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sir nigel-第10章

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in Norman…French; couched in such a style and such a language that
the most involved and foolish of our forms were simplicity itself
compared to those by which the men of the long gown made a mystery
of that which of all things on earth should be the plainest and
the most simple。  Despair fell cold upon Nigel's heart and
blanched the face of the old dame as they listened to the dread
catalogue of claims and suits and issues; questions of peccary and
turbary; of house…bote and fire…bote; which ended by a demand for
all the lands; hereditaments; tenements; messuages and curtilages;
which made up their worldly all。

Nigel; still bound; had been placed with his back against the iron
coffer; whence he heard with dry lips and moist brow this doom of
his house。  Now he broke in on the recital with a vehemence which
made the summoner jump:

〃You shall rue what you have done this night!〃 he cried。  〃Poor as
we are; we have our friends who will not see us wronged; and I
will plead my cause before the King's own majesty at Windsor; that
he; who saw the father die; may know what things are done in his
royal name against the son。  But these matters are to be settled
in course of law in the King's courts; and how will you excuse
yourself for this assault upon my house and person?〃

〃Nay; that is another matter;〃 said the sacrist。  〃The question of
debt may indeed be an affair of a civil court。  But it is a crime
against the law and an act of the Devil; which comes within the
jurisdiction of the Abbey Court of Waverley when you dare to lay
hands upon the summoner or his papers。〃

〃Indeed; he speaks truth;〃 cried the official。  〃I know no blacker

〃Therefore;〃 said the stern monk; 〃it is the order of the holy
father Abbot that you sleep this night in the Abbey cell; and that
to…morrow you be brought before him at the court held in the
chapter…house so that you receive the fit punishment for this and
the many other violent and froward deeds which you have wrought
upon the servants of Holy Church。  Enough is now said; worthy
master summoner。  Archers; remove your prisoner!〃

As Nigel was lifted up by four stout archers; the Dame Ermyntrude
would have rushed to his aid; but the sacrist thrust her back。

〃Stand off; proud woman!  Let the law take its course; and learn
to humble your heart before the power of Holy Church。  Has your
life not taught its lesson; you; whose horn was exalted among the
highest and will soon not have a roof above your gray hairs?
Stand back; I say; lest I lay a curse upon you!〃

The old dame flamed suddenly into white wrath as she stood before
the angry monk: 〃Listen to me while I lay a curse upon you and
yours!〃 she cried as she raised her shriveled arms and blighted
him with her flashing eyes

〃As you have done to the house of Loring; so may God do to you;
until your power is swept from the land of England; and of your
great Abbey of Waverley there is nothing left but a pile of gray
stones in a green meadow!  I see it!  I see it!  With my old eyes
I see it!  From scullion to Abbot and from cellar to tower; may
Waverley and all within it droop and wither from this night on!〃

The monk; hard as he was; quailed before the frantic figure and
the bitter; burning words。  Already the summoner and the archers
with their prisoner were clear of the house。  He turned and with a
clang he shut the heavy door behind him。


The law of the Middle Ages; shrouded as it was in old
Norman…French dialect; and abounding in uncouth and
incomprehensible terms; in deodands and heriots; in infang and
outfang; was a fearsome weapon in the hands of those who knew how
to use it。  It was not for nothing that the first act of the rebel
commoners was to hew off the head of the Lord Chancellor。  In an
age when few knew how to read or to write; these mystic phrases
and intricate forms; with the parchments and seals which were
their outward expression; struck cold terror into hearts which
were steeled against mere physical danger。

Even young Nigel Loring's blithe and elastic spirit was chilled as
he lay that night in the penal cell of Waverley and pondered over
the absolute ruin which threatened his house from a source against
which all his courage was of no avail。  As well take up sword and
shield to defend himself against the black death; as against this
blight of Holy Church。  He was powerless in the grip of the Abbey。
Already they had shorn off a field here and a grove there; and now
in one sweep they would take in the rest; and where then was the
home of the Lorings; and where should Lady Ermyntrude lay her aged
head; or his old retainers; broken and spent; eke out the balance
of their days?  He shivered as he thought of it。

