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henry ossian flipper-第14章

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Officer of the Day。Form your platoon! Right; face! Call your roll!

Section Marcher。Bejay! Barnes! Du Furing! Swikeheimer! Du Flicket; etc。

Platoon (answering to their names)。Here! Here…re… re! ho…o…o! hi…i…i! har…ar…ar! Heer…r!

Section Marcher (facing about salutes)。All are present; sir!

Officer of the Day (returning salute)。March off your platoon; sir!

Section Marcher (facing about)。Left face! forward。 March! (Curtain falls。)

                       ACT II。

                      SCENE I。

The riding…hall; a large; spacious; rectangular structure; door on each side and at each end; floor well covered with tan bark; spacious gallery over each side door; staircases outside leading to them。 Galleries are occupied; one by ladies; and; perhaps a number of gentlemen; and the other by enlisted men usually。 In the centre of the hall are a number of horses; each equipped with a surcingle; blanket; and watering bridle。 A soldier stands at the head of each one of them。 As curtain rises enter platoon by side door; and marches around the left flank of the line of horses and as far forward as necessary。

Section Marcher。Platoon; halt! left; face! (Saluting Instructor) All are present; sir!

Instructor (saluting)。The Section Marcher will take his place on the left。

He then gives all necessary instruction。

〃To mount the trooper the Instructor first causes him to stand to horse by the command 'Stand to horse!' At this command〃 Well; see 〃Cavalry Tactics。〃

We've got the trooper mounted now。 After some further explanation the Instructor forms them into a column of files by the commands:

〃By file; by the right (or left) flank。 March!〃

They are now going around the hall at a walk; a slow; snail…like pace; but what figures some of them present! Still all goes on quite well。 The Instructor is speaking:

〃To trot;〃 says he; 〃raise the hands〃 (〃yearlings〃 use both hands) 〃slightly。 This is to apprise the horse that you want his attention。 Then lower the hands slightly; and at the same time gently press the horse with the legs until he takes the gait desired。  As soon as he does; relax the pressure。〃 A long pause。 The occupants of the galleries are looking anxiously on。 They know what is coming next。 They have seen these drills over and over again。 And so each trooper awaits anxiously the next command。 Alas! It comes! 〃Trot!〃

What peals of laughter from that cruel gallery! But why? Ah! See there that trooper struggling in the tan bark while a soldier pursues his steed。 He is not hurt。 He gets up; brushes away the tan bark; remounts and starts off again。 But there; he's off again!  He's continually falling off or jumping off purposely (?)。 What confusion! There comes one at a full gallop; sticking on as best he can; but there; the poor fellow is off。 The horses are running away。 The troopers are dropping off everywhere in the hall。 No one is hurt。 Alas! they pressed too hard to keep on; and instead of relaxing the pressure at the desired gait; the trot; they kept on pressing; the horse taking the trot; the gallop; the run; and the trooper; alas! the dust。  Again they had the reins too long; and instead of holding on by the flat of the thighs with their feet parallel to the horse; we see them making all sorts of angles。 But that gallery! that gallery! how I used to wish it wasn't there! The very sight of a lady under such circumstances is most embarrassing。

Fair ones; why will you thus torture the 〃yearlings〃 by your at other times so desirable presence?

The fourth class have pure mathematics; and algebra; daily from 8 to 11 A。M。; and French also; daily; from 2 to 4 P。M。 Beginning on October 15th; or as near that time as practicable; they have fencing; and the use of the bayonet and small…sword。

During the month of September cadets of all classes; or the battalion; are instructed in the infantry tactics in the 〃School of the Battalion。〃 Near the end of the month it is customary to excuse the officers of the first class from these drills; and to detail privates to perform their duties for one drill only at a time。 The other classes are in ranks; or the line of file…closers; according as they are sergeants; guides; or privates。

