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the red seal-第24章

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thout the knowledge of his junior partner; it looks black; Mr。 Clymer;〃 he remarked。 〃Especially when taken in consideration with his other involved financial transactions。〃

〃Where will we find Rochester; Kent?〃 asked Taylor; before the bank president could answer the New Yorker。

Kent paused in indecision。  What reply could he make without further involving Rochester in trouble?  He had not the faintest idea where Rochester was; but to state that he was missing could not but add to the belief that he had made away with all the money he could lay his hands on。  The noon edition of the Times had hinted at Rochester's disappearance but had stated they could not get the statement confirmed from Police Headquarters; obviously Harding and Taylor had not seen the newspaper。

Was it just to the men before him to keep them in the dark?  If their claims were true; and Kent never doubted that they were; they had already lost money through Rochester's extraordinary behavior。 Kent turned sick at the thought of his own loss … his savings swept away。  Would Barbara wait for him … was it fair to ask her?

Taylor broke the prolonged silence。

〃I met Detective Ferguson on my way here;〃 he stated。  〃He told me that the police were looking for Rochester。〃

〃What?〃 Harding looked up; startled。  〃Why didn't you inform me of that?〃

〃Well; I thought we'd better hear from Mr。 Clymer the true state of Rochester's finances;〃 responded Taylor。  〃I never anticipated such facts as he has given us。〃

〃But if you knew the police were after Rochester …〃 objected Harding。

Clymer broke into the conversation; there was a heavy frown on his usually placid countenance。  〃I judged from Detective Ferguson's confidences to us; Kent; at the Club de Vingt that he was wanted by the police in connection with the Turnbull tragedy; but the facts brought out through Harding's action to attach Rochester's bank account; puts a different construction on Rochester's disappearance。〃

〃What had Rochester to do with Jimmie Turnbull?〃 questioned Harding; before Kent could answer Clymer。

〃They lived together;〃 he replied shortly。

〃And one dies and the other disappears;〃  Harding whistled dolefully。 〃Wasn't Mr。 Turnbull an official of this bank; Mr。 Clymer?〃

〃Yes; our cashier。〃

〃Were his affairs involved?〃

〃Not in the least;〃 Clymer spoke with emphasis。  〃A most honorable fellow; Jimmie Turnbull; his murder was a shocking affair。〃

〃Have the police found any motive for the crime; Kent?〃 asked Taylor。

〃I believe not。〃

Harding; who had been ruminating in silence; leaned forward; his expression alight with a sudden idea。

〃Could it be that Turnbull found out that Rochester was passing forged checks; and Rochester insured his silence by Poisoning him?〃 he asked。

Clymer and Kent exchanged glances; as Kent's thoughts reverted to the forged letter presented by Turnbull to the bank's treasurer; whereby he had been given McIntyre's valuable negotiable securities。 Could it be that Rochester had written the letter; given it to his room…mate; Turnbull; and the latter; thinking it genuine; had secured the McIntyre securities and handed them over to Rochester?  The idea took Kent's breath away; and yet; the more he contemplated it; the more feasible it appeared。

〃What's the date on those checks?〃 demanded Kent。

〃Tuesday of this week … the day Jimmie Turnbull died。〃  Clymer turned them over。  〃They are drawn payable to cash; and bear no endorsement; which shows Rochester must have presented them himself。〃

Harding and Taylor glanced significantly at each other; but neither spoke。  Suddenly Kent pushed back his chair and rose without ceremony。

〃Don't go; Kent。〃  Clymer took up some papers。  〃There's a matter …〃

〃It will keep。〃  Kent's mouth was set and determined。  〃I give you my word of honor that all Rochester's honest debts will be paid by the firm if necessary; I will obligate myself to that extent;〃 he paused。  〃As for you fellows;〃 turning to Harding and Taylor who had also risen。  〃Give me twenty…four hours …〃

〃What for?〃 they chorused。

〃To 1ocate Philip Rochester;〃 and waiting for no answer Kent bolted out of the office。



The city lights were springing up block T after block along Pennsylvania Avenue as Detective Ferguson left that busy thoroughfare and hurried to the Saratoga。  He stepped inside the lobby of the apartment house a full minute before his appointment with its manager; and went at once to look him up。  Before he could carry out his purpose he was joined by Harry Kent。