It was very well for him to threaten to carry the matter before
the King; but it was years since royal Edward had heard the name
of Loring; and Nigel knew that the memory of princes was a short
one。  Besides; the Church was the ruling power in the palace as
well as in the cottage; and it was only for very good cause that a
King could be expected to cross the purposes of so high a prelate
as the Abbot of Waverley; as long as they came within the scope of
the law。  Where then was he to look for help?  With the simple and
practical piety of the age; he prayed for the aid of his own
particular saints: of Saint Paul; whose adventures by land and
sea; had always endeared him; of Saint George; who had gained much
honorable advancement from the Dragon; and of Saint Thomas; who
was a gentleman of coat…armor; who would understand and help a
person of gentle blood。  Then; much comforted by his naive orisons
he enjoyed the sleep of youth and health until the entrance of the
lay brother with the bread and small beer; which served as
breakfast; in the morning。

The Abbey court sat in the chapter…house at the canonical hour of
tierce; which was nine in the forenoon。  At all times the function
was a solemn one; even when the culprit might be a villain who was
taken poaching on the Abbey estate; or a chapman who had given
false measure from his biased scales。  But now; when a man of
noble birth was to be tried; the whole legal and ecclesiastical
ceremony was carried out with every detail; grotesque or
impressive; which the full ritual prescribed。  The distant roll of
church music and the slow tolling of the Abbey bell; the white…
robed brethren; two and two; walked thrice round the hall singing
the 〃Benedicite〃 and the 〃Veni; Creator〃 before they settled in
their places at the desks on either side。  Then in turn each high
officer of the Abbey from below upward; the almoner; the lector;
the chaplain; the subprior and the prior; swept to their wonted

Finally there came the grim sacrist; with demure triumph upon his
downcast features; and at his heels Abbot John himself; slow and
dignified; with pompous walk and solemn; composed face; his
iron…beaded rosary swinging from his waist; his breviary in his
hand; and his lips muttering as he hurried through his office for
the day。  He knelt at his high pre…dieu; the brethren; at a signal
from the prior; prostrated themselves upon the floor; and the low
deep voices rolled in prayer; echoed back from the arched and
vaulted roof like the wash of waves from an ocean cavern。  Finally
the monks resumed their seats; there entered clerks in seemly
black with pens and parchment; the red…velveted summoner appeared
to tell his tale; Nigel was led in with archers pressing close
around him; and then; with much calling of old French and much
legal incantation and mystery; the court of the Abbey was open for

It was the sacrist who first advanced to the oaken desk reserved
for the witnesses and expounded in hard; dry; mechanical fashion
the many claims which the House; of Waverley had against the
family of Loring。  Some generations back in return for money
advanced or for spiritual favor received the Loring of the day had
admitted that his estate had certain feudal duties toward the
Abbey。  The sacrist held up the crackling yellow parchment with
swinging leaden seals on which the claim was based。  Amid the
obligations was that of escuage; by which the price of a knight's
fee should be paid every year。  No such price had been paid; nor
had any service been done。  The accumulated years came now to a
greater sum than the fee simple of the estate。  There were other
claims also。  The sacrist called for his books; and with thin;
eager forefinger he tracked them down: dues for this; and tailage
for that; so many shillings this year; and so many marks that one。
Some of it occurred before Nigel was born; some of it when he was
but a child。  The accounts had been checked and certified by the
sergeant of the law。

Nigel listened to the dread recital; and felt like some young stag
who stands at bay with brave pose and heart of fire; but who sees
himself compassed round and knows clearly that there is no escape。
With his bold young face; his steady blue eyes; and the proud
poise of his head; he was a worthy scion of the old house; and the
sun; shining through the high oriel window; and showing up th
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