for Kent with increasing irritation; and at the end of half an hour his temper was uppermost。 〃Give me something to write with;〃 he demanded of Sylvester。 Accepting the clerk's fountain pen without thanks; he walked over to the center table and; drawing out his leather wallet; took from it a visiting card and; stooping over; wrote
You have but thirty…six hours remaining。 McIntyre。
〃See that Mr。 Kent gets this card;〃 he directed。 〃No; don't put it there;〃 irascibly; as the clerk laid the card on top of a pile of letters。 〃Take it into Mr。 Kent's office and put it on his desk。〃
There was that about Colonel McIntyre which inspired complete obedience to his wishes; and Sylvester followed his directions without further question。
As the clerk stepped into Kent's office McIntyre saw a woman sitting by the empty desk。 She turned her head on hearing footsteps and their glances met。 A faint exclamation broke from her。
〃Margaret!〃 McIntyre strode past Sylvester。 〃What are you doing here?〃
Mrs。 Brewster's ready laugh hid all sign of embarrassment。 〃Must you know?〃 she asked archly。 〃That is hardly fair to Barbara。〃
〃So Barbara sent you here with a message!〃 Mrs。 Brewster treated his remark as a statement and not a question; and briskly changed the subject。
〃I can't wait any longer;〃 she pouted。 〃Please tell Mr。 Kent that I am sorry not to have seen him。〃
〃I will; madam。〃 Sylvester placed McIntyre's card in the center of Kent's desk and flew to open the door for Mrs。 Brewster。
As the widow stepped into the corridor she brushed by an over…dressed woman; whose cheap finery gave clear indication of her tastes。 Hardly noticing another's presence she turned and took McIntyre's arm and they strolled off together; her soft laugh floating back to where Mrs。 Sylvester stood talking to her husband。
Harry Kent rang the doorbell at the McIntyre residence for the fifth time; and wondered what had become of the faithful Grimes; the butler was usually the soul of promptness; and to keep a caller waiting on the doorstep would; in his category; rank as the height of impropriety。 As Kent again raised his hand toward the bell; the door swung open suddenly and Barbara beckoned to him to come inside。
〃The bell is out of order;〃 she explained。 〃I saw you from the window。 Hurry; and Grimes won't know that you are here;〃 and she darted ahead of him into the reception room。 Kent followed more slowly; he was hurt that she had had no other greeting for him。
〃Babs; aren't you glad to see me?〃 he asked wistfully。
For an instant her eyes were lighted by her old sunny smile。
〃You know I am;〃 she whispered softly。 As his arms closed around her and their lips met in a tender kiss she added fervently; 〃Oh; Harry; why didn't you make me marry you in the happy bygone days?〃
〃I asked you often enough;〃 he declared。
〃Will you go with me to Rockville at once?〃 Her face changed and she drew back from him。 〃No;〃 she said。 〃It is selfish of me to think of my own happiness now。〃
〃How about mine?〃 demanded Kent with warmth。 〃If you won't consider yourself; consider me。〃
〃I do。〃 She looked out of the window to conceal sudden blinding tears。 There was a hint of hidden tragedy in her lovely face which went to Kent's heart。
〃Sweetheart;〃 his voice was very tender; 〃is there nothing I can do for you?〃
〃Nothing;〃 she shook her head drearily。 〃This family must 'dree its weir。'
Kent studied her in silence; that she was in deadly earnest he recognized; she was no hysterical fool or given to sentimental twaddle。
〃You came to me on Wednesday to ask my aid in solving Jimmie Turnbull's death;〃 he said。 〃I have learned certain facts …〃
Barbara sprang to her feet。 〃Wait;〃 she cautioned。 〃Let me close the door。 Now; go on …〃 with her customary impetuosity she reseated herself。
〃Before I do so; I must tell you; Babs; that I recognized the fraud you and Helen perpetrated at the coroner's inquest yesterday afternoon。〃
〃Yes;〃 quietly。 〃I am aware that you impersonated Helen on the witness stand and vice versa。 You took a frightful risk。〃
〃I don't see why;〃 she protested。 〃In my testimony I told nothing but the truth。〃
〃I never doubted you told the truth regarding the events of Monday night as you saw them; but the coroner's questions were put to you under the impression that you were Helen。〃 Kent scrutinized her keenly。 〃Would Helen have been able to give the same answers that you did without perjuring herself?〃
Barbara started and her face paled。 〃Are you insinuating that Helen killed Jimmie?〃 she cried。
〃No;〃 his emphatic denial was prompt。 〃But I do believe that she knows more of what transpired Monday night than she is willing to admit。 Is that not so; Barbara?〃
〃Yes;〃 she acknow