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a vindication of the rights of woman-第29章

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tion; for these are the changes which he rings round without ceasing; in a more decorous manner; it is true; than Rousseau; but it all comes home to the same point; and whoever is at the trouble to analyze these sentiments; will find the first principles not quite so delicate as the superstructure。 The subject of amusements is treated in too cursory a manner; but with the same spirit。 When I treat of friendship; love; and marriage; it will be found that we materially differ in opinion; I shall not then forestall what I have to observe on these important subjects; but confine my remarks to the general tenor of them; to that cautious family prudence; to those confined views of partial unenlightened affection; which exclude pleasure and improvement; by vainly wishing to ward off sorrow and errorand by thus guarding the heart and mind; destroy also all their energy。  It is far better to be often deceived than never to trust; to be disappointed in love; than never to love; to lose a husband's fondness; than forfeit his esteem。 Happy would it be for the world; and for individuals; of course; if all this unavailing solicitude to attain worldly happiness; on a confined plan; were turned into an anxious desire to improve the understanding。  〃Wisdom is the principal thing:  THEREFORE get wisdom; and with all thy gettings get understanding。〃  〃How long ye simple ones; will ye love simplicity; and hate knowledge?〃  Saith Wisdom to the daughters of men! SECTION 5。4。 I do not mean to allude to all the writers who have written on the subject of female mannersit would in fact be only beating over the old ground; for they have; in general; written in the same strain; but attacking the boasted prerogative of manthe prerogative that may emphatically be called the iron sceptre of tyranny; the original sin of tyrants; I declare against all power built on prejudices; however hoary。 If the submission demanded be founded on justicethere is no appealing to a higher powerfor God is justice itself。  Let us then; as children of the same parent; if not bastardized by being the younger born; reason together; and learn to submit to the authority of reason when her voice is distinctly heard。  But; if it be proved that this throne of prerogative only rests on a chaotic mass of prejudices; that have no inherent principle of order to keep them together; or on an elephant; tortoise; or even the mighty shoulders of a son of the earth; they may escape; who dare to brave the consequence without any breach of duty; without sinning against the order of things。 Whilst reason raises man above the brutal herd; and death is big with promises; they alone are subject to blind authority who have no reliance on their own strength。  〃They are free who will be free!〃* (*Footnote。  〃He is the free man; whom TRUTH makes free!〃  Cowper。) The being who can govern itself; has nothing to fear in life; but if any thing is dearer than its own respect; the price must be paid to the last farthing。  Virtue; like every thing valuable; must be loved for herself alone; or she will not take up her abode with us。 She will not impart that peace; 〃which passeth understanding;〃 when she is merely made the stilts of reputation and respected with pharisaical exactness; because 〃honesty is the best policy。〃 That the plan of life which enables us to carry some knowledge and virtue into another world; is the one best calculated to ensure content in this; cannot be denied; yet few people act according to this principle; though it be universally allowed that it admits not of dispute。  Present pleasure; or present power; carry before it these sober convictions; and it is for the day; not for life; that man bargains with happiness。  How few! how very few! have sufficient foresight or resolution; to endure a small evil at the moment; to avoid a greater hereafter。 Woman in particular; whose virtue* is built on mutual prejudices; seldom attains to this greatness of mind; so that; becoming the slave of her own feelings; she is easily subjugated by those of others。  Thus degraded; her reason; her misty reason! is employed rather to burnish than to snap her chains。 (*Footnote。  I mean to use a word that comprehends more than chastity; the sexual virtue。) Indignantly have I heard women argue in the same track as men; and adopt the sentiments that brutalize them with all the pertinacity of ignorance。 I must illustrate my assertion by a few examples。  Mrs。 Piozzi; who often repeated by rote; what she did not understand; comes forward with Johnsonian periods。 〃Seek not for happiness in singularity; and dread a refinement of wisdom as a deviation into folly。〃  Thus she dogmatically addresses a new married man; and to elucidate this pompous exordium; she adds; 〃I said that the person of your lady would not grow more pleasing to you; but pray let her never suspect that it grows less so:  that a woman will pardon an affront to her understanding much sooner than one to her person; is well known; nor will any of us contradict the assertion。  All our attainments; all our arts; are employed to gain and keep the heart of man; and what mortification can exceed the disappointment; if the end be not obtained: There is no reproof however pointed; no punishment however severe; that a woman of spirit will not prefer to neglect; and if she can endure it without complaint; it only proves that she means to make herself amends by the attention of others for the slights of her husband!〃 These are true masculine sentiments。  〃All our ARTS are employed to gain and keep the heart of man:〃and what is the inference?if her person; and was there ever a person; though formed with Medicisan symmetry; that was not slighted? be neglected; she will make herself amends by endeavouring to please other men。  Noble morality!  But thus is the understanding of the whole sex affronted; and their virtue deprived of the common basis of virtue。 A woman must know; that her person cannot be as pleasing to her husband as it was to her lover; and if she be offended with him for being a human creature; she may as well whine about the loss of his heart as about any other foolish thing。  And this very want of discernment or unreasonable anger; proves that he could not change his fondness for her person into affection for her virtues or respect for her understanding。 Whilst women avow; and act up to such opinions; their understandings; at least; deserve the contempt and obloquy that men; WHO NEVER insult their persons; have pointedly levelled at the female mind。  And it is the sentiments of these polite men; who do not wish to be encumbered with mind; that vain women thoughtlessly adopt。  Yet they should know; that insulted reason alone can spread that SACRED reserve about the persons which renders human affections; for human affections have always some base alloy; as permanent as is consistent with the grand end of existencethe attainment of virtue。 The Baroness de Stael speaks the same language as the lady just cited; with more enthusiasm。  Her eulogium on Rousseau was accidentally put into my hands; and her sentiments; the sentiments of too many of my sex; may serve as the text for a few comments。 〃Though Rousseau;〃 she observes; 〃has endeavoured to prevent women from interfering in public affairs; and acting a brilliant part in the theatre of politics; yet; in speaking of them; how much has he done it to their satisfaction!  If he wished to deprive them of some rights; foreign to their sex; how has he for ever restored to them all those to which it has a claim!  And in attempting to diminish their influence over the deliberations of men; how sacredly has he established the empire they have over their happiness!  In aiding them to descend from an usurped throne; he has firmly seated them upon that to which they were destined by nature; and though he be full of indignation against them when they endeavour to resemble men; yet when they come before him with all THE CHARMS WEAKNESSES; VIRTUES; and ERRORS; OF their sex; his respect for their PERSONS amounts almost to adoration。〃  True!For never was there a sensualist who paid more fervent adoration at the shrine of beauty。  So devout; indeed; was his respect for the person; that excepting the virtue of chastity; for obvious reasons; he only wished to see it embellished by charms; weaknesses; and errors。  He was afraid lest the austerity of reason should disturb the soft playfulness of love。  The master wished to have a meretricious slave to fondle; entirely dependent on his reason and bounty; he did not want a companion; whom he should be compelled to esteem; or a friend to whom he could confide the care of his children's education; should death deprive them of their father; before he had fulfilled the sacred task。  He denies woman reason; shuts her out from knowledge; and turns her aside from truth; yet his pardon is granted; because; 〃he admits the passion of love。〃 It would require some ingenuity to show why women were to be under such an obligation to him for thus admitting love; when it is clear that he admits it only for the relaxation of men; and to perpetuate the species; but he talked with passion; and that powerful spell worked on the sensibility of a young encomiast。  〃What signifies it;〃 pursues this rhapsodist; 〃
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