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memories and portraits-第12章

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he did mostly) of his own antique business; the thing took on a 

colour of romance and curiosity that was surprising。  The clans of 

sheep with their particular territories on the hill; and how; in 

the yearly killings and purchases; each must be proportionally 

thinned and strengthened; the midnight busyness of animals; the 

signs of the weather; the cares of the snowy season; the exquisite 

stupidity of sheep; the exquisite cunning of dogs: all these he 

could present so humanly; and with so much old experience and 

living gusto; that weariness was excluded。  And in the midst he 

would suddenly straighten his bowed back; the stick would fly 

abroad in demonstration; and the sharp thunder of his voice roll 

out a long itinerary for the dogs; so that you saw at last the use 

of that great wealth of names for every knowe and howe upon the 

hillside; and the dogs; having hearkened with lowered tails and 

raised faces; would run up their flags again to the masthead and 

spread themselves upon the indicated circuit。  It used to fill me 

with wonder how they could follow and retain so long a story。  But 

John denied these creatures all intelligence; they were the 

constant butt of his passion and contempt; it was just possible to 

work with the like of them; he said; … not more than possible。  And 

then he would expand upon the subject of the really good dogs that 

he had known; and the one really good dog that he had himself 

possessed。  He had been offered forty pounds for it; but a good 

collie was worth more than that; more than anything; to a 〃herd;〃 

he did the herd's work for him。  〃As for the like of them!〃 he 

would cry; and scornfully indicate the scouring tails of his 


Once … I translate John's Lallan; for I cannot do it justice; being 


once; in the days of his good dog; he had bought some sheep in 

Edinburgh; and on the way out; the road being crowded; two were 

lost。  This was a reproach to John; and a slur upon the dog; and 

both were alive to their misfortune。  Word came; after some days; 

that a farmer about Braid had found a pair of sheep; and thither 

went John and the dog to ask for restitution。  But the farmer was a 

hard man and stood upon his rights。  〃How were they marked?〃 he 

asked; and since John had bought right and left from many sellers 

and had no notion of the marks … 〃Very well;〃 said the farmer; 

〃then it's only right that I should keep them。〃 … 〃Well;〃 said 

John; 〃it's a fact that I cannae tell the sheep; but if my dog can; 

will ye let me have them?〃  The farmer was honest as well as hard; 

and besides I daresay he had little fear of the ordeal; so he had 

all the sheep upon his farm into one large park; and turned John's 

dog into their midst。  That hairy man of business knew his errand 

well; he knew that John and he had bought two sheep and (to their 

shame) lost them about Boroughmuirhead; he knew besides (the lord 

knows how; unless by listening) that they were come to Braid for 

their recovery; and without pause or blunder singled out; first one 

and then another; the two waifs。  It was that afternoon the forty 

pounds were offered and refused。  And the shepherd and his dog … 

what do I say? the true shepherd and his man … set off together by 

Fairmilehead in jocund humour; and 〃smiled to ither〃 all the way 

home; with the two recovered ones before them。  So far; so good; 

but intelligence may be abused。  The dog; as he is by little man's 

inferior in mind; is only by little his superior in virtue; and 

John had another collie tale of quite a different complexion。  At 

the foot of the moss behind Kirk Yetton (Caer Ketton; wise men say) 

there is a scrog of low wood and a pool with a dam for washing 

sheep。  John was one day lying under a bush in the scrog; when he 

was aware of a collie on the far hillside skulking down through the 

deepest of the heather with obtrusive stealth。  He knew the dog; 

knew him for a clever; rising practitioner from quite a distant 

farm; one whom perhaps he had coveted as he saw him masterfully 

steering flocks to market。  But what did the practitioner so far 

from home? and why this guilty and secret manoeuvring towards the 

pool? … for it was towards the pool that he was heading。  John lay 

the closer under his bush; and presently saw the dog come forth 

upon the margin; look all about him to see if he were anywhere 

observed; plunge in and repeatedly wash himself over head and ears; 

