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the patagonia-第15章

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board and I had already made out Mr。 Porterfield at a distance。  He

was looking up at the side of the great vessel with disappointment

writtenfor my strained eyesin his face; disappointment at not

seeing the woman he had so long awaited lean over it and wave her

handkerchief to him。  Every one was looking at him; every one but

shehis identity flew about in a momentand I wondered if it didn't

strike him。  He used to be gaunt and angular; but had grown almost

fat and stooped a little。  The interval between us diminishedhe was

on the plank and then on the deck with the jostling agents of the

Customs; too soon for my equanimity。  I met him instantly; however;

to save him from exposurelaid my hand on him and drew him away;

though I was sure he had no impression of having seen me before。  It

was not till afterwards that I thought this rather characteristically

dull of him。  I drew him far awayI was conscious of Mrs。 Peck and

Mrs。 Gotch; looking at us as we passedinto the empty stale smoking…

room:  he remained speechless; and that struck me as like him。  I had

to speak first; he couldn't even relieve me by saying 〃Is anything

the matter?〃  I broke ground by putting it; feebly; that she was ill。

It was a dire moment。

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