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sir nigel-第21章

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ever smaller as she approached that lofty point where; a mere
speck in the sky; the heron sought escape from its enemies。  Still
higher and higher the two birds mounted; while the horsemen; their
faces upturned; strained their eyes in their efforts to follow

〃She rings!  She still rings!〃 cried the Bishop。  〃She is above
him!  She has gained her pitch。〃

〃Nay; nay; she is far below;〃 said the King。

〃By my soul; my Lord Bishop is right!〃 cried the Prince。  〃I
believe she is above。  See!  See!  She swoops!〃

〃She binds!  She binds!〃 cried a dozen voices as the two dots
blended suddenly into one。

There could be no doubt that they were falling rapidly; Already
they grew larger to the eye。  Presently the heron disengaged
himself and flapped heavily away; the worse for; that deadly
embrace; while the peregrine; shaking her; plumage; ringed once
more so as to get high above the quarry and deal it a second and
more fatal blow。  The Bishop smiled; for nothing; as it seemed;
could hinder his victory。

〃Thy gold pieces shall be well spent; sire;〃 said he。  〃What is
lost to the Church is gained by the loser。〃

But a most unlooked…for chance deprived the Bishop's altar cloth
of its costly mending。  The King's gerfalcon having struck down a
rook; and finding the sport but tame; bethought herself suddenly
of that noble heron; which she still perceived fluttering over
Crooksbury Heath。  How could she have been so weak as to allow
these silly; chattering rooks to entice her away from that lordly
bird?  Even now it was not too late to atone for her mistake。  In
a great spiral she shot upward until she was over the heron。  But
what was this?  Every fiber of her; from her crest to her deck
feathers; quivered with jealousy and rage at the sight of this
creature; a mere peregrine; who had dared to come between a royal
gerfalcon and her quarry。  With one sweep of her great wings she
shot up until she was above her rival。  The next instant …

〃They crab!  They crab!〃 cried the King; with a roar of laughter;
following them with his eyes as they bustled down through the air。
〃Mend thy own altar…cloths; Bishop。  Not a groat shall you have
from me this journey。  Pull them apart; falconer; lest they do
each other an injury。  And now; masters; let us on; for the sun
sinks toward the west。〃

The two hawks; which had come to the ground interlocked with
clutching talons and ruffled plumes; were torn apart and brought
back bleeding and panting to their perches; while the heron after
its perilous adventure flapped its way heavily onward to settle
safely in the heronry of Waverley。  The cortege; who had scattered
in the excitement of the chase; came together again; and the
journey was once more resumed。

A horseman who had been riding toward them across the moor now
quickened his pace and closed swiftly upon them。  As he came
nearer; the King and the Prince cried out joyously and waved their
hands in greeting。

〃It is good John Chandos!!〃 cried the King。  〃By the rood; John; I
have missed your merry songs this week or more!  Glad I am to see
that you have your citole slung to your back。  Whence come you

〃I come from Tilford; sire; in the hope that I should meet your

〃It was well thought of。  Come; ride here between the Prince and
me; and we will believe that we are back in France with our war
harness on our backs once more。  What is your news; Master John?〃

Chandos' quaint face quivered with suppressed amusement and his
one eye twinkled like a star。  〃Have you had sport; my liege?〃

〃Poor sport; John。  We flew two hawks on the same heron。  They
crabbed; and the bird got free。  But why do you smile so?〃

〃Because I hope to show you better sport ere you come to Tilford。〃

〃For the hawk?  For the hound?〃

〃A nobler sport than either。〃

〃Is this a riddle; John?  What mean you?〃

〃Nay; to tell all would be to spoil all。  I say again that there
is rare sport betwixt here and Tilford; and I beg you; dear lord;
to mend your pace that we make the most of the daylight。〃

Thus adjured; the King set spurs to his horse; and the whole
cavalcade cantered over the heath in the direction which Chandos
showed。  Presently as they came over a slope they saw beneath them
a winding river with an old high…backed bridge across it。  On the
farther side was a village green with a fringe of cottages and one
dark manor house upon the side of the hill。

〃This is Tilford; 〃 said Chandos。  〃Yonder is the house of the

The King's expectations had been aroused and his face showed his

〃Is this the sport that you have promised us; Sir John?  How can
you make good your words?〃