and then (but now openly and with tail in air) strike homeward over 

the hills。  That same night word was sent his master; and the 

rising practitioner; shaken up from where he lay; all innocence; 

before the fire; was had out to a dykeside and promptly shot; for 

alas! he was that foulest of criminals under trust; a sheep…eater; 

and it was from the maculation of sheep's blood that he had come so 

far to cleanse himself in the pool behind Kirk Yetton。

A trade that touches nature; one that lies at the foundations of 

life; in which we have all had ancestors employed; so that on a 

hint of it ancestral memories revive; lends itself to literary use; 

vocal or written。  The fortune of a tale lies not alone in the 

skill of him that writes; but as much; perhaps; in the inherited 

experience of him who reads; and when I hear with a particular 

thrill of things that I have never done or seen; it is one of that 

innumerable army of my ancestors rejoicing in past deeds。  Thus 

novels begin to touch not the fine DILETTANTI but the gross mass of 

mankind; when they leave off to speak of parlours and shades of 

manner and still…born niceties of motive; and begin to deal with 

fighting; sailoring; adventure; death or childbirth; and thus 

ancient outdoor crafts and occupations; whether Mr。 Hardy wields 

the shepherd's crook or Count Tolstoi swings the scythe; lift 

romance into a near neighbourhood with epic。  These aged things 

have on them the dew of man's morning; they lie near; not so much 

to us; the semi…artificial flowerets; as to the trunk and 

aboriginal taproot of the race。  A thousand interests spring up in 

the process of the ages; and a thousand perish; that is now an 

eccentricity or a lost art which was once the fashion of an empire; 

and those only are perennial matters that rouse us to…day; and that 

roused men in all epochs of the past。  There is a certain critic; 

not indeed of execution but of matter; whom I dare be known to set 

before the best: a certain low…browed; hairy gentleman; at first a 

percher in the fork of trees; next (as they relate) a dweller in 

caves; and whom I think I see squatting in cave…mouths; of a 

pleasant afternoon; to munch his berries … his wife; that 

accomplished lady; squatting by his side: his name I never heard; 

but he is often described as Probably Arboreal; which may serve for 

recognition。  Each has his own tree of ancestors; but at the top of 

all sits Probably Arboreal; in all our veins there run some minims 

of his old; wild; tree…top blood; our civilised nerves still tingle 

with his rude terrors and pleasures; and to that which would have 

moved our common ancestor; all must obediently thrill。

We have not so far to climb to come to shepherds; and it may be I 

had one for an ascendant who has largely moulded me。  But yet I 

think I owe my taste for that hillside business rather to the art 

and interest of John Todd。  He it was that made it live for me; as 

the artist can make all things live。  It was through him the simple 

strategy of massing sheep upon a snowy evening; with its attendant 

scampering of earnest; shaggy aides…de…champ; was an affair that I 

never wearied of seeing; and that I never weary of recalling to 

mind: the shadow of the night darkening on the hills; inscrutable 

black blots of snow shower moving here and there like night already 

come; huddles of yellow sheep and dartings of black dogs upon the 

snow; a bitter air that took you by the throat; unearthly harpings 

of the wind along the moors; and for centre piece to all these 

features and influences; John winding up the brae; keeping his 

captain's eye upon all sides; and breaking; ever and again; into a 

spasm of bellowing that seemed to make the evening bleaker。  It is 

thus that I still see him in my mind's eye; perched on a hump of 

the declivity not far from Halkerside; his staff in airy flourish; 

his great voice taking hold upon the hills and echoing terror to 

the lowlands; I; meanwhile; standing somewhat back; until the fit 

should be over; and; with a pinch of snuff; my friend relapse into 

his easy; even conversation。


I HAVE named; among many rivers that make music in my memory; that 

dirty Water of Leith。  Often and often I desire to look upon it 

again; and the choice of a point of view is easy to me。  It should 

be at
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