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the scouts of the valley-第15章

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 intently and with expectancy。

He was a professional story…teller; an institution great and honored among the tribes of the Iroquois farther back even than Hiawatha。  He began at once the story of the warrior who learned to talk with the deer and the bear; carrying it on through many chapters。  Now and then a delighted listener would cry 〃 Hah!〃 but if anyone became bored and fell asleep it was considered an omen of misfortune to the sleeper; and he was chased ignominiously to his tepee。  The Iroquois romancer was better protected than the white one is。  He could finish some of his stories in one evening; but others were serials。  When he arrived at the end of the night's installment he would cry; 〃Si…ga!〃 which was equivalent to our 〃To be continued in our next。〃  Then all would rise; and if tired would seek sleep; but if not they would catch the closing part of some other story…teller's romance。

At three fires Senecas were playing a peculiar little wooden flute of their own invention; that emitted wailing sounds not without a certain sweetness。  In a corner a half dozen warriors hurt in battle were bathing their wounds with a soothing lotion made from the sap of the bass wood。

Henry lingered a while in the darkest corners; witnessing the feasting; hearing the flutes and the chants; listening for a space to the story…tellers and the enthusiastic 〃Hahs!〃  They were so full of feasting and merrymaking now that one could almost do as he pleased; and he stole toward the southern end of the village; where he had noticed several huts; much more strongly built than the others。  Despite all his natural skill and experience his heart beat very fast when he came to the first。  He was about to achieve the great exploration upon which he had ventured so much。  Whether he would find anything at the end of the risk he ran; he was soon to see。

The hut; about seven feet square and as many feet in height; was built strongly of poles; with a small entrance closed by a clapboard door fastened stoutly on the outside with withes。  The hut was well in the shadow of tepees; and all were still at the feasting and merrymaking。  He cut the withes with two sweeps of his sharp hunting knife; opened the door; bent his head; stepped in and then closed the door behind him; in order that no Iroquois might see what had happened。

It was not wholly dark in the hut; as there were cracks between the poles; and bars of moonlight entered; falling upon a floor of bark。  They revealed also a figure lying full length on one side of the but。  A great pulse of joy leaped up in Henry's throat; and with it was a deep pity; also。  The figure was that of Shif'less Sol; but be was pale and thin; and his arms and legs were securely bound with thongs of deerskin。

Leaning over; Henry cut the thongs of the shiftless one; but he did not stir。  Great forester that Shif'less Sol was; and usually so sensitive to the lightest movement; be perceived nothing now; and; had he not found him bound; Henry would have been afraid that he was looking upon his dead comrade。  The hands of the shiftless one; when the hands were cut; had fallen limply by his side; and his face looked all the more pallid by contrast with the yellow hair which fell in length about it。  But it was his old…time friend; the dauntless Shif'less Sol; the last of the five to vanish so mysteriously。

Henry bent down and pulled him by the shoulder。  The captive yawned; stretched himself a little; and lay still again with closed eyes。  Henry shook him a second time and more violently。  Shif'less Sol sat up quickly; and Henry knew that indignation prompted the movement。  Sol held his arms and legs stiffly and seemed to be totally unconscious that they were unbound。  He cast one glance upward; and in the dim light saw the tall warrior bending over him。

〃I'll never do it; Timmendiquas or White Lightning; whichever name you like better!〃 he exclaimed。  〃I won't show you how to surprise the white settlements。  You can burn me at the stake or tear me in pieces first。  Now go away and let me sleep。〃

He sank back on the bark; and started to close his eyes again。  It was then that he noticed for the first time that his hands were unbound。  He held them up before his face; as if they were strange objects wholly unattached to himself; and gazed at them in amazement。  He moved his legs and saw that they; too; were unbound。  Then he turned his startled gaze upward at the face of the tall warrior who was looking down at him。  Shif'less Sol was wholly awake now。  Every faculty in him was alive; and he pierced through the Shawnee disguise。  He knew who it was。  He knew who had come to save him; and he sprang to his feet; exclaiming the one word:


The hands of the comrades met in the clasp of friendship which only many dangers endured together can give。

