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memories and portraits-第30章

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seize on the heart of the suggestion and make a country famous with 

a legend。  It is one thing to remark and to dissect; with the most 

cutting logic; the complications of life; and of the human spirit; 

it is quite another to give them body and blood in the story of 

Ajax or of Hamlet。  The first is literature; but the second is 

something besides; for it is likewise art。

English people of the present day (10) are apt; I know not why; to 

look somewhat down on incident; and reserve their admiration for 

the clink of teaspoons and the accents of the curate。  It is 

thought clever to write a novel with no story at all; or at least 

with a very dull one。  Reduced even to the lowest terms; a certain 

interest can be communicated by the art of narrative; a sense of 

human kinship stirred; and a kind of monotonous fitness; comparable 

to the words and air of SANDY'S MULL; preserved among the 

infinitesimal occurrences recorded。  Some people work; in this 

manner; with even a strong touch。  Mr。 Trollope's inimitable 

clergymen naturally arise to the mind in this connection。  But even 

Mr。 Trollope does not confine himself to chronicling small beer。  

Mr。 Crawley's collision with the Bishop's wife; Mr。 Melnotte 

dallying in the deserted banquet…room; are typical incidents; 

epically conceived; fitly embodying a crisis。  Or again look at 

Thackeray。  If Rawdon Crawley's blow were not delivered; VANITY 

FAIR would cease to be a work of art。  That scene is the chief 

ganglion of the tale; and the discharge of energy from Rawdon's 

fist is the reward and consolation of the reader。  The end of 

ESMOND is a yet wider excursion from the author's customary fields; 

the scene at Castlewood is pure Dumas; the great and wily English 

borrower has here borrowed from the great; unblushing French thief; 

as usual; he has borrowed admirably well; and the breaking of the 

sword rounds off the best of all his books with a manly; martial 

note。  But perhaps nothing can more strongly illustrate the 

necessity for marking incident than to compare the living fame of 


is a book of a far more startling import; worked out; on a great 

canvas; with inimitable courage and unflagging art。  It contains 

wit; character; passion; plot; conversations full of spirit and 

insight; letters sparkling with unstrained humanity; and if the 

death of the heroine be somewhat frigid and artificial; the last 

days of the hero strike the only note of what we now call Byronism; 

between the Elizabethans and Byron himself。  And yet a little story 

of a shipwrecked sailor; with not a tenth part of the style nor a 

thousandth part of the wisdom; exploring none of the arcana of 

humanity and deprived of the perennial interest of love; goes on 

from edition to edition; ever young; while CLARISSA lies upon the 

shelves unread。  A friend of mine; a Welsh blacksmith; was twenty…

five years old and could neither read nor write; when he heard a 

chapter of ROBINSON read aloud in a farm kitchen。  Up to that 

moment he had sat content; huddled in his ignorance; but he left 

that farm another man。  There were day…dreams; it appeared; divine 

day…dreams; written and printed and bound; and to be bought for 

money and enjoyed at pleasure。  Down he sat that day; painfully 

learned to read Welsh; and returned to borrow the book。  It had 

been lost; nor could he find another copy but one that was in 

English。  Down he sat once more; learned English; and at length; 

and with entire delight; read ROBINSON。  It is like the story of a 

love…chase。  If he had heard a letter from CLARISSA; would he have 

been fired with the same chivalrous ardour?  I wonder。  Yet 

CLARISSA has every quality that can be shown in prose; one alone 

excepted … pictorial or picture…making romance。  While ROBINSON 

depends; for the most part and with the overwhelming majority of 

its readers; on the charm of circumstance。

In the highest achievements of the art of words; the dramatic and 

the pictorial; the moral and romantic interest; rise and fall 

together by a common and organic law。  Situation is animated with 

passion; passion clothed upon with situation。  Neither exists for 

itself; but each inheres indissolubly with the other。  This is high 

art; and not only the highest art possible in words; but the 

highest art of all; since it combines the greatest mass and 

diversity of the elements of truth and pleasure。  Such are epics; 

