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the scouts of the valley-第16章

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he swamp lay; Solomon Hyde; the so called shiftless one; and wholly undeserving of the name; was young again。

〃I've got a fine little home for us; Sol;〃 said Henry。  〃Best we've had since that time we spent a winter on the island in the lake。  This is littler; but it's harder to find。  It'll be a fine thing to know you're sleeping safe and sound with five hundred Iroquois warriors only a few miles away。〃

〃Then it'll suit me mighty well;〃 said Shif'less Sol; grinning broadly。  〃That's jest the place fur a lazy man like your humble servant; which is me。〃

They reached the stepping stones; and Henry paused a moment。

〃Do you feel steady enough; Sol; to jump from stone to stone?〃 he asked。

〃I'm feelin' so good I could fly ef I had to;〃 he replied。  〃Jest you jump on; Henry; an' fur every jump you take you'll find me only one jump behind you!〃 

Henry; without further ado; sprang from one stone to another; and behind him; stone for stone; came the shiftless one。  It was now past midnight; and the moon was obscured。  The keenest eyes twenty yards away could not have seen the two dusky figures as they went by leaps into the very heart of the great; black swamp。  They reached the solid ground; and then the hut。

〃Here; Sol;〃 said Henry; 〃is my house; and yours; also; and soon; I hope; to be that of Paul; Tom; and Jim; too。〃

〃Henry;〃 said Shif'less Sol; 〃 I'm shorely glad to come。〃

They went inside; stacked their captured rifles against the wall; and soon were sound asleep。

Meanwhile sleep was laying hold of the Iroquois village; also。  They had eaten mightily and they had drunk mightily。  Many times had they told the glories of Hode…no…sau…nee; the Great League; and many times had they gladly acknowledged the valor and worth of Timmendiquas and the brave little Wyandot nation。  Timmendiquas and Thayendanegea had sat side by side throughout the feast; but often other great chiefs were with them…Skanawati; Atotarho; and Hahiron; the Onondagas; Satekariwate; the Mohawk; Kanokarih and Kanyadoriyo; the Senecas; and many others。

Toward midnight the women and the children left for the lodges; and soon the warriors began to go also; or fell asleep on tile ground; wrapped in their blankets。  The fires were allowed to sink low; and at last the older chiefs withdrew; leaving only Timmendiquas and Thayendanegea。

〃You have seen the power and spirit of the Iroquois;〃 said Thayendanegea。  〃We can bring many more warriors than are here into the field; and we will strike the white settlements with you。〃

〃The Wyandots are not so many as the warriors of the Great League;〃 said Timmendiquas proudly; 〃but no one has ever been before them in battle。〃

〃You speak truth; as I have often heard it;〃 said Thayendanegea thoughtfully。  Then be showed Timmendiquas to a lodge of honor; the finest in the village; and retired to his own。

The great feast was over; but the chiefs had come to a momentous decision。  Still chafing over their defeat at Oriskany; they would make a new and formidable attack upon the white settlements; and Timmendiquas and his fierce Wyandots would help them。  All of them; from the oldest to the youngest; rejoiced in the decision; and; not least; the famous Thayendanegea。  He hated the Americans most because they were upon the soil; and were always pressing forward against the Indian。  The Englishmen were far away; and if they prevailed in the great war; the march of the American would be less rapid。  He would strike once more with the Englishmen; and the Iroquois could deliver mighty blows on the American rearguard。  He and his Mohawks; proud Keepers of the Western Gate; would lead in the onset。  Thayendanegea considered it a good night's work; and he slept peacefully。

The great camp relapsed into silence。  The warriors on the ground breathed perhaps a little heavily after so much feasting; and the fires were permitted to smolder down to coals。  Wolves and panthers drawn by the scent of food crept through the thickets toward the faint firelight; but they were afraid to draw near。  Morning came; and food and drink were taken to the lodges in which four prisoners were held; prisoners of great value; taken by Timmendiquas and the Wyandots; and held at his urgent insistence as hostages。

