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henry ossian flipper-第26章

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〃Any one conversant with educational matters who has examined the examinations for entrance; or the curriculum of the naval and military academies; will not for a moment believe that their requirements; not as high as those demanded for an ordinary New England high school; and by no means equal in thoroughness; quantity; or quality to that demanded for entrance at Yale; Amherst; Dartmouth; or Brown; are too high or abstruse to be compassed by negroes; some of whom have successfully stood all these; and are now pursuing their studies in the best institutions of the North。

〃No fair…minded man believes that Smith; Napier and Williams; Conyers and McClellan; have had impartial treatment。 The government itself has been remiss in not throwing about them the protection of its authority。 Had these colored boys been students at St。 Cyr; in Paris; or Woolwich; in England; under despotic France and aristocratic England; they would have been treated with that courtesy and justice of which the average white American has no idea。 The South once ruled West Point; much to its detriment in loyalty; however much; by reason of sending boys more than prepared。 It dominated in scholarship。 It seeks to recover the lost ground; and rightly fears to meet on terms of equality in the camp the sons of fathers to whom it refused quarter in the war and butchered in cold blood at Fort Pillow。 We cannot expect the sons to forget the lessons of the sires; but we have a right to demand from the general government the rooting out of all snobbery at West Point; whether it is of that kind which sends poor white boys to Coventry; because they haven't a family name or wealth; or whether it be that smallest; meanest; and shallowest of all aristocraciesthe one founded upon color。

〃If the government is not able to root out these unrepublican seeds in these hot…beds of disloyalty and snobbery; then let Congress shut up the useless and expensive appendages and educate its officers at the colleges of the country; where they may learn lessons in true republican equality and nationality。 The remedy lies with Congress。 A remonstrance at least should be heard from the colored members of Congress; who are insulted whenever a colored boy is ill…treated by the students or the officers of these institutions。 So far from being discouraged by defeats; the unjust treatment meted out to these young men should redouble the efforts of others of their class to carry this new Bastile by storm。 It should lead every colored Congressman to make sure that he either sends a colored applicant or a white one who has not the seeds of snobbery and caste in his soul。 Smith; after four years of torture; comes home; is driven home; because; forsooth; he might attend the ball next year! He is hounded out of the Academy because he would have to be assigned to a white regiment! There are some negroes who feel that their rights in the land of their birth are superior to the prejudices of the enemies of the Union; and who dare to speak and write in behalf of these rights; as their fathers dared to fight for them a very few years ago。

〃Bouchet; under civil rule; enters Yale College the best prepared student of one hundred and thirty freshmen; and all through his course is treated like a gentleman; both by the faculty and the students; men who know what justice means; and have some adequate idea of the true theory of education and gentlemanly conduct。 Two freed boys; from North Carolina and South Carolina; slaves during the war; prepare at the best Northern academics; and enter; without remonstrance; Amherst and Dartmouth。 What divinity; then; hedges West Point and Annapolis? What but the old rebel spirit; which seeks again to control them for use in future rebellions as it did in the past。 The war developed some unwelcome truths with regard to this snobbish and disloyal spirit of our national institutions; and the exploits of some volunteer officers showed that all manhood; bravery; skill; and energy were not contained in West Point or Annapolis; or; if there; did not pertain solely to the petty cliques that aim to give tone to those academies。 It is not for any officer; the creature of the government it is not for any student; the willing ward of that governmentto say who shall enter the national schools and be the recipients of my bounty。 It is the duty of every member of Congress to see that the government sanctions no such spirit; and it becomes every loyal citizen who wishes to avoid the mistakes of the former war to see to it that no class be excluded; and that every boy; once admitted; shall have the strictest justice dealt out to him; a thing which; thus far; has not been done in the case of the colored cadets。

〃The true remedy lies in the feelings and sympathies of the officers of these academies; in the ability and fair investigations of the board of examiners; not from such gentlemen as at present seem to rule these institutions。


This article was taken from some South Carolina paper during the summer of '74。 Its tone is in accordance with the multitude of articles upon the same subject which occurred about the same time; and; like them all; or most of them; is rather farfetched。 It is too broad。 Its denunciations cover too much ground。 They verge upon untruth。

As to Conyers and McClellan at the Naval Academy I know nothing。 Of Napier I know nothing。 Of Smith I prefer to say nothing。 Of Williams I do express the belief that his treatment was impartial and just。 He was regularly and rightly found deficient and duly dismissed。 The article seems to imply that he should not have been 〃found〃 and dismissed simply because he was a negro。 A very shallow reason indeed; and one 〃no fair…minded man〃 will for an instant entertain。

Of four years' life at the Academy; I spent the first with Smith; rooming with him。 During the first half year Williams was also in the corps with us。 The two following years I was alone。 The next and last year of my course I spent with Whittaker; of South Carolina。 I have thus had an opportunity to become acquainted with Smith's conduct and that of the cadets toward him。 Smith had trouble under my own eyes on more than one occasion; and Whittaker* has already received blows in the face; but I have not had so much as an angry word to utter。 There is a reason for all this; and had 〃Niger Nigrorum〃 been better acquainted with it he had never made the blunder he has。

*Johnson Chestnut Whittaker; of Camden; South Carolina; appointed to fill vacancy created by Smith's dismissal; after several white candidates so appointed had failed; entered the Academy in September; 1876。 Shortly after entering he was struck in the face by a young man from Alabama for sneering at him; as he said; while passing by him。 Whittaker immediately reported the affair to the cadet officer of the day; by whose efforts this belligerent Alabama gentleman was brought before a court… martial; tried; found guilty; and suspended for something over six months; thus being compelled to join the next class that entered the Academy。

I cannot venture more on the treatment of colored cadets generally without disregarding the fact that this is purely a narrative of my own treatment and life at West Point。 To go further into that subject would involve much difference of opinion; hard feelings in certain quarters; and would cause a painful and needless controversy。

                      CHAPTER XI。


JULY 1; 1876! Only one year more; and yet how wearily the days come and go! How anxiously we watch them; how eagerly we count them; as they glimmer in the distance; and forget them as they fade! What joyous anticipation; what confident expectation; what hope animates each soul; each heart; each being of us! What encouragement to study this longing; this impatience gives us; as if it hastened the coming finale! And who felt it more than I? Who could feel it more than I? To me it was to be not only an end of study; of discipline; of obedience to the regulations of the Academy; but even an end to isolation; to tacit persecution; to melancholy; to suspense。 It was to be the grand realization of my hopes; the utter; the inevitable defeat of the minions of pride; prejudice; caste。 Nor would such consummation of hopes affect me only; or those around me。 Nay; even I was but the point of 〃primitive disturbance;〃 whence emanates as if from a focus; from a new origin; prayer; friendly and inimical; to be focused again into realization on one side and discomfiture on the other。 My friends; my enemies; centre their hopes on me。 I treat them; one with earnest endeavor for realization; the other with supremest indifference。 They are deviated with varying anxiety on either side; and hence my joy; my gratitude; when I find; July 1; 1876; that I am a first…classman。

A first…classman! The beginning of realization; for had I not distanced all the colored cadets before me? Indeed I had; and that with the greater prospect of ultimate success gave me double cause for rejoicing。

A first…classman! 〃There's something prophetic in it;〃 for behold

〃The country begins to be agitated by the approaching graduation of young Flipper; the colored West Point cadet from Atla
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