〃How did you get here?〃 asked the shiftless one in a whisper。

〃I met an Indian in the forest;〃 replied Henry; 〃and well I am now he。〃

Shif'less Sol laughed under his breath。

〃I see;〃 said he; 〃but how did you get through the camp?  It's a big one; and the Iroquois are watchful。  Timmendiquas is here; too; with his Wyandots。〃

〃They are having a great feast;〃 replied Henry; 〃and I could go about almost unnoticed。  Where are the others; Sol?〃

〃In the cabins close by。〃

〃Then we'll get out of this place。  Quick!  Tie up your hair!  In the darkness you can easily pass for an Indian。〃

The shiftless one drew his hair into a scalp lock; and the two slipped from the cabin; closing the door behind them and deftly retying the thongs; in order that the discovery of the escape might occur as late as possible。  Then they stood a few moments in the shadow of the hut and listened to the sounds of revelry; the monotone of the story…tellers; and the chant of the singers。

〃You don't know which huts they are in; do you?〃 asked Henry; anxiously。

〃No; I don't;〃 replied tile shiftless one。

〃Get back!〃 exclaimed Henry softly。  〃Don't you see who's passing out there?〃

〃Braxton Wyatt;〃 said Sol。 〃I'd like to get my hands on that scoundrel。  I've had to stand a lot from him。〃

〃The score must wait。  But first we'll provide you with weapons。  See; the Iroquois have stacked some of their rifles here while they're at the feast。〃

A dozen good rifles had been left leaning against a hut near by; and Henry; still watching lest he be observed; chose the best; with its ammunition; for his comrade; who; owing to his semi…civilized attire; still remained in the shadow of the other hut。

〃Why not take four?〃 whispered the shiftless one。  〃We'll need them for the other boys。〃

Henry took four; giving two to his comrade; and then they hastily slipped back to the other side of the hut。  A Wyandot and a Mohawk were passing; and they had eyes of hawks。  Henry and Sol waited until the formidable pair were gone; and then began to examine the huts; trying to surmise in which their comrades lay。

〃I haven't seen 'em a…tall; a…tall;〃 said Sol; 〃but I reckon from the talk that they are here。  I was s'prised in the woods; Henry。  A half dozen reds jumped on me so quick I didn't have time to draw a weepin。  Timmendiquas was at the head uv 'em an' he just grinned。  Well; he is a great chief; if he did truss me up like a fowl。  I reckon the same thing happened to the others。〃

〃Come closer; Sol!  Come closer!〃 whispered Henry。  More warriors are walking this way。  The feast is breaking up; and they'll spread all through the camp。〃

A terrible problem was presented to the two。  They could no longer search among the strong huts; for their comrades。   The opportunity to save had lasted long enough for one only。  But border training is stern; and these two had uncommon courage and decision。

〃We must go now; Sol;〃 said Henry; 〃but we'll come back。〃

〃Yes;〃 said the shiftless one; 〃we'll come back。〃

Darting between the huts; they gained the southern edge of the forest before the satiated banqueters could suspect the presence of an enemy。  Here they felt themselves safe; but they did not pause。  Henry led the way; and Shif'less Sol followed at a fair degree of speed。

〃You'll have to be patient with me for a little while; Henry;〃 said Sol in a tone of humility。  〃When I wuz layin' thar in the lodge with my hands an' feet tied I wuz about eighty years old; jest ez stiff ez could be from the long tyin'。  When I reached the edge o' the woods the blood wuz flowin' lively enough to make me 'bout sixty。  Now I reckon I'm fifty; an' ef things go well I'll be back to my own nateral age in two or three hours。〃

〃You shall have rest before morning;〃 said Henry; 〃and it will be in a good place; too。  I can promise that。〃

Shif'less Sol looked at him inquiringly; but he did not say anything。  Like the rest of the five; Sol had acquired the most implicit confidence in their bold young leader。  He had every reason to feel good。 That painful soreness was disappearing from his ankles。  As they advanced through the woods; weeks dropped from him one by one。  Then the months began to roll away; and at last time fell year by year。  As they approached the deeps of the forest where the swamp lay; Solomon Hyde; the so called shiftless one; and wholly undeserving of the name; was you
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