During October the several classes receive practical instruction as follows: The first class in military engineering; the manner of making and recording the details of a military reconnoissance; and field sketching; the second class in siege and sea…coast artillery; and military signalling and telegraphy。 The class is divided into two parts; composed of the odd and even numbers; which attend drills on alternate daysthat is; artillery one day and signalling the next; the third class in light or field artillery; and the theory and principles of 〃target practice。〃 Sometimes this latter is given during camp; as is most convenient。 Sometimes; also; they receive instruction in ordnance。  This; however; is generally deferred till they become first…classmen。

For further instruction of the first class the following part of the personnel of a light battery is detailed from that class; viz。:  three chiefs of platoon; one chief of caissons; one guidon; and six chiefs of section。 Each member of the class is detailed for each of these offices in his proper order。

The fourth class receives instruction in field artillery at the 〃foot batteries。〃 This instruction is limited to the nomenclature and manual of the piece。 Here; also; to assist the instructor; a chief of piece for each piece is detailed。 They are required to correct all errors made by the plebes; and sometimes even to drill them。 Hence a knowledge of tactics is indispensable; and the means of fixing such knowledge in the mind is afforded。

Sometimes also two first…classmen are required to assist at the siege or sea…coast batteries。

Every day throughout the year a guard is mounted。 It consists of two officers of the guardsometimes only oneone sergeant; three corporalsor more and twenty…four privatessometimes; also; eighteen or twenty…one in camp; and twenty…seven in barracks。 Every day; also; there is one officer of the day detailed from the first class。

The weather permitting; we have 〃dress parade〃 daily。 When unfavorable; on account of snow; rain; or severe cold; we have 〃undress parade〃that is; parade without arms and in undress or fatigue uniform; the object being to get us all together to publish the orders; etc。; for the morrow。 After November 1st we usually have 〃undress parade;〃 and then 〃supper mess parade。〃 Between these two ceremonies the cadets amuse themselves at the gymnasium; dancing or skating; or 〃spooneying;〃 or at the library; generally; I thinkthe upper classmen at any rateat the library。 After supper we have recreation and then study。 And thus we 〃live and do〃 till January。

The semi…annual examination begins January 1st; or as soon thereafter as practicable。 The plebes are examined first; and started in their new studies as soon as possible。 After the plebes the other classes are examined in the order of their rankthat is; first class; second class; and third classand of the importance of their studies; engineering being first; then philosophy; and mathematics; etc。

The examination being over; the deficient ones; after receiving orders from the Secretary of War; are dismissed。 Studies are then resumed as follows:

For the first class military engineering; ordnance; and gunnery; constitutional law; military law; rules of evidence; practice of courts…martial; mineralogy; and geology; strategy; and grand tactics; and the throwing and dismantling of pontoon bridges。 For the second class; acoustics and optics; astronomy; analytical mechanics in review; infantry; artillery; and cavalry tactics; drawing; riding; and signalling。 For the third class; calculus; surveying; geometry; and riding。 Immediately after the examination the entire third class receive instruction in mechanical drawing before they begin their other mathematical studies。 For the fourth class the studies are plane geometry; trigonometry; descriptive geometry; and fencing; including the use of the small…sword; broad… sword; and bayonet。

Parades; guard duty; etc。; remain as previously described until about the middle of March usually。 At that time the ordinary routine of drills; dress parades; etc。; is resumed; but drills in this order; viz。; from March 15th to April 1st instruction in the school of the company; in artillery tactics; as before described during April; and in infantry tactics; in the 〃School of the Battalion;〃 during May。 The annual examination takes place in June。 The following diary; made for the purpose of insertion here; will best explain what generally occurs during the month:


Thursday; June 1; 1876。Resumed white pants at 5。10 P。M。 Received Board of Visitors by a review at 5。10 P。M。  Examination begun at 9 A。M。 First class; engineering。 Salute of fifteen guns at meridian to Board of Visitors。

Friday; June 2。First class; engineering finished。 Second class; philosophy commenced。 Siege battery drill at 5。10 P。M。

Saturday; June 3。Second class; philosophy continued。

Monday; June 5。Light battery at 5。10 P。M。 A yearling lost his 〃white continuations。〃 Plebes went to parade。

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