〃I will make them good; my liege。〃

〃Where then is the sport?〃

〃On the high crown of the bridge a rider in armor was seated;
lance in hand; upon a great yellow steed。  Chandos touched the
King's arm and pointed。  〃 That is the sport;〃 said he。


The King looked at the motionless figure; at the little crowd of
hushed expectant rustics beyond the bridge; and finally at the
face of Chandos; which shone with amusement。

〃What is this; John?〃 he asked。

〃You remember Sir Eustace Loring; sire?〃

〃Indeed I could never forget him nor the manner of his death。〃

〃He was a knight errant in his day。〃

〃That indeed he was … none better have I known。〃

〃So is his son Nigel; as fierce a young war…hawk as ever yearned
to use beak and claws; but held fast in the mews up to now。  This
is his trial fight。  There he stands at the bridge…head; as was
the wont in our fathers' time; ready to measure himself against
all comers。〃

Of all Englishmen there was no greater knight errant than the King
himself; and none so steeped in every quaint usage of chivalry; so
that the situation was after his own heart。

〃He is not yet a knight?〃

〃No; sire; only a Squire。〃

〃Then he must bear himself bravely this day if he is to make good
what he has done。  Is it fitting that a young untried Squire
should venture to couch his lance against the best in England?〃

〃He bath given me his cartel and challenge;〃 said Chandos; drawing
a paper from his tunic。  〃Have I your permission; sire; to issue

〃Surely; John; we have no cavalier more versed in the laws of
chivalry than yourself。  You know this young man; and you are
aware how far he is worthy of the high honor which he asks。  Let
us hear his defiance;〃

The knights and squires of the escort; most of whom were veterans
of the French war; had been gazing with interest and some surprise
at the steel…clad figure in front of them。  Now at a call from Sir
Walter Manny they assembled round the spot where the King and
Chandos had halted。  Chandos cleared his throat and read from his

〃‘A tous seigneurs; chevaliers et escuyers;' so it is headed;
gentlemen。  It is a message from the good Squire Nigel Loring of
Tilford; son of Sir Eustace Loring; of honorable memory。  Squire
Loring awaits you in arms; gentlemen; yonder upon the crown of the
old bridge。  Thus says he: ‘For the great desire that I; a most
humble and unworthy Squire; entertain; that I may come to the
knowledge of the noble gentlemen who ride with my royal master; I
now wait on the Bridge of the Way in the hope that some of them
may condescend to do some small deed of arms upon me; or that I
may deliver them from any vow which they may have taken。  This I
say out of no esteem for myself; but solely that I may witness the
noble bearing of these famous cavaliers and admire their skill in
the handling of arms。  Therefore; with the help of Saint George; I
will hold the bridge with sharpened lances against any or all who
may deign to present themselves while daylight lasts。〃

〃What say you to this; gentlemen?〃 asked the King; looking round
with laughing eyes。

〃Truly it is issued in very good form;〃 said the Prince。  〃Neither
Claricieux nor Red Dragon nor any herald that ever wore tabard
could better it。  Did he draw it of his own hand?〃

〃He hath a grim old grandmother who is one of the ancient breed;〃
said Chandos。  〃I doubt not that the Dame Ermyntrude hath drawn a
challenge or two before now。  But hark ye; sire; I would have a
word in your ear … and yours too; most noble Prince。〃

Leading them aside; Chandos whispered some explanations; which
ended by them all three bursting into a shout of laughter。

〃By the rood! no honorable gentleman should be reduced to such
straits;〃 said the King。  〃It behooves me to look to it。  But how
now; gentlemen?  This worthy cavalier still waits his answer。〃

The soldiers had all been buzzing together; but now Walter Manny
turned to the King with the result of their counsel。

〃If it please your majesty;〃 said he; 〃we are of opinion that this
Squire hath exceeded all bounds in desiring to break a spear with
a belted knight ere he has given his proofs。  We do him sufficient
honor if a Squire ride against him; and with your consent I have
chosen my own body…squire; John Widdicombe; to clear the path for
us across the bridge。〃

〃What you say; Walter; is right and fair;〃 said the King。  〃Master
Chandos; you will tell our cha
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