a vindication of the rights of woman-第41章
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e serious duties of his station; is not only a respectable; but a beautiful sight。 So singular; indeed; are my feelings; and I have endeavoured not to catch factitious ones; that after having been fatigued with the sight of insipid grandeur and the slavish ceremonies that with cumberous pomp supplied the place of domestic affections; I have turned to some other scene to relieve my eye; by resting it on the refreshing green every where scattered by nature。 I have then viewed with pleasure a woman nursing her children; and discharging the duties of her station with; perhaps; merely a servant made to take off her hands the servile part of the household business。 I have seen her prepare herself and children; with only the luxury of cleanliness; to receive her husband; who returning weary home in the evening; found smiling babes and a clean hearth。 My heart has loitered in the midst of the group; and has even throbbed with sympathetic emotion; when the scraping of the well known foot has raised a pleasing tumult。 Whilst my benevolence has been gratified by contemplating this artless picture; I have thought that a couple of this description; equally necessary and independent of each other; because each fulfilled the respective duties of their station; possessed all that life could give。 Raised sufficiently above abject poverty not to be obliged to weigh the consequence of every farthing they spend; and having sufficient to prevent their attending to a frigid system of economy which narrows both heart and mind。 I declare; so vulgar are my conceptions; that I know not what is wanted to render this the happiest as well as the most respectable situation in the world; but a taste for literature; to throw a little variety and interest into social converse; and some superfluous money to give to the needy; and to buy books。 For it is not pleasant when the heart is opened by compassion; and the head active in arranging plans of usefulness; to have a prim urchin continually twitching back the elbow to prevent the hand from drawing out an almost empty purse; whispering at the same time some prudential maxim about the priority of justice。 Destructive; however; as riches and inherited honours are to the human character; women are more debased and cramped; if possible by them; than men; because men may still; in some degree; unfold their faculties by becoming soldiers and statesmen。 As soldiers; I grant; they can now only gather; for the most part; vainglorious laurels; whilst they adjust to a hair the European balance; taking especial care that no bleak northern nook or sound incline the beam。 But the days of true heroism are over; when a citizen fought for his country like a Fabricius or a Washington; and then returned to his farm to let his virtuous fervour run in a more placid; but not a less salutary stream。 No; our British heroes are oftener sent from the gaming table than from the plough; and their passions have been rather inflamed by hanging with dumb suspense on the turn of a die; than sublimated by panting after the adventurous march of virtue in the historic page。 The statesman; it is true; might with more propriety quit the Faro Bank; or card…table; to guide the helm; for he has still but to shuffle and trick。 The whole system of British politics; if system it may courteously be called; consisting in multiplying dependents and contriving taxes which grind the poor to pamper the rich; thus a war; or any wild goose chace is; as the vulgar use the phrase; a lucky turn…up of patronage for the minister; whose chief merit is the art of keeping himself in place。 It is not necessary then that he should have bowels for the poor; so he can secure for his family the odd trick。 Or should some show of respect; for what is termed with ignorant ostentation an Englishman's birth…right; be expedient to bubble the gruff mastiff that he has to lead by the nose; he can make an empty show; very safely; by giving his single voice; and suffering his light squadron to file off to the other side。 And when a question of humanity is agitated; he may dip a sop in the milk of human kindness; to silence Cerberus; and talk of the interest which his heart takes in an attempt to make the earth no longer cry for vengeance as it sucks in its children's blood; though his cold hand may at the very moment rivet their chains; by sanctioning the abominable traffick。 A minister is no longer a minister than while he can carry a point; which he is determined to carry。 Yet it is not necessary that a minister should feel like a man; when a bold push might shake his seat。 But; to have done with these episodical observations; let me return to the more specious slavery which chains the very soul of woman; keeping her for ever under the bondage of ignorance。 The preposterous distinctions of rank; which render civilization a curse; by dividing the world between voluptuous tyrants; and cunning envious dependents; corrupt; almost equally; every class of people; because respectability is not attached to the discharge of the relative duties of life; but to the station; and when the duties are not fulfilled; the affections cannot gain sufficient strength to fortify the virtue of which they are the natural reward。 Still there are some loop…holes out of which a man may creep; and dare to think and act for himself; but for a woman it is an herculean task; because she has difficulties peculiar to her sex to overcome; which require almost super…human powers。 A truly benevolent legislator always endeavours to make it the interest of each individual to be virtuous; and thus private virtue becoming the cement of public happiness; an orderly whole is consolidated by the tendency of all the parts towards a common centre。 But; the private or public virtue of women is very problematical; for Rousseau; and a numerous list of male writers; insist that she should all her life; be subjected to a severe restraint; that of propriety。 Why subject her to proprietyblind propriety; if she be capable of acting from a nobler spring; if she be an heir of immortality? Is sugar always to be produced by vital blood? Is one half of the human species; like the poor African slaves; to be subject to prejudices that brutalize them; when principles would be a surer guard only to sweeten the cup of man? Is not this indirectly to deny women reason? for a gift is a mockery; if it be unfit for use。 Women are in common with men; rendered weak and luxurious by the relaxing pleasures which wealth procures; but added to this; they are made slaves to their persons; and must render them alluring; that man may lend them his reason to guide their tottering steps aright。 Or should they be ambitious; they must govern their tyrants by sinister tricks; for without rights there cannot be any incumbent duties。 The laws respecting woman; which I mean to discuss in a future part; make an absurd unit of a man and his wife; and then; by the easy transition of only considering him as responsible; she is reduced to a mere cypher。 The being who discharges the duties of its station; is independent; and; speaking of women at large; their first duty is to themselves as rational creatures; and the next; in point of importance; as citizens; is that; which includes so many; of a mother。 The rank in life which dispenses with their fulfilling this duty; necessarily degrades them by making them mere dolls。 Or; should they turn to something more important than merely fitting drapery upon a smooth block; their minds are only occupied by some soft platonic attachment; or; the actual management of an intrigue may keep their thoughts in motion; for when they neglect domestic duties; they have it not in their power to take the field and march and counter…march like soldiers; or wrangle in the senate to keep their faculties from rusting。 I know; that as a proof of the inferiority of the sex; Rousseau has exultingly exclaimed; How can they leave the nursery for the camp! And the camp has by some moralists been termed the school of the most heroic virtues; though; I think; it would puzzle a keen casuist to prove the reasonableness of the greater number of wars; that have dubbed heroes。 I do not mean to consider this question critically; because; having frequently viewed these freaks of ambition as the first natural mode of civilization; when the ground must be torn up; and the woods cleared by fire and sword; I do not choose to call them pests; but surely the present system of war; has little connection with virtue of any denomination; being rather the school of FINESSE and effeminacy; than of fortitude。 Yet; if defensive war; the only justifiable war; in the present advanced state of society; where virtue can show its face and ripen amidst the rigours which purify the air on the mountain's top; were alone to be adopted as just and glorious; the true heroism of antiquity might again animate female bosoms。 But fair and softly; gentle reader; male or female; do not alarm thyself; for though I have contrasted the character of a modern soldier with that of a civilized woman; I am not going to advise them to turn their distaff into a musket; though I sincerely wish to see the bayonet converted into a pruning hook。 I only recreated an imagination; fatigued
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