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henry ossian flipper-第11章

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lead there; and he feels himself; although curious and anxious to test it; somewhat shy of entering such a place。 There is no alternative。 He accepts it resignedly and goes ahead。 It is not always with smiling countenance that he marches out and surveys the site after reveille。 Indeed; those who do have almost certainly received A highly colored sketch of camp life; and are hastening to sad disappointment; and not at all to the joys they've been led to expect。  He marches into the company streets。 He surveys them carefully and recognizes what is meant by 〃the plebes have to do all the policing;〃 servants being an unknown luxury。 He also sees the sentry…boxes and the paths the sentinels tread; and shudders as he recollects the tales of midnight adventure which some wily cadet has narrated to him。 Imagination begins her cruel work。 Already he sees himself lying at the bottom of Fort Clinton Ditch tied in a blanket; or perhaps fetterless and free; but helpless。 Or he may imagine his hands are tied to one; and his feet to the other tent…pole; and himself struggling for freedom as he recognizes that the reveille gun has been fired and those merciless fifers and drummers are rapidly finishing the reveille。 And; horror of horrors! mayhap his fancies picture him standing tremblingly on post at midnight's solemn hour; his gun just balanced in his hands; while numbers of cadets in hideous sheets and other ghostly garb approach or are already standing around torturing him。 And again; perchance; he challenges some approaching person in one direction; and finds to his dismay the officer of the day; the officer of the guard; and a corporal are crossing and recrossing his post; or having already advanced without being challenged; are demanding why it is; and why he has been so negligent。

Just after reveille on the morning of June 22d the companies were marched to their company streets; and the 〃plebes〃 assigned to each followed in rear。 At the time only the tent floors and cord stays were on the ground。 These former the plebes were ordered to align。 This we did while the old cadets looked on; occasionally correcting or making some suggestion。 It required considerable time to do this; as we were inexperienced and had to await some explanation of what we were to do。

When at last we were done; tents; or rather tent floors; were assigned to us。 We thence returned to barracks and to breakfast。 Our more bulky effects were carried into camp on wagons before breakfast; while the lighter articles were moved over by our own hands。 By; or perhaps before; eleven o'clock every thing had been taken to camp。 By twelve we were in ranks ready to march in。 At the last stroke of the clock the column was put in march; and we marched in with all the 〃glory of war。〃 We stacked arms in the company streets; broke ranks; and each repaired to the tent assigned him; which had by this time been brought over and placed folded on the tent floors。 They were rapidly prepared for raising; and at a signal made on a drum the tents were raised simultaneously; 'mid rousing cheers; which told that another 〃camp〃 was begun。

After this we had dinner; and then we put our tents in order。 At four o'clock the police…call was sounded; and all the 〃plebes〃 were turned out to police the company streets。 This new phase of West Point life and its phases rapidly developed themselveswas a hard one indeed。 The duties are menial; and very few discharge them without some show of displeasure; and often of temper。 None are exempt。 It is not hard work; and yet every one objects to doing it。 The third and fourth classes; by regulations; are required to do the policing。 When I was a plebe; the plebes did it all。 Many indeed tried to shirk it; but they were invariably 〃hived。〃 Every plebe who attempted any such thing was closely watched and made to work。 The old cadets generally chose such men for 〃special dutymen;〃 and required them to bring water; pile bedding; sweep the floor; and do all sorts of menial services。 Of course all this last is prohibited; and therefore risky。 Somebody is 〃hived〃 and severely punished almost every year for allowing plebes to perform menial duties for him。 But what of that? The more dangerous it becomes the more is it practised。 Forbidden things always have an alluring sweetness about them。 More caution; however; is observed。 If; for instance; a cadet should want a pail of water; he causes a plebe to empty his (the plebe's) into his own (the cadet's)。 If it should be empty; he sends him to the hydrant to fill it; and; when he returns; gets possession of it as before。 An officer seeing a plebe with his own pailrecognizable by his own name being on it in huge Roman charactersgoing for water would say nothing to him。 If the name; however; should be that of a cadet; the plebe would be fortunate if he escaped an investigation or a reprimand on the spot; and the cadet; too; if he were not put in arrest for allowing a new cadet to perform menial services for him。 If he wants a dipper of iced…water; he calls out to the first plebe he sees in some such manner as this: 〃Oh! Mr。; don't you want to borrow my dipper for a little while?〃 The plebe of course understands this。 He may smile possibly; and if not serving some punishment will go for the water。

        Plebes are also required to clean the equipments of the older cadets。 They do it cheerfully; and; strange to say; are as careful not to be 〃hived〃 as the cadet whose accoutrements they are cleaning。 I say 〃required。〃 I do not mean that regulations or orders require this of the new cadets; but that the cadets by way of hazing do。 From the heartrending tales of hazing at West Point; which citizens sometimes read of; one would think the plebes would offer some resistance or would complain to the authorities。 These tales are for the most part untrue。 In earlier days perhaps hazing was practised in a more inhuman manner than now。 It may be impossible; and indeed is; for a plebe to cross a company street without having some one yell out to him: 〃Get your hands around; mister。 Hold your head up;〃 but all that is required by tactics。 Perhaps the frequency and unnecessary repetition of these cautions give them the appearance of hazing。 However that may be; there seems to be no way to impress upon a plebe the necessity of carrying his 〃palms to the front;〃 or his 〃head up。〃 To report him and give him demerits merely causes him to laugh and joke over the number of them that have been recorded against him。

I do not mean to defend hazing in any sense of the word; but I do believe that it is indispensable as practised at the Academy。 It would simply be impossible to mould and polish the social amalgamation at West Point without it。 Some of the rough specimens annually admitted care nothing for regulations。 It is fun to them to be punished。 Nothing so effectually makes a plebe submissive as hazing。 That contemptuous look and imperious bearing lowers a plebe; I sometimes think; in his own estimation。 He is in a manner cowed and made to feel that he must obey; and not disobey; to feel that he is a plebe; and must expect a plebe's portion。 He is taught by it to stay in his place; and not to 〃bone popularity〃 with the older cadets。

It is frequently said that 〃plebe camp〃 and 〃plebe life〃 are the severest parts of life at West Point。 To some they are; and to others they are not。 With my own self I was almost entirely free from hazing; and while there were features in 〃plebe life〃 which I disliked; I did nevertheless have a far easier and better time than my own white classmates。 Even white plebes often go through their camp pleasantly and profitably。 Only those who shirk duty have to suffer any unusual punishment or hazing。

I have known plebes to be permitted to do any thing they chose while off duty。 I have known others to have been kept working on their guns or other equipments whole days for several days at a time。 It mattered not how clean they were; or how soon the work was done。 I've known them to be many times interrupted for the mere sake of hazing; and perhaps to be sent somewhere or to do something which was unnecessary and would have been as well undone。 Plebes who tent with first…classmen keep their own tents in order; and are never permitted by their tentmates to do any thing of the kind for others unless when wanted; are entirely unoccupied; and then usually their services are asked for。 A classmate of mine; when a plebe; tented with a first…classman。 He was doing something for himself one day in a free…and…easy manner; and had no thought of disturbing any one。 A yearling corporal; who was passing; saw him; thought he was having too good and soft a time of it; and ordered him out to tighten cords; an act then highly uncalled for; save as a means of hazing。 The first…classman happened to come up just as the plebe began to interfere with the cords; and asked him who told him to do that。 He told him; and was at once directed to leave them and return to whatever he was doing before being interrupted。 The yearling; confident in his red tape and his mightiness; ordered the plebe out again。 His corporalship soon discovered his mistake; for the first…classman gave the plebe full information as to what could be required of him; and
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