a vindication of the rights of woman-第37章
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necessary indeed; is that reserve and cleanliness which indolent women too often neglect; that I will venture to affirm; that when two or three women live in the same house; the one will be most respected by the male part of the family; who reside with them; leaving love entirely out of the question; who pays this kind of habitual respect to her person。 When domestic friends meet in a morning; there will naturally prevail an affectionate seriousness; especially; if each look forward to the discharge of daily duties; and it may be reckoned fanciful; but this sentiment has frequently risen spontaneously in my mind。 I have been pleased after breathing the sweet bracing morning air; to see the same kind of freshness in the countenances I particularly loved; I was glad to see them braced; as it were; for the day; and ready to run their course with the sun。 The greetings of affection in the morning are by these means more respectful; than the familiar tenderness which frequently prolongs the evening talk。 Nay; I have often felt hurt; not to say disgusted; when a friend has appeared; whom I parted with full dressed the evening before; with her clothes huddled on; because she chose to indulge herself in bed till the last moment。 Domestic affection can only be kept alive by these neglected attentions; yet if men and women took half as much pains to dress habitually neat; as they do to ornament; or rather to disfigure their persons; much would be done towards the attainment of purity of mind。 But women only dress to gratify men of gallantry; for the lover is always best pleased with the simple garb that sits close to the shape。 There is an impertinence in ornaments that rebuffs affection; because love always clings round the idea of home。 As a sex; women are habitually indolent; and every thing tends to make them so。 I do not forget the starts of activity which sensibility produces; but as these flights of feeling only increase the evil; they are not to be confounded with the slow; orderly walk of reason。 So great; in reality; is their mental and bodily indolence; that till their body be strengthened and their understanding enlarged by active exertions; there is little reason to expect that modesty will take place of bashfulness。 They may find it prudent to assume its semblance; but the fair veil will only be worn on gala days。 Perhaps there is not a virtue that mixes so kindly with every other as modesty。 It is the pale moon…beam that renders more interesting every virtue it softens; giving mild grandeur to the contracted horizon。 Nothing can be more beautiful than the poetical fiction; which makes Diana with her silver crescent; the goddess of chastity。 I have sometimes thought; that wandering with sedate step in some lonely recess; a modest dame of antiquity must have felt a glow of conscious dignity; when; after contemplating the soft shadowy landscape; she has invited with placid fervour the mild reflection of her sister's beams to turn to her chaste bosom。 A Christian has still nobler motives to incite her to preserve her chastity and acquire modesty; for her body has been called the Temple of the living God; of that God who requires more than modesty of mien。 His eye searcheth the heart; and let her remember; that if she hopeth to find favour in the sight of purity itself; her chastity must be founded on modesty; and not on worldly prudence; or verily a good reputation will be her only reward; for that awful intercourse; that sacred communion; which virtue establishes between man and his Maker; must give rise to the wish of being pure as he is pure! After the foregoing remarks; it is almost superfluous to add; that I consider all those feminine airs of maturity; which succeed bashfulness; to which truth is sacrificed; to secure the heart of a husband; or rather to force him to be still a lover when nature would; had she not been interrupted in her operations; have made love give place to friendship; as immodest。 The tenderness which a man will feel for the mother of his children is an excellent substitute for the ardour of unsatisfied passion; but to prolong that ardour it is indelicate; not to say immodest; for women to feign an unnatural coldness of constitution。 Women as well as men ought to have the common appetites and passions of their nature; they are only brutal when unchecked by reason: but the obligation to check them is the duty of mankind; not a sexual duty。 Nature; in these respects; may safely be left to herself; let women only acquire knowledge and humanity; and love will teach them modesty。 There is no need of falsehoods; disgusting as futile; for studied rules of behaviour only impose on shallow observers; a man of sense soon sees through; and despises the affectation。 The behaviour of young people; to each other; as men and women; is the last thing that should be thought of in education。 In fact; behaviour in most circumstances is now so much thought of; that simplicity of character is rarely to be seen; yet; if men were only anxious to cultivate each virtue; and let it take root firmly in the mind; the grace resulting from it; its natural exteriour mark; would soon strip affectation of its flaunting plumes; because; fallacious as unstable; is the conduct that is not founded upon truth! (Footnote。 The behaviour of many newly married women has often disgusted me。 They seem anxious never to let their husbands forget the privilege of marriage; and to find no pleasure in his society unless he is acting the lover。 Short; indeed; must be the reign of love; when the flame is thus constantly blown up; without its receiving any solid fuel。) Would ye; O my sisters; really possess modesty; ye must remember that the possession of virtue; of any denomination; is incompatible with ignorance and vanity! ye must acquire that soberness of mind; which the exercise of duties; and the pursuit of knowledge; alone inspire; or ye will still remain in a doubtful dependent situation; and only be loved whilst ye are fair! the downcast eye; the rosy blush; the retiring grace; are all proper in their season; but modesty; being the child of reason; cannot long exist with the sensibility that is not tempered by reflection。 Besides; when love; even innocent love; is the whole employ of your lives; your hearts will be too soft to afford modesty that tranquil retreat; where she delights to dwell; in close union with humanity。
CHAPTER 8。 MORALITY UNDERMINED BY SEXUAL NOTIONS OF THE IMPORTANCE OF A GOOD REPUTATION。 It has long since occurred to me; that advice respecting behaviour; and all the various modes of preserving a good reputation; which have been so strenuously inculcated on the female world; were specious poisons; that incrusting morality eat away the substance。 And; that this measuring of shadows produced a false calculation; because their length depends so much on the height of the sun; and other adventitious circumstances。 》From whence arises the easy fallacious behaviour of a courtier? 》From this situation; undoubtedly: for standing in need of dependents; he is obliged to learn the art of denying without giving offence; and; of evasively feeding hope with the chameleon's food; thus does politeness sport with truth; and eating away the sincerity and humanity natural to man; produce the fine gentleman。 Women in the same way acquire; from a supposed necessity; an equally artificial mode of behaviour。 Yet truth is not with impunity to be sported with; for the practised dissembler; at last; becomes the dupe of his own arts; loses that sagacity which has been justly termed common sense; namely; a quick perception of common truths: which are constantly received as such by the unsophisticated mind; though it might not have had sufficient energy to discover them itself; when obscured by local prejudices。 The greater number of people take their opinions on trust; to avoid the trouble of exercising their own minds; and these indolent beings naturally adhere to the letter; rather than the spirit of a law; divine or human。 〃Women;〃 says some author; I cannot recollect who; 〃mind not what only heaven sees。〃 Why; indeed should they? it is the eye of man that they have been taught to dreadand if they can lull their Argus to sleep; they seldom think of heaven or themselves; because their reputation is safe; and it is reputation not chastity and all its fair train; that they are employed to keep free from spot; not as a virtue; but to preserve their station in the world。 To prove the truth of this remark; I need only advert to the intrigues of married women; particularly in high life; and in countries where women are suitably married; according to their respective ranks by their parents。 If an innocent girl become a prey to love; she is degraded forever; though her mind was not polluted by the arts which married women; under the convenient cloak of marriage; practise; nor has she violated any dutybut the duty of respecting herself。 The married woman; on the contrary; breaks a most sacred engagement; and becomes a cruel mother when she is a false and faithless wife。 If her husband has still an affection for her; the arts which she must practise to deceive him; will render her the most contemptible of human beings; and at any rate
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