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henry ossian flipper-第16章

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it can be defended only as being effective where regulations are not; viz。; in the cases of rough specimens who now not infrequently manage to win their appointments。

Formerly in yearling camp the corporals were all 〃acting sergeants。〃 They were so acting in the absence of the de facto sergeants。 These corporals got the idea into their heads that to retain their appointments they had to do a certain amount of 〃skinning;〃 and often 〃skins〃 were more fancied than real。 This was a rather sad condition of affairs。 Plebes would find their demerits accumulating and become disheartened。 It was all due to this unnecessary rigor; and 〃being military;〃 which some of the yearling corporals affected。 No one bears; or rather did bear; such a reputation as the yearling corporal。 As such he was disliked by everybody; and plebes have frequently fought them for their unmanly treatment。 This; however; was。 It is no more。 We have no yearling corporals; and plebes fare better generally than ever before。 Not because all yearling corporals thus subserved their ambition by reporting men for little things that might as well have been overlooked; did they get this bad reputation; but rather because with it they coupled the severest hazing; and sometimes even insults。 That was unmanly as well as mean。 Hazing could be endured; but not always insults。

Whether for this reason or not I cannot say; the authorities now appoint the corporals from the second class; men who are more dignified and courteous in their conduct toward all; and especially toward plebes。 The advantages of this system are evident。

One scarcely appreciates cadet lifeif such appreciation is possibletill he becomes a yearling。 It is not till in yearling camp that a cadet begins to 〃spoon。〃 Not till then is he permitted to attend the hops; and of course he has but little opportunity to cultivate female society; nor is he expected to do so till then; for to assume any familiarity with the upper classes would be considered rather in advance of his 〃plebeship's〃 rights。 How then can hehe is little more than a strangerbecome acquainted with the fair ones who either dwell at or are visiting West Point。 Indeed; knowing 〃femmes〃 are quite as prone to haze as the cadets; and most unmercifully cut the unfortunate plebe。  Some are also so very haughty: they will admit only first… classmen to their acquaintance and favor。

But Mr。 Plebe; having become a yearling finds that the 〃Mr。〃 is dropped; and that he is allowed all necessary familiarity。 He then begins to enjoy his cadetship; a position which for pleasure and happiness has untold advantages; for what woman can resist those glorious buttons? A yearling has another advantage。 The furlough class is absent; and the plebeswell; they are 〃plebes。〃  Sufficient; isn't it? The spooneying must all be done; then; by the first and third classes。 Often a great number of the first class are bachelors; or not inclined to be spooney; and that duty then of course devolves on the more gallant part of that class and the yearlings。

The hop managers of the third class have been mentioned elsewhere。 They enjoy peculiar facilities for pleasure; and; where a good selection has been made; do much to dispel the monotony of academic military life。 Indeed; they do very much toward inducing others to cultivate a high sense of gallantry and respect for women。 The refining influence of female society has greater play; and its good results are inevitable。

But what a wretched existence was mine when all this was denied me! One would be unwilling to believe I had not; from October; 1875; till May; 1876; spoken to a female of any age; and yet it was so。 There was no society for me to enjoyno friends; male or female; for me to visit; or with whom I could have any social intercourse; so absolute was my isolation。* Indeed; I had friends who often visited me; but they did so only when the weather was favorable。 In the winter season; when nature; usually so attractive; presented nothing to amuse or dispel one's gloom; and when; therefore; something or some one suited for that purpose was so desirable; no one of course visited me。 But I will not murmur。 I suppose this was but another constituent of that mechanical mixture of ills and anxieties and suspense that characterized my cadet life。 At any rate I can console myself in my victory over prejudice; whether that victory be admitted or not。 I know I have so lived that they could find in me no fault different from those at least common to themselves; and have thus forced upon their consciences a just and merited recognition whether or not they are disposed to follow conscience and openly accept my claim to their brotherly love。

*I could and did have a pleasant chat every day; more or less; with 〃Bentz the bugler;〃 the tailor; barber; commissary clerk; the policeman who scrubbed out my room and brought around the mail; the treasurer's clerk; cadets occasionally; and others。 The statement made in some of the newspapers; that from one year's end to another I never heard the sound of my own voice; except in the recitation room; is thus seen to be untrue。

                      CHAPTER VIII。

                    FIRST…CLASS CAMP。

IT is a common saying among cadets that 〃first…class camp is just like furlough。〃 I rather think the assertion is an inheritance from former days and the cadets of those days; for the similarity at present between first…class camp and furlough is beyond our conception。 There is none; or if any it is chimerical; depending entirely on circumstances。 In the case of a small class it would be greater than in that of a large one。 For instance; in 〃train drill〃 a certain number of men are required。 No more are necessary。 It would be inexpedient to employ a whole class when the class had more men in it than were required for the drill。 In such cases the supernumeraries are instructed in something else; and alternate with those who attend train drill。 In the case of a small class all attend the same drill daily; and that other duty or drill is reserved for autumn。 Thus there is less drill in camp; and it becomes more like furlough when there is none at all。

Again; first…classmen enjoy more privileges than others; and for this reason their camp is more like furlough。 If; however; there are numerous drills; the analogy will fail; for how can duty; drills; etc。; coexist with privileges such as first…class privileges?  Time which otherwise would be devoted to enjoyment of privileges is now consumed in drills。 Still there is much in it which makes first…class camp the most delightful part of a cadet's life。 There are more privileges; the duties are lighter and more attractive; and make it withal more enjoyable。 First; members of the class attend drill both as assistants and as students。 They are detailed as chiefs of platoon; chiefs of section; chiefs of caissons; and as guidons at the light battery; as chiefs of pieces at the several foot batteries; attend themselves at the siege or sea…coast batteries; train drill; pontoon drill; engineering; ordnance; and astronomy; and they are also detailed as officers of the guard。 These duties are generally not very difficult nor unpleasant to discharge。 Second; from the nature of the privileges allowed first…classmen; they have more opportunity for pleasure than other cadets; and therefore avoid the rather serious consequences of their monotonous academic military life。 A solitary monotonous life is rather apt to engender a dislike for mankind; and no high sense of honor or respect for women。 I deem these privileges of especial importance; as they enable one to avoid that danger and to cultivate the highest possible regard for women; and those virtues and other Christian attributes of which they are the better exponents。 A soldier is particularly liable to fall into this sans…souci way of looking at life; and those to whom its pleasures; as well as its ills; are largely due。 We are indebted to our fellows for every thing which affects our life as regards its happiness or unhappiness; and this latter misfortune will rarely be ours if we properly appreciate our friends and those who can and will make life less wretched。 To shut one's self up in one's self is merely to trust; or rather to set up; one's own judgment as superior to the world's。  That cannot be; nor can there be happiness in such false views of our organization as being of and for each other。

At this point of the course many of the first…class have attained their majority。 They are men; and in one year more will be officers of the army。 It becomes them; therefore; to lay aside the ordinary student's r?le; and assume a more dignified one; one more in conformity with their age and position。 They leave all cadet r?les; etc。; to the younger classes; and put on the proper dignity of men。

There are for them more privileges。 They are more independentmore like men; and consequently they find another kind of enjoyment in camp than that of the cadet。 It is a general; a proper; a rational sort of pleasure such as one would enjoy at home among relatives or friends; and hence the similarity between first…class camp and furlough。

But it is not thus with all first…classmen。 Many; indeed the majority; are cadet
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