〃Finley had to go out;〃 the latter explained。

〃I told him I would go up to Rochester's apartment with you。〃

Ferguson thoughtfully caressed his clean…shaven jaw for a second; then came to a rapid decision。

〃Lead the way; sir;〃 he said。  〃I'll follow。〃  Kent found him a silent companion while in the elevator and when walking down the corridor to Rochester's apartment; but once inside the living room; with the outer door tightly closed; Ferguson tossed down his hat and his whole demeanor changed。

〃Sit down; Mr。 Kent。〃  He selected a chair near Rochester's desk for himself; as Kent found another。  〃Let's thrash this thing out; are you working with me or against me?〃

〃Why do you ask?〃  Kent's surprise at the question was evident。

〃Because every time I arrange to examine this apartment or inquire into Rochester's whereabouts you show up。〃  Ferguson's small eyes were trying to out…stare Kent; but the latter's clear gaze did not drop before his。  〃Are you aiding Philip Rochester in his efforts to elude arrest?〃

〃I am not;〃 declared Kent emphatically。  〃What prompts the question?〃

〃The fact that you are Rochester's partner;〃 Ferguson pointed out; his manner was still stiff。  〃It would be only natural for you to help him disappear out of friendship; or〃 … with a sidelong glance  … 〃from a desire to hush up a scandal。〃

〃On the contrary I want Rochester found and every bit of evidence against him sifted out and aired;〃 retorted Kent。  〃Two heads are better than one; Ferguson; let us work together。  Rochester must be located within the next twenty…four hours。〃

Ferguson debated a moment; but Kent's speech as well as his manner indicated his sincerity; and the detective shook off his suspicions。 〃Have you had any further news of your partner?〃 he asked。

〃No; that is〃 … recalling the scene in the bank early that afternoon  …〃 nothing that relates to Rochester's present whereabouts。  Now; Ferguson; to put your charges against Rochester in concrete form; you believe that he was insanely jealous of Jimmie Turnbull; that he recognized him in the Police Court in his burglar disguise; slipped a dose of aconitine in a glass of water which Turnbull drank; and after declaring that his friend had died from angina pectoris; disappeared。  Is that all the case you have against him?〃

〃At present; yes;〃 admitted the detective cautiously。

〃All circumstantial evidence …〃

〃But it will hold in court …〃

〃Ah; will it?〃 questioned Kent。  〃There's one big flaw in your case; Ferguson; the poison used to kill Turnbull。〃


〃Exactly。  Your theory is that Rochester slipped the poison in the glass of water on recognizing Turnbull in the police court; now; it is stretching probability to suppose that Rochester; a strong healthy man; was carrying that drug around in his vest pocket。〃

Ferguson sat forward in his chair; his eyes glittering。  〃Do you mean to say that you think the murder of Turnbull was premeditated and not committed on the spur of the moment?〃 he asked。

〃The fact that aconitine was used convinces me of that;〃 answered Kent。

Ferguson thought a moment。  〃If that is the case;〃 he said; grudgingly; 〃it sort of squashes the charge against Philip Rochester。〃

〃It would seem to;〃 agreed Kent。  〃But every shred of evidence I find points to Rochester as the guilty man。〃

Ferguson edged his chair forward。  〃What have you discovered?〃 he demanded eagerly。

〃This;〃 Kent spoke with increased earnestness。  〃That Philip Rochester is apparently a bankrupt; that he has over…drawn his private account at the Metropolis Trust Company; and withdrawn our partnership funds from the same bank。〃

〃Your partnership funds!〃 echoed the detective; eyeing Kent sharply。 〃How did you come to let him do that?〃

〃I was not aware that he had done so until Mr。 Clymer told me of the transaction this afternoon;〃 answered Kent。

〃You did not know〃 … Ferguson looked at him in dawning comprehension。 〃You mean Rochester absconded with the funds?〃

〃Some one forged my name to checks drawn on the firm's account;〃 Kent continued。  〃I understood they were made payable to cash and presented by Rochester on the day of Turnbull's death。〃

Ferguson whistled as a slight vent to his feelings。  〃So you suspect Rochester of being a forger?〃  Kent made no reply; and he added; after a moment's deliberation; 〃What bearing has this discovery on Turnbull's death; aside from Rochester's need of funds to make a clean disappearance?〃

〃If it is true that Rochester was financially embarrassed and forged checks on the Metropolis Trust Company; it establishes another motive for the killing of Turnbull;〃 argued Kent。  
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