Three were found as they had been left; and when their bonds were loosened they ate and drank; but the fourth hut was empty。  The one who spoke in a slow; drawling way; and the one who seemed to be the most dangerous of them all; was gone。  Henry and Sol had taken the severed thongs with them; and there was nothing to show how the prisoner had disappeared; except that the withes fastening the door had been cut。

The news spread through the village; and there was much excitement。  Thayendanegea and Timmendiquas came and looked at the empty hut。  Timmendiquas may have suspected how Shif'less Sol had gone; but he said nothing。  Others believed that it was the work of Hahgweh…da…et…gah (The Spirit of Evil); or perhaps Ga…oh (The Spirit of the Winds) had taken him away。

〃It is well to keep a good watch on the others;〃 said Timmendiquas; and Thayendanegea nodded。

That day the chiefs entered the Long House again; and held a great war council。  A string of white wampum about a foot in length was passed to every chief; who held it a moment or two before handing it to his neighbors。  It was then laid on a table in the center of the room; the ends touching。  This signified harmony among the Six Nations。  All the chiefs had been summoned to this place by belts of wampum sent to the different tribes by runners appointed by the Onondagas; to whom this honor belonged。  All treaties had to be ratified by the exchange of belts; and now this was done by the assembled chiefs。

Timmendiquas; as an honorary chief of the Mohawks; and as the real head of a brave and allied nation; was present throughout the council。  His advice was asked often; and when he gave it the others listened with gravity and deference。  The next day the village played a great game of lacrosse; which was invented by the Indians; and which had been played by them for centuries before the arrival of the white man。  In this case the match was on a grand scale; Mohawks and Cayugas against Onondagas and Senecas。

The game began about nine o'clock in the morning in a great natural meadow surrounded by forest。  The rival sides assembled opposite each other and bet heavily。  All the stakes; under the law of the game; were laid upon the ground in heaps here; and they consisted of the articles most precious to the Iroquois。  In these heaps were rifles; tomahawks; scalping knives; wampum; strips of colored beads; blankets; swords; belts; moccasins; leggins; and a great many things taken as spoil in forays on the white settlements; such is small mirrors; brushes of various kinds; boots; shoes; and other things; the whole making a vast assortment。

These heaps represented great wealth to the Iroquois; and the older chiefs sat beside them in the capacity of stakeholders and judges。

The combatants; ranged in two long rows; numbered at least five hundred on each side; and already they began to show an excitement approaching that which animated them when they would go into battle。  Their eyes glowed; and the muscles on their naked backs and chests were tense for the spring。  In order to leave their limbs perfectly free for effort they wore no clothing at all; except a little apron reaching from the waist to the knee。

The extent of the playground was marked off by two pair of 〃byes〃 like those used in cricket; planted about thirty rods apart。  But the goals of each side were only about thirty feet apart。

At a signal from the oldest of the chiefs the contestants arranged themselves in two parallel lines facing each other; inside the area and about ten rods apart。  Every man was armed with a strong stick three and a half to four feet in length; and curving toward the end。  Upon this curved end was tightly fastened a network of thongs of untanned deerskin; drawn until they were rigid and taut。  The ball with which they were to play was made of closely wrapped elastic skins; and was about the size of an ordinary apple。

At the end of the lines; but about midway between them; sat the chiefs; who; besides being judges and stakeholders; were also score keepers。  They kept tally of the game by cutting notches upon sticks。  Every time one side put the ball through the other's goal it counted one; but there was an unusual power exercised by the chiefs; practically unknown to the games of white men。  If one side got too far ahead; its score was cut down at the discretion of the chiefs in order to keep the game more even; and also to protract it sometimes over three or four days。  The warriors of the leading side might grumble among one another at the amount of cutting the chiefs did; but they would not dare to make any protest。  However; the chiefs would never cut the leading side down to an absolute parity with the other。  It was always allowed to retain a margin of the superiority it had won。

The game was now about to begin; and the excitement became intense。  Even the old judges leaned forward in their eagerness; while the brown bodies of the warriors shone in the sun; and th
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