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henry ossian flipper-第20章

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lf to be by far the better way; and I don't think it could well be otherwise。

The one principle which has controlled my conduct while a cadet; and which is apparent throughout my narrative; is briefly this: to find; if possible; for every insult or other offence a reason or motive which is consistent with the character of a gentleman。 Whenever I have been insulted; or any thing has been done or said to me which might have that construction; I have endeavored to find some excuse; some reason for it; which was not founded on prejudice or on baseness of character or any other ungentlemanly attribute; or; in other words; I wanted to prove that it was not done because of my color。 If I could find such a reasonand I have found themI have been disposed not only to overlook the offence; but to forgive and forget it。 Thus there are many cadets who would associate; etc。; were they not restrained by the force of opinion of relatives and friends。 This cringing dependence; this vassalage; this mesmerism we may call it; we all know exists。 Why; many a cadet has openly confessed to me that he did not recognize us because he was afraid of being 〃cut。〃

Again; I find some too high…toned; too punctilious; to recognize me。 I attribute this not to the loftiness of their highnesses nor to prejudice; but to the depth of their ignorance; and of course I forgive and forget。 Others again are so 〃reckless;〃 so 〃don't care〃 disposed; that they treat me as fancy dictates; now friendly; now vacillating; and now inimical。 With these I simply do as the Romans do。 If they are friendly; so am I; if they scorn me; I do not obtrude myself upon them; if they are indifferent; I am indifferent too。

There is a rather remarkable case under this subject which has caused me no little surprise and disappointment。 I refer to those cadets appointed by colored members of Congress。

It was quite natural to expect of them better treatment than of others; and yet if in any thing at all they differed from the former; they were the more reserved and discourteous。 They most 〃severely let me alone。〃 They never associated; nor did they speak; except officially; and then they always spoke in a haughty and insolent manner that was to me most exasperating。 And in one case in particular was this so。 One of those so appointed was the son of the colored Congressman who sent him there; and from him at least good treatment was reasonably expected。 There have been only two such appointments to my knowledge; and it is a singular fact that they were both overbearing; conceited; and by no means popular with their comrades。 The status of one was but little better than my own; and only in that his comrades would speak and associate。 He was not 〃cut;〃 but avoided as much as possible without making the offence too patent。

There was a cadet in the corps with myself who invariably dropped his head whenever our eyes met。 His complexion was any thing but white; his features were rough and homely; and his person almost entirely without symmetry or beauty。 From this singular circumstance and his physique; I draw the conclusion that he was more African than Anglo…Saxon。 Indeed; I once heard as much insinuated by a fellow…cadet; to whom his reply was: 〃It's an honor to be black。〃

Near the close of this chapter I have occason to speak of fear。 There I mean by fear a sort of shrinking demeanor or disposition to accept insults and other petty persecutions as just dues; or to leave them unpunished from actual cowardice; to which fear some have been pleased to attribute my generally good treatment。 This latter fact has been by many; to my personal knowledge; attributed to fear in another quarter; viz。; in the cadets themselves。 It has many times been said to me by persons at West Point and elsewhere: 〃I don't suppose many of those fellows would care to encounter you?〃

This idea was doubtless founded upon my physical proportionsI am six feet one and three…quarter inches high; and weigh one hundred and seventy…five pounds。 In behalf of the corps of cadets I would disclaim any such notions of fear;

First。 Because the conception of the idea is not logical。 I was not the tallest; nor yet the largest man in the corps; nor even did I give any evidence of a disposition to fight or bully others。

Second。 Because I did not come to West Point purposely to 〃go through on my muscle。〃 I am not a fighting character; as the cadetsthose who know mecan well testify。

Third。 Because it is ungenerous to attribute what can result from man's better nature only to such base causes as fear or cowardice。 This seems to be about the only way in which many have endeavored to explain the difference between my life at West Point and that of other colored cadets。 They seem to think that my physique inspired a sort of fear in the cadets; and forced them at least to let me alone; while the former ones; smaller in size; did therefore create no such fear until by persistent retaliation it was shown they were able to defend themselves。

Now this; I think; is the most shallow of all reasoning and entirely unworthy our further notice。

Fourth。 I should be grieved to suppose any one feared me。 It is not my desire to go through life feared by any one。 I can derive no pleasure from any thing which is accorded me through motives of fear。 The grant must be spontaneous and voluntary to give me the most pleasure。 I want nothing; not even recognition; unless it be freely given; hence have I not forced myself upon my comrades。

〃But the sensible Flipper accepted the situation; and proudly refused to intrude himself on the white boys。〃  Atlanta (Ga。) Herald。

Fifth。 Because it is incompatible with the dignity of a 〃cadet and a gentleman〃 for one to fear another。

Sixth。 Because it is positively absurd to suppose that one man of three hundred more or less would be feared by the rest individually and collectively; and no rational being would for an instant entertain any such idea。 There is; however; a single case which may imply fear on the part of the cadet most concerned。 A number of plebes; among them a colored one; were standing on the stoop of barracks。 There were also several cadets standing in the doorway; and a sentinel was posted in the hall。 This latter individual went up to one of the cadets and said to him; 〃Make that nigger out there get his hands around;〃 referring to this plebe mentioned above。

I happened to come down stairs just at that time; and as soon as he uttered those words he turned and saw me。 He hung his head; and in a cowardly manner sneaked off; while the cadets in the door also dispersed with lowered heads。 Was it fear? Verily I know not。 Possibly it was shame。

Again I recall a rather peculiar circumstance which will perhaps sustain this notion of fear on the part of the cadets。 I have on every occasion when I had command over my fellow…cadets in any degree; noticed that they were generally more orderly and more obedient than when this authority was exercised by another。

        Thus whenever I commanded the guard there were very few reports for offences committed by members of the guard。  They have ever been obedient and military。 In camp; when I was first in command of the guard; I had a most orderly guard and a very pleasant tour; and that too; observe; while some of the members of it were plebes and on for the first time。 On all such occasions it is an immemorial custom for the yearlings to interfere with and haze the plebe sentinels。 Not a sentinel was disturbed; not a thing went amiss; and why? Manifestly because it was thought and rightly toothat I would not connive at such interference; and because they feared to attempt it lest they be watched and reported。 Later; however; even this semblance of fear disappeared; and they acted under me precisely as they do under others; because they are convinced that I will not stoop to spy or retaliate。

〃The boys were rather afraid that when he should come to hold the position as officer of the guard that he would swagger over them; but he showed good sense and taste; merely assuming the rank formally and leaving his junior to carry out the duty。〃New York Herald。

And just here it is worthy of notice that the press; in commenting upon my chances of graduating; has never; so far as I know; entertained any doubts of my ability to do so。 It has; on the contrary; expressed the belief that the probability of my graduating depended upon the officers of the Academy; and upon any others who; by influence or otherwise; were connected with the Academy。 Some have even hinted at politics as a possible ground upon which they might drop me。

All such opinions have been created and nurtured by the hostile portion of the press; and; I regret to say; by that part also which ought to have been more friendly; if not more discreet。 No branch of the government is freer from the influences and whims of politicians than the National Military Academy。 Scarcely any paper has considered how the chances of any cadet depended upon himself alone。 The authorities of the Academy are; or have been; officers of the army。 They are; with one or two exceptions; graduates; and therefore; presumably; 〃officers and gentlemen。〃 To transform young men into a like ilk as themselves is t
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