and the few prose tales that have the epic weight。  But as from a 

school of works; aping the creative; incident and romance are 

ruthlessly discarded; so may character and drama be omitted or 

subordinated to romance。  There is one book; for example; more 

generally loved than Shakespeare; that captivates in childhood; and 

still delights in age … I mean the ARABIAN NIGHTS … where you shall 

look in vain for moral or for intellectual interest。  No human face 

or voice greets us among that wooden crowd of kings and genies; 

sorcerers and beggarmen。  Adventure; on the most naked terms; 

furnishes forth the entertainment and is found enough。  Dumas 

approaches perhaps nearest of any modern to these Arabian authors 

in the purely material charm of some of his romances。  The early 

part of MONTE CRISTO; down to the finding of the treasure; is a 

piece of perfect story…telling; the man never breathed who shared 

these moving incidents without a tremor; and yet Faria is a thing 

of packthread and Dantes little more than a name。  The sequel is 

one long…drawn error; gloomy; bloody; unnatural and dull; but as 

for these early chapters; I do not believe there is another volume 

extant where you can breathe the same unmingled atmosphere of 

romance。  It is very thin and light to be sure; as on a high 

mountain; but it is brisk and clear and sunny in proportion。  I saw 

the other day; with envy; an old and a very clever lady setting 

forth on a second or third voyage into MONTE CRISTO。  Here are 

stories which powerfully affect the reader; which can he reperused 

at any age; and where the characters are no more than puppets。  The 

bony fist of the showman visibly propels them; their springs are an 

open secret; their faces are of wood; their bellies filled with 

bran; and yet we thrillingly partake of their adventures。  And the 

point may be illustrated still further。  The last interview between 

Lucy and Richard Feveril is pure drama; more than that; it is the 

strongest scene; since Shakespeare; in the English tongue。  Their 

first meeting by the river; on the other hand; is pure romance; it 

has nothing to do with character; it might happen to any other boy 

or maiden; and be none the less delightful for the change。  And yet 

I think he would be a bold man who should choose between these 

passages。  Thus; in the same book; we may have two scenes; each 

capital in its order: in the one; human passion; deep calling unto 

deep; shall utter its genuine voice; in the second; according 

circumstances; like instruments in tune; shall build up a trivial 

but desirable incident; such as we love to prefigure for ourselves; 

and in the end; in spite of the critics; we may hesitate to give 

the preference to either。  The one may ask more genius … I do not 

say it does; but at least the other dwells as clearly in the 


True romantic art; again; makes a romance of all things。  It 

reaches into the highest abstraction of the ideal; it does not 

refuse the most pedestrian realism。  ROBINSON CRUSOE is as 

realistic as it is romantic; both qualities are pushed to an 

extreme; and neither suffers。  Nor does romance depend upon the 

material importance of the incidents。  To deal with strong and 

deadly elements; banditti; pirates; war and murder; is to conjure 

with great names; and; in the event of failure; to double the 

disgrace。  The arrival of Haydn and Consuelo at the Canon's villa 

is a very trifling incident; yet we may read a dozen boisterous 

stories from beginning to end; and not receive so fresh and 

stirring an impression of adventure。  It was the scene of Crusoe at 

the wreck; if I remember rightly; that so bewitched my blacksmith。  

Nor is the fact surprising。  Every single article the castaway 

recovers from the hulk is 〃a joy for ever〃 to the man who reads of 

them。  They are the things that should be found; and the bare 

enumeration stirs the blood。  I found a glimmer of the same 

interest the other day in a new book; THE SAILOR'S SWEETHEART; by 

Mr。 Clark Russell。  The whole business of the brig MORNING STAR is 

very rightly felt and spiritedly written; but the clothes; the 

books and the money satisfy the reader's mind like things to eat。  

We are dealing here with the old cut…and…dry; legitimate interest 

of treasure trove。  But even treasure trove can be made dull。  

There are few people who have not groaned under the pleth
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